The Continuing Trial of david_deacon

Sep 15, 2013 19:08

And boy howdy, is it continuing.

We need a recap. Let me be frank about what he's in for. I could post the criminal complaint here, but I won't because it contains the minor's name and I won't do that. ( Trigger Warning: Sexual Crimes )


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not_hothead_yet September 16 2013, 00:34:24 UTC
I am deleting this comment so he will not see it and get any ideas.
Don't delete it out of your notifications if you want to respond.


farchivist September 16 2013, 01:38:08 UTC
I hope that does not have to come to pass. But the court documents are encouraging; they may be able to get things done on evidence and depositions alone.


theweaselking September 16 2013, 03:31:18 UTC
.... the handwritten pages do kind of suggest he has a point about "no really my lawyer is a shitbag asshole who is bad at lawyer".

I mean, dude could be 100% guilty on all charges and still, his allegations against his counsel are the kind of thing that are relevant and material to his defense.

Luckily, GOOD lawyers keep records and can refute his claims and can resolve this in short time byt clearly showing he's a liar. Because good lawyers record this kind of thing, especially with a fuckwit client.

And bad lawyers?

Fuck bad lawyers. He is ENTITLED to a good lawyer, and if he got a bad lawyer who can't refute those claims? The bad lawyer DESERVES to be raked over the coals and punished, and for the entire process to restart under a good lawyer. Because "You're entitled to a lawyer who doesn't suck" is just about the only good American thing.

If he had a good lawyer and is lying about lawyer? Luckily, his lawyer will have records to contradict him.


etcet September 16 2013, 11:32:23 UTC
I concur, despite being more aware of what a comprehensive shitbag the defendant is than most. If these are legitimate grievances, his public defender sucks.

I have no wish to see the guy walk, but the 6th Amendment is still actually a thing, gutted and dessicated though it may be.

I have a special spot in my heart for shit lawyers; my ex-girlfriend had a shit lawyer when she sued the woman who hit her while she was walking in a crosswalk, and he lost the fucking case despite the other woman who was struck testifying - seriously, how bad a lawyer do you have to be to have three sets of testimony and two sets of medical records and can't prove "your client hit my client with their fucking car in broad daylight"?


farchivist September 17 2013, 01:02:54 UTC
nesmith September 16 2013, 15:23:17 UTC
Exactly what I was thinking; lying shitheel he might be, but if even half of those allegations are true this guy needs to be fired because he's not even attempted to do his job.


amielzbth September 16 2013, 16:01:19 UTC
First I gotta ask, how did you get all this information? Because you are extremely talented at getting info and I am impressed to say the least!

Secondly, I'm not surprised Deacon would try to represent himself. He did that the first time when he got kicked out of college for stalking a girl.


farchivist September 17 2013, 01:04:51 UTC
First I gotta ask, how did you get all this information? Because you are extremely talented at getting info and I am impressed to say the least!

Since all of this started, I have been learning how to pull up information on people on the internet. The ability to dox is....fascinating. And mostly public. In this, I've been keeping track of the filings of his court case number. Nothing really of..nutty interest ever appeared until now.

Secondly, I'm not surprised Deacon would try to represent himself. He did that the first time when he got kicked out of college for stalking a girl.

Yup. I wonder if he'll wear that American flag shirt again.


yelena_r0ssini September 18 2013, 03:30:42 UTC
Not that I want to put down farchivist's skills, which are indeed prodigious, but it took me like 10 minutes on Google to find the full documentation. The jail roster has the court case number and county, and that county (Montgomery, TX) has scans of all court documents listed under case numbers.


farchivist September 18 2013, 03:39:29 UTC
Court case number and link is also on my previous DD post, also.


amielzbth September 17 2013, 16:25:10 UTC
I've been keeping up with a group on Facebook that has information what actually happened. It was a horrible experience for the 16 year old girl and her friend. What Deacon doesn't want to accept is that despite what went down...she was 16. End of story. He has lost the case before they tried him, and he knows it. Which is why he is panicking. The minute someone catches him in his bullshit he gets hostile. That's basically saying "I'm fucked and I know it so I need to scream and shout and pound my chest like an angry gorilla" in his language.

The court system will judge him fairly, but their fair will not be his version "fair".


madra_liath September 17 2013, 20:42:20 UTC
jesus christ deaky is such a fucking nightmare of a human being. I hope he doesn't get released because of his lawyer-firing shenanigans because the first thing he'll do is attack that poor girl.


farchivist September 18 2013, 01:31:14 UTC
He won't get released. His bail is $200K American and he can't front the 10% needed to get it from a bail bondsman. Secondly, as part of the condition of his bail he would have to keep away not only from the defendant, but ALL children and ALL computers. Every bail-lowering motion has so far been denied and there's little chance of it succeeding before the trial date. He's just not getting out. He'll be in lock-up throughout the trial.


madra_liath September 18 2013, 20:43:22 UTC
Well, I hope he doesn't get bail, because I don't think the conditions of his bail would stop him from going after his victim.


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