Fic: Stolen Hearts, Vintage Souls (Fast Fuse/Nathan Barley)

May 21, 2010 14:25

Title: Stolen Hearts, Vintage Souls
Author: thickets
Fandom: Nathan Barley/Mint Royale FF AU
Characters: Dan, Neil!Jones, Claire
Word Count: 1050
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: References to pedophilia
Disclaimer: Nathan Barley belongs to Morris and Brooker, Mint Royale belongs to MR and Edgar Wright, Fast Fuse on loan from eggnogged. :P
Summary: Jones comes to visit Dan ( Read more... )

nathan barley, thickets, crossover, fic

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Comments 3

eggnogged May 21 2010, 18:50:21 UTC
I must reiterate my 'Yayyyyy!' from yesterday. XD

I quite like the idea of Neil running into Dan pretty soon after Jon's arrest, so that Jon is still in the back of his mind, and that's enough to make him take Dan in. :)

Thanks for writing this and posting it here! <3


the_reverand May 21 2010, 21:38:05 UTC
Huzzah for breaking in the comm! :D

And I'm still quite charmed by this!


thieving_gypsy July 10 2010, 11:16:42 UTC
This is INSPIRED. Seriously good job, I loved this crazy amounts. HAHA Neil/Jones/Elliot/whatever is like a fairy godmother poking into people's lives and making them better! GO DAN GO \o/


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