Will you love me? - Part 6

Oct 03, 2021 17:26

Ohno Satoshi is an idiot!

Why did his stupid ex-boyfriend appear right before his date with Jun? And he even begged Nino to come back. What’s with him? Why was he trying to make things complicated?

Nino let out a sigh. That was a lie. Even if Ohno didn’t show up, he would still be thinking about the man. It wasn’t that easy to move on. He may not be as awful as before. That was all thanks to Aiba. But, that didn’t mean the man was no longer in his heart. Most likely, he would be comparing Jun and Ohno. That would be unfair, right?

Nino shook his head. He shouldn’t be thinking about Ohno right now. He had promised Jun a date so his attention should be on him. Nino turned to look at Jun who was buying popcorn and drinks. They were going to watch a movie tonight. Well, at least, it wasn’t a fancy date as he feared. Jun’s personality made him think that the man would make him go somewhere elegant. But, maybe Nino didn’t truly know Jun, only what he showed in the office. Turns out, Jun could also go on a normal casual date, the same one Nino usually had with Ohno.

Another sigh. Ohno Satoshi, why was he in his mind once again, Nino wondered. Please… just let him go through this date without thinking about Ohno… please, just this once, please!

“Here you go,” Jun appeared, handing the snacks to him. “Are you ready?”

Jun extended his hand and Nino could only blink. What was Jun trying to do?

Ah… Nino realized it a little too late when Jun withdrew the hand, his face turned red. Jun wanted to hold his hand.

"Sorry," The boss apologized. "I didn't mean to make things awkward between us,"

"It's my fault," Nino countered. "It's just… I'm not used to holding hands with people,"

Jun tilted his head. An amused smile was on his face, making Nino wonder what the smile meant. But, before he could say anything to ask Jun about it, the man quickly beckoned Nino to follow him.

“Let’s just watch this movie, okay?”

“So, do you enjoy it?”

Jun asked as the two of them walked out of the theatre. Nino nodded his head, smiling. The movie was fun. At first glance, it looked like a simple movie. But, there was a twist here and there so he had to think about the real mastermind. Thank goodness, the movie had a good conclusion. If not, it would be a waste.

“Well, I have to thank Toma, then,” muttered Jun and Nino couldn’t hide his surprise. Did Jun tell Toma about the date?

“Toma knows?”

Jun responded with a chuckle, seeming happy to see Nino flabbergasted.

“Hmm… maybe,”

Nino rolled his eyes, feeling slightly annoyed by Jun’s ambiguous answer. Why wouldn’t he just answer it straightly? Wouldn’t that be easier? This was so not the Jun that Nino knew. In the office, there’s no way Jun would kid around like this.

Nino was startled when Jun suddenly flicked his nose. He blinked his eyes. Was Jun always like this in private?

“Sorry,” Jun said, perhaps noticing the uneasy look that Nino gave him. “Is it too much? I don’t mean to do that. I was just trying to get your attention. I asked what do you want to eat for dinner but you didn’t answer me. You kept staring at me like you wanted to eat me. I don’t mind, though,”

The last sentence was barely audible because Jun was mumbling. But Nino could still hear it. His eyes went wide, couldn’t believe what he just heard. What did Jun mean by that? Nino didn’t understand.

Okay, it was a lie. He knew what it meant. But, he wasn’t sure if what he thought was what Jun meant. It was so not like Jun to say something like that!

“Sorry, did you hear what I say?” Jun asked. His face was red. “Do I sound like a pervert? I mean… well… you know my feelings for you… and when you stare at me like that… it makes me excited,”

“It’s weird,” admitted Nino. “I’m not used to it,”

“Really?” said Jun, sounding surprised. “You’re attractive. I’m sure you get hit on sometimes,”

Nino shook his head. It’s been a while since someone flirted with him that he almost forgot about the feelings. Back then, he was quite popular so yes, people always looked at him. He didn’t like the attention so he usually ignored it. But, ever since he dated Ohno, no one ever treated him like that anymore. Did he get uglier, perhaps?

“Well… maybe it’s because of Ohno-san,” Jun suddenly said.


