It's "just" a CM ... right?

Nov 18, 2011 02:51

.... and I thought I was excited about the new Toyota Doraemon live-action campaign when I heard that Tsumabuki Satoshi is going to play Nobita at 30 years. I watched the first CM part - LOL - he looks FANTASTIC. I didn't care about the rest of the cast. -WRONG ( Read more... )

thoughts, oguri shun, ninomiya kazunari, yamashita tomohisa, tsumabuki satoshi

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Comments 6

hananaki November 18 2011, 08:19:52 UTC
Japan RULES at CMs!!!!
Have you seen any Kimura Gatsby ones???They are all epic...


farsju November 19 2011, 17:27:29 UTC
I only watched a few the last days because you said so - LOL XDDD But I won'tbuy it because I think it's only for men ... or something ^^


dori_liv November 18 2011, 11:57:12 UTC
'Dear Toyota, I must admit, you got me, I'll buy it (oh, wait, don't have the money or the need for a car at the moment' - haha, i think you should stop watching japanese CMs before they take all your money!

I saw the post about the CM yesturday but didn't realise Yamapi was in it. Or Mizukawa Asami for that matter! She's so cute, I've taken a liking to her recently.

I don't really understand the crazy love people have for Pocky. It's nice and all, but essentially its a thin biscuit stick dipped in chocolate (or whatever flavour it is).
erm, what flavour is that Shun is holding? All I can read is the word 'Salty' and I'm hoping thats not actually the flavour haha


farsju November 19 2011, 17:43:55 UTC
I have NO idea how "salty" + chocolate + biscuit might taste like ... that's why I would definitely buy it ^^
And the chocolate doesn't really taste like real chocolate. More like something brown with some sort of chocolate flavor (I ate it when I was on holiday at Thailand ... after one week without any chocolate sweets and that was the only "chocolate" I could find ... okay, actually I just bought it because it was "Pocky" ^^' )

I like Mizukawa Asami, she's not that silly girlish but can still be kinda cute.


dori_liv November 20 2011, 10:19:56 UTC
Where about do you live again? because I live in UK and we sell Pocky here. we even had ads for them lol but i haven't seen any ads recently. still sell them tho. the chocolate and i think hazlenut and probably a couple other flavours.


farsju November 22 2011, 09:15:18 UTC
Germany. I think we have them at some Asia stores but not in any supermarket.... Still I would only buy the Salty-one because I would love to know what that means - Milk Chocolate with salt ?!?! - and you can also eat it with mayonnaise - that's so crazy, I already love it XDD


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