Giveaway: Adventures in the Desert!

Sep 07, 2014 10:00

The Adventures in the Desert Giveaway
choose your own adventure...
I’ve got two books set in the Middle East in the 1920s to give away. One is a high-flying adventure all over the Mediterranean and the other centers on the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Sound like a fun time?

I’m going to draw the names of two lucky winners.  The first winner will get his or her choice between the two titles, with the second winner receiving the other book.  Here are the two books that will be up for grabs:

City of Jasmine by Deanna Raybourn

The Visitors by Sally Beauman

Interested? Here’s how you can enter to win a new adventure:

1. Leave a comment in this entry, but make sure I have a way to contact you!  (If you leave an email address, please use one that you check regularly.  If you're on LJ and don't leave an email, I'll just contact you through the LJ Messaging system.)

2. Go back to my old reviews and comment on them.  Each comment (one per entry) will get you another entry in the drawings.

3. Comment on future reviews as they come out - I update Tuesday, Thursday and at least once on the weekends.

4. Mention this contest in your blog and leave a comment somewhere on
fashion_piranha  with a link so I know that you did.

5. Use that handy 'repost' button below to share this page on your livejournal - it takes less than a second and bam! You've got another entry.

6. Mention this contest on some other public place - Twitter, Facebook, a forum, your website, whatever!  Again, just leave me a link so I know where you did.

7. Add a link to your blog roll / links page / whatever you call it to Fashionista Piranha!

8. If you're on Livejournal, get another entry by friending
fashion_piranha If you're already my friend, then you'll automatically get the entry when you comment here so don't worry about un-friending and then re-friending the journal.

Thank you and good luck!  Entries will be accepted until midnight on September 30th, 2014.

Peeking into the in:
2013: Finders Keepers by Craig Childs
2012: Congratulations to the winners!
2011: Update: Tales of the Tudors Giveaway
2010: News: Wikipedia's 'Iraq War' entry to be published in print, complete with 12K edits
2009: News: Neil Gaiman’s Library on Shelfari
2008: Discussion Topic: It's Not Just Books We Read...


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