Challenge 009: Hijack Part 2

Jan 28, 2012 22:27

Name of Challenge: Hijack part 2
Type of Contest: graphics

Officer Sun, returning.

I infiltrated the other side, it wasn’t actually that hard, and have returned with intel. The humans left me with these quotes. Our mission is to apply them to images from our own world.

Further Details: Choose a quote and search for a Farscape screencap to go ( Read more... )

challenge 009, graphics

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virkatjol January 29 2012, 04:28:55 UTC

... )


virkatjol January 29 2012, 13:06:31 UTC
I just watched Claudia on SG. I watched most of Season 9 too, but not all of only Ben.. hehe


midknight_starr January 29 2012, 22:11:21 UTC
It's gonna take what will seem like forever for me to get to S8. First will be begging my hubby to get SG1 on netflix, then getting through the first 7 seasons :(


dizzydame January 29 2012, 17:18:28 UTC
Heyyy I recognize that banner...


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