“Well… Remember the first time I met Ohno-san?”

Nino nodded. Of course, he remembered. It was the day he broke up with Ohno.

“The look he gave me at that time… he looked scary. I bet that whenever he’s with you, he gives the same look at people who are trying to hit on you,”

Nino could only frown. What was Jun talking about? Ohno looked scary… what kind of look did Ohno give to other people whenever they were together? Didn’t he always look sleepy?

“May I ask you something?” queried Jun when Nino stayed silent.


“Has it ever occurred to you… that… you are wrong about Ohno-san's feelings for you?"

Nino blinked upon hearing the question. He wasn’t sure if he heard the question correctly. If he was, what did Jun mean by that? Why would he be wrong about Ohno’s feelings? That’s the thing he was most certain about. Ohno wouldn’t love him no matter what he tried.

As Nino tried to find an appropriate response without being rude, Jun took a deep breath. Taking advantage of Nino’s silence, he added.

“I think he loves you,”

This time, Nino couldn’t hold it any longer. Jun had no right to talk about this. The man knew nothing about Ohno. How would he know anything about Ohno’s true feelings?

“What is wrong with you?” Nino finally snapped, not caring that he was being rude and this might cost him his job. “This is our date, right? Why are we talking about him?”

People started to look at them. But, Nino didn’t care. He was too overwhelmed by his feelings right now. Nothing could stop him from venting.

“You are wrong about Ohchan, Matsumoto-san!” cried Nino. Great! Now, he had tears flowing from his eyes.  “He doesn’t love me and he will never love me. I’ve tried everything to make him love me. But, nothing works. And, now, you’re telling me the most ridiculous thing ever. What is wrong with you? Are you trying to make fun of me? Congratulations. You did well. I’m once again feeling miserable,”


Nino didn’t want to listen to anything. He was embarrassed to lose control of himself in public. Indeed, he hadn’t fully moved on from Ohno. But, he had made some progress, thanks to Aiba. And, now… everything was futile just because of the stupid thing Jun said.

“This date is over. I’m going home,”

Nino tried to walk away but Jun seized his hand and brought him to a restroom. Nino struggled to break free from his grip since Jun was way stronger than him.

“You know what? You should let people talk…let people explain themselves,” said Jun, finally letting go of him now that they were alone. "It's true. I don't know enough about you and Ohno-san. But, I know one thing. You two don't know how to communicate,"

Nino rolled his eyes. Jun was an outsider and yet, he was bold enough to make such a statement. Yes, Nino and Ohno didn't communicate. But, it was hard to do so when Ohno kept ignoring him.

"I talk…" countered Nino. "But, how can you talk to someone when he doesn't want to listen to you?"

"Really?  So, what do you usually tell him?"

"It's none of your business. Just let me go home, okay,"

Jun let out a sigh, trying to calm himself. "Look, I know I have no right to interfere. But… Can you listen to me just once? It's just an opinion from an outsider,"

Nino simply shrugged him off. He knew Jun would keep on talking even if he said no.

"So… from what I heard… you know, on the night you broke up with him… there was another girl before you, right?"

"Yes!" Answered Nino. "Her name is Minami. Ohchan was just using me to forget her. That night, he brought me to the restaurant to make her jealous,"

"But, that's just your assumption, right?"

Nino frowned, waiting for Jun to elaborate.

"What if it was just a coincidence? What if Ohno-san didn't know his ex-girlfriend would be there?" Asked Jun.

Nino scratched his head, not wanting to admit that Jun could be right. Of course, he had thought about it. But, Ohno was way too weird that night. It couldn't be a coincidence. It must be a plan. Nino just… he couldn't shake the thoughts away.

"The thing is… you will never know the truth unless you let him explain. If he indeed plans for it, I will beat him for you," Good, another person wanted to beat Ohno. Maybe he should make a list. "But, if he's not… you are throwing away your chance for happiness,"

Nino pondered it for a moment. Indeed, it made sense. Nino could be wrong about what happened that night. But, when he thought of how Ohno treated him all these times…

"He wants you back, right? It could mean something. Maybe he realized his mistake. Maybe he doesn't. But, I think you should talk to him first before you decide anything. Trust me, it will make you feel better. And…"

Jun suddenly paused. He looked around as if he wasn't sure if he should continue or not.

