Totally Off-Topic:

Nov 01, 2009 08:14

So I a reader that munches.  Nothing makes me happier in the winter than curling up with a good book, on the heating vent with a blanket, a plate of cookies or grapes and hot tea within arm's reach.  ( I may have mentioned this before.) 

Read more... )

steepster, tea, eating, food

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Comments 4

malana November 9 2009, 00:05:45 UTC
Wow. Bad for the wallet indeed. But thank you so much for linking this site. Especially with the weather getting colder, this is a fantastic resource.


saru_kage November 9 2009, 11:28:27 UTC
I'll have to show that to my dad. He'll probably dig it a lot since he's always trying to get me to try some weird-ass new tea he bought. He is apparently willfully ignorant that my tea drinking pretty much begins and ends with plain green tea. Although I did get some First Flush tea from the Charleston Tea Plantation a while ago that was pretty kick-ass. Kind of like a bitter green, but with a sort of artichokey finish to it. I'd probably drink it all the time except it's seasonal, hard to find, hard to get, and costs almost as much as pot (like $26 an ounce, plus shipping). It was kinda worth it though.


in_lieyw_of November 9 2009, 15:42:59 UTC
Keeping a tea-journal is a bit much for me, but I follow their Twitter account, and it's adorable!


bkworm9 November 20 2009, 05:12:35 UTC
I love Steepster. I haven't written very many reviews (haven't been on the site very long), but I love reading other people's reviews and yes, I'm definitely buying more tea now.

I'll add book blog was bookloversdiary on LJ btw. On Steepster, I'm "notarevolution".


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