Teen Wolf 3.23 Insatiable Thoughts

Mar 19, 2014 23:40

In hind sight, whether by design or accident, Alison's death was the one that would suit the storyline. Chaos. Pain. Losing her affects so many of the others. Scott and Isaac both loved her, she was Lydia's best friend, another death, this time of a friend I am sure Stiles will feel responsible for, and Chris...He has lost everyone he loves now, it will shatter him.

I have been avoiding spoilers and only knew from vague second hand info that one of the main characters were going to die, yet still didn't really expect it to actually be one of the main characters. But the scene with Alison and her dad and the silver arrow, it was going to be one of them...I spent the rest of the episode desperately hoping it wouldn't be Chris. Derek, Stiles and Chris are why I watch this show, throw in Lydia and Isaac and everything is golden. But I always liked Alison and will miss her. I have really loved what they did with her this season, her scenes with her dad, she had grown so much, matured into a strong vibrant character, yet maintained a fragility that made her so interesting.

It was a great episode, if you're going to kill off one of your main characters you had better make it good, and it was a good goodbye. She went out as she lived...strong, brave and fighting.

A few other thoughts...

Chris and Derek need to keep doing scenes together, Derek saving Chris, Chris pleading with possessed Derek not o make him kill him, helping Derek with the twins....yeah I'm down with that. Those two all broken and alone together...yeah, if nothing else had come out of this season besides that I would be happy.

Derek has grown so much this season, he has become a better alpha as a beta. He's had room and time to settle into himself. I frankly still see him as a better alpha than Scott. He will always defend everyone, even if it costs him everything. It's just who he is.

Dylan was creepy as hell this ep, the scenes with Lydia were brilliant. His voice...fuck yeah! It was so nice getting real Stiles again though! I feel like I keep saying it this season, but his acting is phenomenal.

Deputy what's-his-name was 'drawn here'...yeah not suspicious at all.

Is Isaac getting taller?

How the hell are they going to fix Stiles and kill the nogitsune?

And will Stiles and Derek actually be in a scene together in the finale?

teen wolf: this might hurt, oh glorious angst, #feels!, stiles wants a good time, sourwolf

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