Natural Election: Voting, Round Three

Sep 11, 2011 20:56

Round three!!

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Comments 5

vinegar_dog September 12 2011, 13:47:34 UTC
LOL LOL LOL - Love Ben's head on the sexy body!


allie_sheppard September 12 2011, 16:41:08 UTC
I just asked a friend to vote, but apparently you locked the post so that people who aren't members can't access it :(


dizzydame September 12 2011, 16:59:03 UTC
Whoops, it's unlocked now!


nymeria_55 September 12 2011, 19:56:05 UTC
LMAO on the picture!!!

I *love* Scaper craziness.... :-D


olegscape September 14 2011, 06:23:54 UTC
How in a world does a DRD beat a Scarran? She’d just step on it and not notice. And if Olivia beats Vork then apparently she’s tougher than D’Argo ;)


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