The Boss & The Secretary - Without Ohchan Part 1

Apr 30, 2021 23:21

Summary: Ohno had to go for a business meeting in South Korea but Nino couldn't follow him.

Nino checked his reflection on the mirror. It was different from what he had seen a year ago. Gone already the scrawny, unhappy man. Yes, he was still considered skinny but at least, he was healthier now. And, he was happy. Happy to be with the person he loved the most in the entire world.

He glanced at the middle section of his body where he had changed the most. His belly was swollen but it wasn’t because he was sick. No! It was swollen because he was pregnant. And, soon, he would meet the baby. The proof of his love and Ohno.

“Hello, baby,” He rubbed the belly, feeling content. “I cannot wait to see you,”

“Me too,” said a familiar voice behind him. Ohno wrapped his arms around Nino’s waist and then pulled him closer. Nino smiled at his boyfriend before pressing a kiss on Ohno’s lips.

“Good morning, Ohchan,” Greeted Nino. “Are you ready?”

“To part with you?” said Ohno, looking gloomy. “Never,”

Nino smiled weakly at his boyfriend. For the first time in their relationship, they won’t be sleeping together tonight. He won't be able to cuddle with Ohno before sleep because both Ohno and Sho would be going to South Korea today for a business trip and would only return tomorrow. And, Nino couldn’t follow him because of his doctor’s appointment. It could be rescheduled but he didn’t want to travel with Ohno while he is pregnant. What if he got sick when he was there? More than anything, Nino didn’t want to trouble Ohno. The man had work to do and having Nino with him would only distract Ohno from working properly.

“Will you be okay without me, Cutie?”

“Only for one night, Ohchan,” said Nino, trying to reassure his boyfriend. Truth be told, he didn’t know if he could survive without Ohno tonight. What if his nightmare returns? Ohno won’t be here to calm him.

But, this meeting is important. So, they had no choice. He shouldn’t be selfish and let Ohno go. Only one day. Everything would be okay, he tried to assure himself.

“Are you sure? If you are afraid, I can…”

“I will,” answered Nino, hiding his worry. He didn’t want Ohno to cancel the meeting for him. “You don’t have to worry about me, okay? Just do your work and then return to me tomorrow. I will be here waiting for you,”

Ohno didn’t seem to agree. He was about to open his mouth, ready to object but Nino silenced him with a kiss. Ohno was startled at first, surprised with the sudden action. But, it didn’t take long for him to lead the kiss, giving Nino one of the best kisses they ever shared.

“Cutie Kazu is naughty,” Ohno smirked, flicking Nino’s nose. “You always know how to shut me up,”

Nino smiled at the man. “Let’s get ready. Nagase-san will be here soon,”

As planned, Nagase would bring the two of them to the airport. And, then, the bodyguard would accompany Nino to the hospital.

Ohno sighed, glancing at the clock. “All right. But, are you sure you will be okay?”

“Yes, I will. Aiba-chan will sleep here tonight. So, you should relax and don’t worry about me. Focus on your work,”

“It will be hard to focus,” Ohno pouted. “But, I will do my best. And, you… please take good care of yourself, okay?”

“Yes, honey. I will,”

“Don’t worry, Ninomiya-san. Everything's okay. The baby is healthy,” informed Yukiko once she completed the examination on Nino.

“Are you sure?”

Nino chuckled, noticing the amused smile on Yukiko’s face. The question came from Jun. Nino met him at the airport and when he found out that Nino would be going to see a doctor, he insisted that Nino let him come too since he didn’t have anything scheduled for today. Knowing the man won’t take no as an answer, Nino simply agreed. However, unlike Nagase who waited for Nino outside the room, Jun had shamelessly followed him inside to oversee the examination, acting as if he is Nino’s partner.

“Yes, I’m sure. Ninomiya-san is fine,” answered Yukiko. “Ohno-san must be taking good care of you, right?”

