Pancakes For One (PG-13)

Apr 14, 2011 17:14

A/N: I wrote this aaaaaages ago, the beginning of a sequel to Fast Fuse. I don't have a lot of time to write these days, so I don't know when/if I'll finish it, but I thought I might as well share this since I've been sitting on it for months. :) Takes place about 4 months after the end of Fast Fuse. Also, some of you will have seen this already.

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eggnogged, fast fuse sequel

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Comments 15

ftw302 April 15 2011, 00:04:06 UTC

*gets back up* Whew! Well I'm glad you're posting what you have I KNOW YOU HAVE SOME STUFF. lol hobo Jon. Poor Jon. A fisherman's wife.


eggnogged April 15 2011, 04:41:57 UTC
Stayin' home with the kids while his man is away ~earning a living!

Funny you should call him a fisherman's wife cause me and Rev were talking about fisherman!Neil (cos we both really liked the idea of him doing a butch outdoorsy job, hahah), but I really couldn't figure out a way to explain why he would be undercover as a FISHERMAN. XD


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eggnogged April 15 2011, 04:43:47 UTC
:D Thanks for reading!

He'll be home eventually, after some ~adventures! I have most of this plotted out in my head, I just need to sit down and write it. >.>


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eggnogged April 15 2011, 04:45:59 UTC

Oh man, how many times have I wished I could just hand over a binder full of fics instead of a thesis. The depressing part is that more people have read the fics than will ever read the thesis, or even my papers. >.


savanna_says_hi April 15 2011, 00:40:45 UTC
MORE!? This is so fantastic! Although I feel really sorry for both the boys. Also, Pancakes for One is a great song. I listen to it when I feel angsty. XD


eggnogged April 15 2011, 04:47:43 UTC
Thank you! <3

I may or may not already have a full soundtrack for this story, even though I have yet to write most of it. XD


pitpony13 April 15 2011, 02:05:09 UTC
Fast Fuse is one of my favorite fics ever, so I was super excited to see more! I feel so sorry for Jon and Neil! Hopefully you'll eventually have some free time to write again.


eggnogged April 15 2011, 04:56:44 UTC
Thank you! So glad to know that there is at least some interest for this. :) It would kind of suck to leave it like this, so I'll do my best to get it finished eventually!


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