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Comments 5

cathubodva August 1 2009, 17:11:29 UTC
I've read a few nonfiction books about nuns lately, and it looks like it's time to make the foray into fiction!


fashion_piranha August 1 2009, 17:19:07 UTC
Having made the foray into fiction, I'd be curious for some nonfiction on nuns. Would you recommend any of the books you read?


cathubodva August 1 2009, 17:23:56 UTC
For starters, here's a list of blogs-by-nuns (not a book, I know, but definitely awesome for nonfiction!).

Most recently I read The Scent of God, a memoir by Beryl Bissell. It's a weird take on nuns because she actually left the order to marry a priest, but still a pretty interesting view on the effect convent life can have on the young psyche.


kilobites August 1 2009, 18:15:17 UTC
I've read most of her other books and found them rather hit or miss on how much I enjoyed them. This one looks like it's worth checking out, though. I don't think I've ever read fiction about nuns, so that will be interesting.


ext_120059 August 2 2009, 22:03:07 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed this one, as I just started it! Nice review!


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