Doctor Who 10.12 'The Doctor Falls' Review

Jul 03, 2017 20:32

Doctor Who 10.12 'The Doctor Falls' Review

The 12th and final episode of Series 10, and the second half of the series finale. It is certainly an interesting (if a little confronting in parts, see below, regarding Bill) episode. Is it a good episode? A good finale? To begin with, the sequence on the roof of the hospital was rather good, with the two incarnations of the Master trying to interrogate the Doctor, only to find that the Doctor had one-upped them, by altering the parameters for the Cybermen. It makes for a very tense scene. The Doctor being atttacked by a Cyberman only makes it more so.
The introduction to the farming society on Floor 507 was good also. It helped to get a feel for the characters as it were. However it also leads to the most confronting part of the episode. Bill and the effect of what was done to her on her mind (or the lack thereof). Her perplexity at seeing the reflection of a Cyberman in the mirror was done quite well, as was the following discussion with the Doctor regarding what she had become. It was very moving, almost enough to move one to tears.
The young girl is certainly moved to tears by her. That interaction helps to set up the interaction with the Doctor as noted above. However, there is more to the episode than Bill's problem. There is also the two incarnations of the Master, and how they interact with each other. (Gomez and Simm certainly work well together.) They both help the Doctor find the lifts, but Saxon Master is more likely to follow the beat of his own drum (even if the literal drumming had been removed). The planning for the Cybermen attack (what there is of it), is done well.
Of course, the Masters don't stick around for the actual attack, but the final scene where the two Masters kill each other (although Missy is surprised) is done very well. That Missy would induce the regeneration of her previous self to punish him for running away is believable, as is Saxon Master killing his future self! The Doctor's line to them that it's not about being a hero, but rather about being kind, is a very good line. It certainly suits the Doctor, not just this Doctor, but also the Doctor overall.
There is the contrast between the Doctor and Nardole in the heat of the moment. That Nardole is stronger than the Doctor, seems a bit much, but it's a good send off for that character (even if his situation and that of the children he leads to floor 502 is unresolved). The battle between the Doctor and the Cybermen is well choreographed. But the main resolution involves an unexpected element. Heather! This isn't as much as a cop out as it might seem, given the set up in the first episode, but more on that in the overall series review. Bill gets a good ending (and she may come back.)
Far more interesting is that the Doctor is refusing to regenerate. That is certainly an interesting development. The First Doctor appearing makes for a rather good hook for the Christmas special. Overall a well written, if flawed episode. 8.5/10.

review, the doctor falls, doctor who, series 10

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