Nino nodded. It’s true. Ohno had been wonderful in taking care of Nino during his pregnancy by ensuring he got plenty of rest. He would be strict whenever Nino refused to eat.

“I’m surprised that he didn’t come today. He never misses your appointment before. Is he busy?”

“Yes, he has a business meeting in South Korea,” answered Nino while Jun remained silent. He simply listened intently to the conversation that Nino had with Yukiko.

“Oh, when will he get back?”

“Tomorrow afternoon,” said Nino, glancing at his watch. “Is there anything else? If not, may I go now?”

“I don’t think so,” answered Yukiko. “Please take a lot of rest, Ninomiya-san. Don’t overwork, okay? I will see you for your next check-up,”

Nino nodded and stood up with Jun helping him. The two of them headed outside where Nagase was waiting for them.

“How is your check-up, Ninomiya-san?” Nagase hurried towards them.

“Don’t worry. Everything is okay,” said Nino, smiling. “Nagase-san, do you mind bringing me to the office? I have work to do,”

"Sure," answered Nagase, sounding reluctant. Jun, on the other hand, looked at him disapprovingly.

"I thought you were taking a day off," grunted Jun. "So, why are you going to the office?"

Nino sighed. Indeed, he had promised Ohno that he would not be working after the check-up. But, if he didn't go to work, what would he do? If he stayed at home, it would only remind him of Ohno. So, he had to work as a distraction from thinking about his boyfriend. Not to forget, Aiba would also be at work so he won't feel alone.

"Yes…" Nino drawled.

Jun rolled his eyes, waiting for him to elaborate.

"But, I cannot let Aiba do all my work," mumbled Nino, pouting. It wasn't a lie. He felt bad that Aiba always had to cover for him. When he went for the training… when he had to stay at home during his early pregnancy… see, Aiba always helped him with work.

Nino opened his mouth and was about to justify his action to Jun when he felt his phone in the pocket vibrated. He took it out, smiling to see a text from Ohno. Without saying anything, he headed towards the exit. Jun and Nagase followed behind.

Are you done, Cutie?

Can I call you?

Nino replied to the text, telling Ohno that he had finished his check-up. Seeing his reply, Ohno didn't waste any second and immediately called him right when he arrived at the car.

"Hello, Ohchan," said Nino as he entered the car. Jun and Nagase followed suit. "I miss you,"

“I miss you too, Cutie,” said Ohno, chuckling. Oh, how much he missed the sound of Ohno’s voice. He wanted to cry when he heard it. It had been a few hours only. But, why did it feel as if they hadn’t seen each other for years? “How’s your check-up?”

“It was fine,” informed Nino, trying to keep his voice steady. “Yukiko-san said I am healthy because you take good care of me,”

"Of course, I will take good care of you. You are my Cutie. And, all I want to do is cherish you," said Ohno. Nino could sense his boyfriend was also having a hard time being away from him from his voice. “Are you at home or still at the hospital?”

“Still in the hospital,” answered Nino. He noticed Nagase hadn’t started driving yet. Perhaps he was waiting for confirmation from Nino about the destination. He may think that Nino might change his mind about going to the office after talking with Ohno.

“Ohchan…” Nino began. “Since I finished the check-up early, can I go to work?”

“Sure, if that’s what you want,” allowed Ohno. His tone indicated that he understood why Nino decided to go to work. “But, remember…”

“... to take a rest when I am tired,” Nino said at the same time as Ohno and the two of them laughed. He loved that the two of them could finish each other's sentences.

“Gosh, how I wish you were here, Cutie,” said Ohno, sighing. “Sorry, I have to go now. Sho-chan is glaring at me. I will call you again,”

“Okay. Love you, Ohchan,”

“Love you too, Cutie,”

Nino smiled and ended the call. He looked at Nagase and said. “To the office, please,”

Nagase simply nodded and started driving without protest, unlike Jun, who gave Nino a disapproving look. But, Nino merely ignored him.

