Never a right time for us

Mar 01, 2012 21:04

Title: Never a right time for us.
Author: fate_incomplete
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst
Spoilers: None.
Characters: Eleven/Amy, Amy/Rory
Word Count: 4,000
A/N: Written for who_contest prompt - miscalulations
Summary: Eleven and Amy are stuck in the TARDIS for a year after an incident with a super nova. Some things are never meant to be, even in a stolen year together.

Tumbling uncontrolled, splintering time, a scream... )

the girl who waited, bowties are cool, fic, eleven/amy: the romance that'll never be, doctor who: love of the impossible, roranicus pondicus, hyper sexy eleven

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Comments 18

deeremet March 5 2012, 08:01:29 UTC
This story is amazing! I love absolutely everything about it. Your beautiful descriptions of the super nova and the stars are so quietly gorgeous. Your "technical descriptions" make me smile, so very Doctor. But the quiet yearning of the Doctor for something he knows he can't have just makes this so very touching that it leaves such an ache in my chest! I guess maybe all his companions do break his heart in one way or another. This story is just so gorgeous and brilliant and perfect. Thank you so very much for sharing.


fate_incomplete March 5 2012, 12:12:25 UTC
Thank you hun *hugs*

lol the TARDIS wiki is invaluable for the techno descriptions, he always rattles it off so fast and its a lot of fun to write. I really liked the idea of the TARDIS in the center of the nova, and them looking out at it, I'm glad it worked for you. They all do break him in their own ways, it's what makes me love them all so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it hun!


mugma March 5 2012, 18:23:02 UTC
Wow. I don't really read Amy/11, but this one was amazing.


fate_incomplete March 6 2012, 04:29:58 UTC
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.


dancingdragon3 March 8 2012, 02:48:59 UTC
Standing Ovation!

I really liked this, the pacing, the quiet worry and unhappiness of it, how you describe the doctor feeling the flow of time, so many things. Great adventure/problem btw, very smart and like something that could happen in the show. And I loved the last line. Cheers!


fate_incomplete March 8 2012, 09:03:55 UTC
Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


maldeluxx March 13 2012, 17:37:13 UTC
Such a good and refreshing fic! Loved it :) <3<3


fate_incomplete March 14 2012, 07:06:47 UTC
Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it.


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