FIC: Brothers in Arms (Boromir, Faramir)

May 20, 2009 10:21

Title: Brothers in Arms
Author: Galadriel (caras_galadhon)
Pairing: Boromir, Faramir
Rating: G
Archive: Lothlorien and sons_of_gondor.
Feedback: Keeps the Stewards of Gondor happy.
Disclaimer: New Line Cinema holds the rights to the movie. J.R.R. Tolkien created and his descendants own all things Middle Earth, and I'm moving there as soon as I can get a reasonably priced apartment in Gondor.
Summary: Brothers in arms and blood are not necessarily brothers in thought.
Notes: As I've been wandering down memory lane, I thought I'd share another story I'd never posted to LJ before. I wrote this piece for Boromir Day (September 5th, 2002) over at the [now defunct] Fan Club boards. Eru help me, my obsession with Boromir does not diminish over time. ^_^

("'Mir?" Faramir swung his legs aimlessly as he perched on the gate...)


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