Title: we’re busy stealing moments
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Hermione
Word Count: 394
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None. ♥
Summary: Adjustment is strange, aching, and sometimes, too often, it’s just too hard. It’s the two of them, instead of three, and the memories slip in easily. But they make do, they always have.
Author's Notes: For
infiniteskies ♥ who is, by far, the sweetest, kindest, most adorable person in the world. And probably one of the few that I’d return to the scariest place on earth HP fandom for. Also? Dude. JKR? Title? Lame. And no, I don't know where the pr0n went.
if you love
me) distance is mind carefully
luminous with innumerable gnomes
Of complete dream
ee cummings, if i love You
It’s September again. And they’re in France, the memories of smoke and fire kiss her every now and then. It’s been several years, she’s lost count, but it’s time again for them to move and really find their place.
She thinks they’re taking the train for nostalgia, the little bits that they had to leave behind refusing to let go. She doesn’t mind though, she can’t- she misses them too.
“You should sleep,” he murmurs, from across from her, peeking from the glass. She watches his fingers skim the edge of the window and it almost warms her, her craving for detail has never changed. “We’ve got time.”
Her lips part. And he shakes his head, his smile there and then gone.
Adjustment is strange, aching, and sometimes, too often, it’s just too hard. It’s the two of them, instead of three, and the memories slip in easily. But they make do, they always have.
“I’ll sleep when you sleep.”
Harry wrinkles his nose, his glasses slipping slightly. A soft laugh brushes the air- hers- and she still feels like she’s outside all of this, watching, waiting, and expecting something to happen.
“You’re being difficult, Herm-” he pauses, yawns, and dusts his fingers against her thigh as he leans forward. He finishes, plucking her book from her hands and tossing it off to the side. “- ione. I reckon you’re lucky I find it-”
Her lips curl. “Sexy?”
He chuckles and leans back, pulling his glasses off and rubbing his eyes. She watches quietly, sliding to her knees and moving between his legs. Her fingers drift against his shirt, plucking at the hem and then continuing to move.
She studies the gold around her finger, the weightless ease- that she feels like she still doesn’t deserve to have- painting the walls of their compartment. It’s never really clear if the war will ever leave them, but they’re together, bound, and maybe she’ll just keep trying.
Her lips purse and she presses a kiss to his palm, reaching up and sliding his glasses off.
“Sleep,” she murmurs (and doesn’t say: it’s my turn), leaning against his thighs. “I’ll wake you up at the next stop.”
He nods, his shoulders shagging, and she still gets that little ache. But it’s only when he closes his eyes that she lets herself smile and it’s real.
They’re okay.