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Comments 10

celestedoro November 20 2011, 16:38:40 UTC
miwa: http://youtu.be/MX2Q4rAGwwY
& Nakashima Mika (can't find anything on youtube D:)
(: Beautiful voices.

And maybe perfume: http://dai.ly/urLBIk


farsju November 20 2011, 16:50:07 UTC
Perfume is really not my world (I already know them^^)

I also had the idea about miwa because I like all the songs from her from the dramas. And I think I might like her. Good to hear you think that too ^^
Nakashima Mika - I'll look for her.
Thank you :) ♥


lastingdreams8 November 20 2011, 17:13:06 UTC
Hm....the only female artist I can really recommend is Fukui Mai -Ai no Uta and My Song For You.

Shun's hairstyle in the gif reminds me of when he was filming the Hana Kimi SP; nice :)


13thfaerie November 20 2011, 23:17:16 UTC
Love the gif...I'm also not a huge fan of female groups, so I know how you feel about that. One song that I was surprised by how much I liked it (Kpop, not Jpop/Jrock) is SNSD's "The Boys".


farsju November 22 2011, 08:55:08 UTC
I know some songs by SNSD but K-Pop is K-Pop so.... How should I put it in words ... There are a few songs I like by SNSD but when I start to listen to a whole album it feels like 1. all songs kinda sound the same and more important 2. I don't understand at all what they are singing about. Well, I don't understand a lot of Japanese either but at least a few words ^^'

Meaning: All my K-Pop playlists only include 4-5 songs which means after 20 min I'm done with it. ^^'


farsju November 22 2011, 23:09:13 UTC
whooah .. So I listened to it. I haven't heard anything Korean since the new album by SuJu because I was so shocked about "mr. simple" ... because it makes you waiting for the refrain but there is just no catchy refrain at all.. and after long long long 4 minutes it's finally over and I was like .... my k-pop time was over ... or something (still listening to the few old songs but I don't like this new style at all :/) or are there some others I now kinda missed?


dusk037 November 21 2011, 00:48:16 UTC


hananaki November 21 2011, 19:37:12 UTC
I don't listen to a lot of female singers myself but you should DEFINITELY check Ayaka!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzEXpvI0e4Y (Even though she sopped due to health problems).She also happens to be the wife Of Hiro Mizushima so you may have heard of her.

I also adore Dew.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdeI0wwO6uo
I discovered them by chance, they also have a beautiful album with Christmas songs.

There is also Miho Fukuhara http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9cab0WfiyI ( I love this song so much!!)

If you like ballads, you will also like Misia....
For something more upbeat you could try Koda Kumi or Namie Amuro.


farsju November 22 2011, 09:08:37 UTC
Those are a lot. I should have recognized Ayaka before ... I think I even listened to a song of her before but that time I wasn't willing to open my mind to the female singer-world ..

When the Miho Fukuhara video started it very looked (and kinda sound) like an Alicia Keys video though ... ^^ (I like her :) )

Thank you, I think I have to make a list or something, those are a lot. ^^


hananaki November 27 2011, 17:33:50 UTC

This list lacks of Angela Aki!You should at least listen to this....I always cry listening to this one.


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