"What is it?"

"Hmm…. About what you said when we were in the car…"

Nino tried to recall. Jun drove him to the movie theatre and the car ride was pretty much quiet. The only sound came from the songs that Jun played. But, he remembered thanking Jun for accompanying him home the night he broke up with Ohno. Jun simply smiled at him.

"It wasn't me. It was Ohno-san,"


"I walked with you to the train station. I thought of following you home to make sure you are safe. But, I didn't do it because Ohno-san was there to look after you. You see… I don't know what his true feelings are. But, I can see that he cares about you,"

"Shouldn't this be our date?" Nino suddenly asked. He just wanted to change the topic. Jun kept talking about Ohno and he didn’t like it. "Aren't you trying to win my heart? So, why are you doing this?"

Jun gave him a weak smile.

"I love you so I want you to be happy. This date… I do hope it will make you feel something for me. But, when I saw Ohno-san on your doorstep, begging for another chance, I just… hmm… well… I couldn't enjoy this date. I keep thinking that the two of you still have unresolved issues. So, I just want you to talk with him first,"


"I know this date is my idea. I really thought it would go well but… I was wrong. I shouldn't take advantage of your situation,"


"He was waiting for you outside the building on the day you got home early from work. I asked him to go home. He came again the next day. But, you came early. That's why you didn't see him. I'm sure he wants to tell you something. Why don't you give him a chance to explain?"

Nino had been wandering around for hours. Jun had offered to send him home but he rejected it, giving an excuse that he needed fresh air to think. And, so he ended up walking aimlessly with no destination. He didn’t know where he should go. Or what he should do. The things that Jun had revealed to him… The things about Ohno… man, he didn’t know what to think about it. Was Jun telling him the truth? Did Ohno really come to the office to see him? Jun had no reason to lie but Ohno… It was hard to believe that Ohno cared for him.

He lifted his face, realizing that he was standing in front of the hospital where Aiba worked. It wasn’t a surprise. He was confused. So, his mind and heart brought him to this hospital so that he could talk to Aiba, a friend who could help him get through this.

Without thinking, he entered the hospital. It was wrong to disturb Aiba when the man was working. But, he didn’t have anyone else he could trust. Only Aiba.

However, to his surprise, Aiba wasn’t in the hospital. Yes, his friend should be working the night shift today. But, he was sent home because he was unwell. Hearing that, Nino hurried to his apartment. Was Aiba okay? Nino hoped it wasn't serious. His personal problem should be forgotten for a while. He should be taking care of Aiba so that his friend would recover fast.

On the way home, Nino bought porridge and fruits for Aiba, worrying that his friend hadn't eaten yet. He went to his house first, searching for Aiba's house key. Aiba must be resting. If he rang Aiba's bell, it would trouble the man to open the door for Nino.

He unlocked the door, expecting to see Aiba lying on the couch alone. However, what he saw was a surprise to him. Aiba wasn't alone. Two other men were with him and they were familiar to Nino. They didn't notice Nino, too engrossed in the conversation.

"You are right. I am in love with Nino,"

Nino gasped, surprised by what he heard. Those words… he didn't expect to hear it. Not from one of the guests. Did he really mean it? Nino had been waiting to hear it for a long time. And he never thought the man would say it.

Too surprised by what he heard, he let go of the food and the key in his hands. The sound alarmed the other men of his presence. One of them quickly stood up upon seeing him and dashed towards Nino.

The event that happened next was too fast and blurry. Nino wasn't sure if he remembered it correctly. But, Aiba's guest… the man who had just said he loved Nino… the man whose name was Ohno Satoshi… hugged him tightly. After a minute or so, Ohno lifted Nino's face so that they would look at each other.

"Nino, I love you,"

The man, then, leaned forward and put a kiss on his lips. And, as it was something that Nino had been craving for so long, he found himself responding to the kiss.

A/N: I'm not sure what to think of this part. I hope it isn't weird.

ohmiya, will you love me, fanfic

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