Welcome to the deepest, murkiest abysses of loonland; this is the area where there is no discussion of the Illuminati’s control over the world, but about whether they are Jews, aliens or lizard men. In a dark pit in this abyss resides the artist and author
Uri Dowbenko.
Dowbenko believes, for instance, that Pat Robertson is a covert Satanist (he is also 33rd degree Mason and notorious proponent of the Satanic agenda for Planet Earth). Now, due to Robertson’s well-established vileness, the idea might not sound so far-fetched. However Dowbenko’s argument isn’t based on that, but rather on a series of obviously allegiance-pleading,
secret hand signals Robertson has been making on several occasions (why exactly he would flash these signals if he were part of the conspiracy is never really explained). George Bush is part of the secret agenda as well (again, the hand signals are the evidence). Arnold Schwarzenegger
too (
this one is a marvelous website, by the way). And also
Clinton and Carter, of course.
He has written, among other things,
Bushwhacked (there is another, more famous book with that title as well) - according to Dowbenko himself has been described as “compelling” and “well sourced, packed with new revelations.” (he doesn’t say by who)) and Hoodwinked, a series of movie reviews that seems to have a tentative grasp of the distinction between
fiction and reality. You can find more info at
this site, which Dowbenko also contributes to. He also founded
this site (turns out that Obama has also been captured showing something like the secret handsign of Pat Robertson).
A collection of articles is
Diagnosis: Batshit insane tinfoilhatter, who is lacking any capacity whatsoever to rationally evaluate evidence, reasons and arguments. He is probably harmless, though, and rather entertaining.