So I have news...

Oct 07, 2014 22:15

We have sold our house and will be moving interstate in less than three weeks! The 24th we will be moving about 650km to our new home. Neither of us will have a job, and we are gambling that we can pick work up before our savings run out, but excited and happy to be finally moving. Also mildly terrified...Can only hope nothing goes wrong and we don ( Read more... )

pissed off ranting is good for the soul, long winded rambling, oh glorious angst, kim is being random, writing, til the end of the line, warning: pointlessness ahead, who the hell is bucky, #feels!, even when i had nothing i had bucky

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fate_incomplete October 7 2014, 21:45:01 UTC
*squishes* it is very exciting, we made the decision to move at the start of the year, so happy everything is finally happening.

Yeah, they certainly bring the heartbreak. Not sure if I can get ugly tears, but I will try lol. Damn fic is growing legs on me, its already at nearly 5000 words.


digitalwave October 7 2014, 17:03:32 UTC
Congratulations on your move, I hope that new jobs fall quickly into place once it's done.

I'm excited to know there will be new fic coming at some point. That's always something nice to look forward to. :)


fate_incomplete October 7 2014, 21:50:48 UTC
Thanks, its exciting and scary, but hubby and I can't wait for the move.

Haven't been writing much for so long, so I'm excited that there will be fic too lol. This fic has grown plot and legs so might be a couple weeks yet. Have to find time around uni, work and packing. Muse always seems to want to kick in when I'm too busy.


digitalwave October 7 2014, 21:54:54 UTC
No kidding! I completely understand, rl obligations always have to come first. Of course, that when muses like to laugh at us the most, though. :)


fate_incomplete October 7 2014, 22:00:09 UTC
I have been blocked more often than not for nearly two years, its incredibly frustrating. Even more so when I get inspiration when I don't have time to actually get words on paper. Definitely feels like my muse is laughing at me some times. I get very excited when I can actually get words down these days lol.


a_phoenixdragon October 8 2014, 01:14:15 UTC
Ohh, congratulations, lovie!! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!!



fate_incomplete October 8 2014, 01:36:08 UTC
We are both pretty damn excited. You know, I think today is the first time I have felt all light and happy in weeks. Funny how you don't realise how stressed and down you are sometimes till suddenly a happy day comes along. Writing over the weekend felt so damn good which is probably helping too.

Hope things are going better with you hun.

*holds you tight*


a_phoenixdragon October 8 2014, 02:02:10 UTC
I'm rather excited for you!! This is fantastic and such big news and there are nothing but BRIGHT THINGS in your future, sweetie! I can just FEEL it!! And I have every confidence you will find what you need because that LOAD IS OFF and people will feel the awesome, bright, fantastic, energetic person you are and will snap you up in a heartbeat!!

Ohhh, I know that feeling! The weight feeling ever!!

And when the Musie kicks it up a notch?! HEAVEN, BB. *Is thrilled!!*

They'll get there. Not happened yet. But it will...



fate_incomplete October 8 2014, 02:19:12 UTC
It is a big move. Hubby is so excited its rather cute. Can't help the niggling worry over finding jobs, but things will work out.

I just sat down and wrote 2200 words on Sunday. This fic just feels like it is flowing, which is weird cause its my first in this fandom...and that never happens on the first fic. Bucky and Steve just want to speak to me it seems. Bloody Tony Stark does not however, finding him hard to get a handle on. Think Hawkeye will be stepping up for the rescue instead of Tony, Clint apparently has no trouble talking lol.

*builds pillow fort* *searches for cuffs* told you, the hugs are endless...*crackles*


pyjamagurl October 20 2014, 20:40:07 UTC
I'm super late in commenting but congrats!

I wish you guys all the best in your new house and hope you both manage to get jobs pretty quickly!



fate_incomplete October 21 2014, 21:32:31 UTC
*squishes* thanks hun. Just two days till we move now. Feeling pretty damn excited!!!


pyjamagurl October 22 2014, 10:40:01 UTC
*glee* I hope the move goes smoothly!


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