Discussion Question: Do you read every book in a series?

Jun 20, 2013 09:02

Discussion Question: Do you always finish a book series once you've started it?

I've recently finished A Game of Thrones, the first novel in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice series. A more in-depth review will be coming, but for the sake of discussion I'll admit that I didn't exactly fall in love with the book. It's OK - entertaining ( Read more... )

discussion question, books

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Comments 6

muse_books June 20 2013, 16:38:36 UTC
I have to admit I am also something of a completist. Is wasn't an issue with A Song of Ice and Fire as I was enthusiastic about the novels.

Still there are those that I have read (or bought to read) when I've not been keen as storylines/characters went downhill. The Undead series by MaryJanice Davidson for one yet when new one comes out I am always tempted.

I continue to read Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta books despite them not being any where as good as the early ones. Still one change is that now I will tend to get books from the library rather than buy them.


rileyc June 20 2013, 18:45:43 UTC
It's rare for me to quit a series. The more likely thing is that I'll read the first book, not like it, and never return. On occasion, I don't even make it through the first book (that would be the Sookie Stackhouse series). The only series that I once loved only to ultimately give on are the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich.


ninety6tears June 20 2013, 19:25:39 UTC
If I'm not excited about the first book but still get to the end of it, I'll give the next one a try (and so on and so forth). I think they tend to get better the farther you go, at least when they're meant to tell one big story from the beginning rather than just a pile of sequels.


ms_geekette June 20 2013, 22:34:06 UTC
Yeah, usually once I a read a few books in a series, I'll probably eventually finish, although there are several series that I'm behind on - not sure if it's a loss of enthusiasm with these series, or what, though ( ... )


fashion_piranha June 21 2013, 20:09:48 UTC
I'm definitely more of a world-building person - that was what got me through the Iron Fey series - lots of interesting ideas in the world, but it's populated by pretty so-so main characters.


pith June 21 2013, 04:54:29 UTC
If I've only read a couple, I can give it up pretty easily. Once I've read four or more, though, I feel like I ought to finish, even if I stop buying them and get them from the library instead. (I was so happy when the Sookie Stackhouse series was done.)


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