1st Howl

Aug 15, 2011 10:44

[1 - Action - morning at 945 Beulah]

[It's one thing to have a panicked dog. It's something different to have a large panicked wolf. In this case, the orange wolf in question just woke up in a dog house far too small for her. The dog house doesn't survive this encounter, knocked on its side and partially broken as the wolf's hackles are up and ( Read more... )

panic mode go, ic- arf, where's my master?, hoooooooooooooooooowl

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Comments 155

2~ moonspirals August 15 2011, 17:47:43 UTC
[Usagi has been out and about most of the afternoon; she hasn't wanted to spend a whole lot of time by herself lately, and being out and doing things helps. She smiles when she sees the big orange wolf - because despite being just about taller than she is, she doesn't sense anything to be afraid of. She's just going to walk right up and ask...]

Aww, are you lost? I wonder where your owner has gotten off to.


fatefullfriend August 15 2011, 17:56:06 UTC
[Arf freezes, ear turned toward the human girl, before looking over. Oh... This one's treating her like a dog, like the others have. Must be another one of those drones.

...interesting hair style. Fate would look so cute with her hair like that! Not that Arf was capable of doing such things to her master's hair anyways until she could shapeshift again.

Sitting down, Arf decided to give a soft chuff to the girl. She'd learned already it was just easier to play along with this whole being a dog thing with them since none of them listened when she talked to them.]


moonspirals August 15 2011, 18:00:23 UTC
I'm Usagi. It's nice to meet you!

[Sitting down, giving scritches behind the ears, and then it dawns on her. Big orange canine does not automatically equal pet, and hey, she's met talking ponies.]

Now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't have assumed anything. So...maybe it's that you're new and you're looking for people you know? This place is called Mayfield, and it's really weird. They probably stuck you in someone's backyard or something, which isn't very nice. But they stick everyone in weird places and tell them they're someone they're not.


fatefullfriend August 15 2011, 18:09:54 UTC
[Oooooooooooooooo ear scritches. Arf leans into them, tongue lolling out of her mouth.

....oh, the human was talking. She should pay attention, but EAR SCRITCHES.]


thunder_ace August 15 2011, 17:53:40 UTC
[Fate had been preparing to head out when she heard the crash of the breaking dog house, followed by a very familiar howl. Dropping whatever she was doing, she bolts out the front door.]

... Arf?


fatefullfriend August 15 2011, 18:02:05 UTC

Arf's hackles instantly smooth and she jumps down from the house, bounds a few steps toward Fate before suddenly stopping.

Wait. WAIT.

Her head raises and she sniffs the air. It SMELLS like Fate. It SOUNDS like Fate. It LOOKS like Fate (though something was off there that Arf couldn't quite place right then). But it doesn't FEEL like Fate. She couldn't feel anything from this human - nothing that told her this was her master.

Lips peel back to bear fangs and she lunges at the imposter with the intent to knock her down.]


thunder_ace August 15 2011, 18:29:17 UTC
[Fate's reflexes were amazing, thanks to over a decade of military work. But she wasn't prepared for something like this, and how could she be? Arf was her oldest friend, one of the people most dear to her heart. She would never attack her.

Or so Fate thought. Caught off-guard, she takes the full force of the wolf's tackle, slamming straight into the ground. She's stunned for a moment, but she manages to shake it off.]

H-Hey-- Arf! It's me, calm down!


fatefullfriend August 15 2011, 18:36:54 UTC
[Arf shifts so she's standing over this human claiming to be her master, using her bulk to keep her down. Snarling, every muscle in her body is tense, ready to bite her master's face off this... this... whatever it is. Another artificial mage created to infiltrate the TSAB or something worse? Hasn't Fate suffered enough?]

Liar! Did you think your plan would work? No one can fake a familiar's bond to her master. WHO ARE YOU?!


divine_ace August 15 2011, 18:03:07 UTC
[ Nanoha just so happens to be paying Fate a visit today. The fact she pats Fate a visit every day is totally irrelevant. The point is, she notices the familiar and very large and very orange wolf pretty early on in the day. ]



After the above thread with Fate ok? fatefullfriend August 15 2011, 18:06:58 UTC
[Ears flick forward at the familiar voice, her hackles subsiding some. Everything was always better with Nanoha around.]

Nanoha! I'm so glad you're here.


Sure divine_ace August 15 2011, 18:10:16 UTC
I'm happy to see you, too.

[ She walks over to pet Arf. ]

You're probably stuck in that form for now, aren't you?


\o/ fatefullfriend August 15 2011, 18:16:44 UTC
[She leans her shoulder lightly against Nanoha in the wolf equivalent of a hug.]

Yeah... Takes me back to the early days when I hadn't learned to shapeshift. Minor inconvenience. Not like...

[She whines.] I can't feel Fate.


2 emperorsangel August 15 2011, 18:19:34 UTC
[As long as she's okay with giants with wings, we cool. We cool.]

Not much can be said about a skulking animal.


fatefullfriend August 15 2011, 18:22:35 UTC
[Wings = Barrier jacket and/or flight magic to Arf. This isn't anything to be upset about.]

Good thing I'm not an animal or skulking. I'm scouting.


emperorsangel August 15 2011, 18:27:34 UTC
There's no reason to hide, either way.


fatefullfriend August 15 2011, 18:40:02 UTC
I'm starting to learn this. The humans here keep treating me like an Earth dog.


2 notawhale August 16 2011, 01:57:33 UTC
[Have a girl with a paper bag on her head staring curiously at this interloper. From the single hole in the bag, a harsh, red eye stares out curiously.]

...now that's not a normal part of the fauna, I wouldn't think.


fatefullfriend August 16 2011, 02:16:20 UTC
[Arf's just going to stare back.]

Same with you.


notawhale August 16 2011, 03:26:09 UTC
[She blinks in surprise]

You can talk?


fatefullfriend August 16 2011, 03:55:14 UTC
[...aw what the hell. Arf tilts her head quizzically and thumps her tail once.]


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