safety in numbers house/cameron (chase/cameron), pg.
chances are they always blame the survivors. you should know there are no rulebooks either. spoilers for brave heart. 2,302 words.
notes: for
mathhhh, who eons ago gave me the prompt: house/cameron and lost in translation and I finally got around to finishing it properly! enjoy!
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Comments 5
Oh, you. I love this so much. ♥
*hugs Cameron*
I have not commented enough on your marvelous fics lately, and for that I'm sorry. :(
It bothers her that he thinks he knows her.
It bothers me too lol.
I love this. I really do. I love the way you use your familiarity with these characters and canon in a way that still manages to surprise me. And your House is never unlike himself - which is both frustrating and wonderful. Particularly this bit: He wears nothing kind in his gaze, nothing with substance or interest. You describe him, but say so much about Cameron in the process, and its sad and lovely and perfect.
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