
Sep 15, 2014 11:59

Procrastinating so badly right now, I'm gonna regret it come 11:55pm tonight when I'll have 4 minutes left to finish this uni assignment *facepalm* cannot help myself though....there so much fic to read and all the internets!!! And its all just there, at my finger tips, what's a girl supposed to do ( Read more... )

til the end of the line, who the hell is bucky, kim is being random, even when i had nothing i had bucky, facepalm, what?...i'm so not procrastinating

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Comments 3

a_phoenixdragon September 15 2014, 12:42:02 UTC
Because FIC IS BETTER...

*Loves you*


fate_incomplete September 15 2014, 12:59:03 UTC
Fic is infinitely better!!! Though have been kinda drowning myself in it the last couple of weeks lol. New OTP obsession and all that...

*adores you back*


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fate_incomplete September 16 2014, 03:36:38 UTC
I know!!! And you just can't stop half way through. I don't know how many times I have sat up till 2am reading a fic cause I'm just not capable of putting the damn thing down, than had to go to work on too little sleep *facepalm*

Have read so many Steve/Bucky fics these last two weeks, its kinda ridiculous. Also started writing one on the weekend...they're addictive bastards.


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