FAQ and Rules

May 23, 2011 17:29

Community Information, FAQ & Rules:
Farscape-land is a team community that is based off of the popular 'LAND' communities such as stargateland, scifiland, whedonland, etc. There are three teams, TEAM MODULE and TEAM PROWLER. We will look at opening a third team beginning phase 2! However, these are just team names you don't need to only focus on that portion of Farscape.

Membership is currently OPEN although you DO need to apply before joining the community. At any given time there will always be something going on and new members can always dive right in! Teams will compete in phases and a winner is announced at the end of each phase. Then the counters all get set to zero and we start it all over again!

Phase 1: July - September
Phase 2: October - December
Phase 3: January - March
Phase 4: April - June

What's Going on Here?
Sig tag? What?
Our Territories
Who's the Pilot around here?
Peacekeepers and other less superior beings must follow rules

Some challenges will be participation-only, others will involve voting (this will be outlined in the challenge itself). All entries to challenges must be newly made for the challenge and be kept anonymous for voting challenges until after the challenge is complete. Points will be allocated at the conclusion of the challenge and team points will be updated in the sidebar of the main comm. Missed a challenge? That's okay, there will be another one along shortly. Challenges are not extended because we want to make room for the next. We'll also periodically have challenges that don't really fit into the categories below, like team challenges.

Unless otherwise stated in the challenge itself, all challenges will have the following points available:

Graphics & Writing: usually run for a couple weeks
participation: 10
voting: 5
if applicable, winners will be awarded: 40, 30, 20, 10, 5 (1st thru 5th place)

Musical Challenges (fanmix/fanvid): longer challenge, depending on complexity
participation: 25 fanvids will be worth 75
voting: 5
if applicable, winners will be awarded: 80, 60, 40, 20, 10 (1st thru 5th place)

Puzzles & Games: usually a shorter challenge, one week or less
participation: 5 or 10, depending on challenge

Social Activities & Gift Giving: random
determined at time of posting

What's a sig tag/team icon and why do I get an extra pont?
Sig tags or TEAM ICONS are a fun way of identifying yourself in any land community. They're mostly for fun and amusement and help YOU show off some of your favorite things about Farscape.

Sig tags should be NO larger then 300x150 pixels. It should include your name and your team name and be posted in the entry with your submission to qualify you for an extra point.

Or you can simply post using an icon (100x100 pixels) that displays your team name.

If a challenge outlines Sig Tag/Team Icon Points (Y/N): says 'Y' then that's when you want to use it. Feel free to use it every time if you like! you won't lose points for posting it.

farscape-land is the main point of operations. It's like PILOT'S DEN. All challenges will be posted here as well as rules, guides and other related community updates. In order to participate in the challenges, members will need to have joined this community.

teammodule | teamprowler
These are our team communities. Members will be assigned to a team upon the acceptance of their application. This is where you will socialize and strategize with your fellow teammates. You also have team leaders who are there to assist you with questions related to what goes on here. Members will not have access to all three. Even if you are a biloid...

While I'm sure there'll be lots of socializing and bonding going on within the teams, this is the place to mix it up with members of other teams. I know it may surprise you, seeing as how there are so many awesome people on YOUR team, but there are really some awesome people on those OTHER two teams as well. I swear!

This is also a place where members can share things they've made for challenges in farscape-land. So, stop by, hang out and chat about ANYTHING - Farscape related or not.

@FarscapeLand on Twitter!
We also have a twitter account! We'll tweet challenge reminders and other event information from time to time! Give us a follow if you want!

Your Peacekeeper High Command:
There is going to be a team of people helping us, I HOPE. But right now there are - dizzydame, maverick0324, and virkatjol. There are Team Pilots too! If you need anything at all you can comment, PM through LJ or shoot me an email @ Farscapeland@gmail.com

Keepers of the Unchartered Territories:
dizzydame | Main Moderator - Writing Challenges
maverick0324 | Main Moderator - Graphics Challenges
virkatjol | Main Moderator - Voting Challenges

Team Leaders:
Team Module: maverick0324 | marieelise0928
Team Prowler: dizzydame | vinegar_dog

Social Directors:

If any mods at the main comm who do not have a team participate in a challenge (hey, we wanna have fun, too) any points earned will be allocated to the team in last place.

1) BE RESPECTFUL. If you wouldn't say it face-to-face, don't say it here. Not everyone is going to agree about characters and plots, but everyone IS going to be respectful of fellow participants here. Flaming or bashing will get you booted faster than Talyn can Starburst!

2) KEEP YOUR LANGUAGE CLEAN. LJ is open to anyone who's at least 13-years-old and so is this community. General challenge entries should remain PG-13. Any R or NC-17 material submitted for non-voting challenges must be labeled as such. Plus Farscape gives us plenty of ~clean swears!

3) PARTICIPATE. In order to give all the teams a fighting chance, members must be willing to participate in at least one activity every two weeks. At the end of each phase, team leaders will assist the hive ships in culling the herd.

4) SPAM ISN'T FREE. Please don't pimp your communities, icons, etc here. This isn't the place for it!

5) READ THE RULES. No points will be awarded to members who haven't followed the rules of a challenge. Time zones may vary depending on the challenge host, use timezonecheck or the world clock to convert to your own time. Challenges will not be extended.

6) SPOILER ALERT. All episodes and Peacekeeper Wars are allowed for use. If you're new to the series (YAY AND WELCOME) you might be spoiled here.

7) GRAPHICS HOSTING. Anonymous hosting for voting challenges has typically been the norm in the past. While this is still preferred, members do not need to upload their entries to an anonymous hosting site unless the challenge specifically calls for it. Use of personal sites or personal hosting accounts is allowed (ie. your own photobucket account).

Still interested? Click here to JOIN A TEAM!
When asked for the password phrase, include a favorite Farscape Episode in your application. This shows that you've read the FAQ & Rules page.

Gotta question? Just ask!! This post will be udpated as necessary and comments are unscreened.

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