“Nino-chan, time to go home,” announced Aiba, causing Nino to lift his head from the data that he was checking. He glanced at the clock on the wall, sighing in relief to see it’s almost six PM.

“A moment, please,” said Nino, returning his gaze to the computer.

“Nope,” said Jun. “Stop working and let’s go home,”

Nino stuck his tongue out at Jun. “I know. But, just let me make a few notes for what I have to do tomorrow,”

Jun only pursed his lips but he had stopped complaining. Both Nagase and Jun had stayed in the office, waiting for Nino to finish his work. Being a bodyguard, Nagase didn’t talk much. He merely looked around, making sure Nino was comfortable. Jun, on the other hand, kept nagging at Nino. Of course, Nino understood he meant well. Still… it’s annoying. Thankfully, he only did that for an hour or so as he ended up sleeping while Nino was working.

“Okay! Done! Let’s…”

Before Nino could finish his words, his phone rang and he immediately took it, praying it was from Ohno. The man had called him two hours ago, right after his meeting. However, they could only talk for a few minutes because Ohno had another meeting to attend after that.

Nino sighed. The call wasn’t from his boyfriend. It was from Mrs Ohno. He quickly answered the call, wondering why the woman called him.

“Hello, Mama,” greeted Nino.

“Awh, you sound disappointed,” said Mrs Ohno. “Are you waiting for Satoshi’s call?”

Nino could feel his cheeks flushed. Was it obvious? He didn’t mean it.

“I’m sorry,”

“It’s okay, Kazunari. You have nothing to apologize for. I know you miss him,” said Mrs Ohno gently.

Nino smiled in gratitude. He was lucky to have Mrs Ohno in his life. She always treated him nicely and made him feel welcome in the family.

“Anyway, I’m going to your house in an hour,” informed Mrs Ohno and Nino couldn’t help but feel surprised. “Satoshi isn’t home, right? So, I’m going to make dinner for you. Tell me what you want and I will make it for you,”

“Eh? There’s no need, Mama. I don’t want to trouble you,”

“What nonsense is this?” She laughed. “It’s no trouble, Kazunari. You’re my son. I want to make sure you eat properly. Or, do you hate my cooking?”

“Of course not!” exclaimed Nino. Mrs Ohno is the best cook he has ever known. “I just don’t want to trouble you,”

“You’re not troubling me, Kazunari,” She insisted once again. “So, tell me. What do you want for dinner tonight?”

“Anything, Mama. I don’t have any preferences,”

“Don’t lie. There must be something you want to eat tonight,” said Mrs Ohno, trying to sound stern. “So, tell me, okay,”

Nino took a deep breath. Indeed, there was something he wanted to eat but he didn’t want to trouble her.

“Hmm… katsudon, Mama… if that’s okay with you,” Nino finally said after contemplating for a while.

“No need to worry, okay, Kazunari?” said Mrs Ohno. “I will go buy the ingredients with Mina first. We will be there in an hour,”

“Okay, thank you, Mama,” said Nino shyly. “Ah… I have a few friends with me. They will keep me company tonight,”

“Oh good,” said Mrs Ohno, sighing in relief. “I was worried that Satoshi will leave you alone,”

“He won’t do that, Mama,”

“Well, it’s good to know you will not be alone tonight. If not, I will reprimand Satoshi,” said Mrs Ohno. “So, I see you in an hour, okay?”

“Okay. See you soon. And, thanks again… for the dinner,”

And, then, they ended the call.

“Awh, that’s cute!” said Aiba, clasping his hands together with a dreamy look on his face. Nino lowered his head, feeling embarrassed that all three of them had watched his interaction with Mrs Ohno.

“Let’s go now,” urged Nino. “Mama will come soon. She’s going to make dinner for us,”

“Well…” Jun started. “Since she’s going to make dinner, I will make dessert for you. What do you want?”

“I want bread pudding,” Aiba answered in his stead.

“Not you, baka,” said Jun. His hand was quick to hit Aiba on the head. “I’m asking Nino,”

“Ouch!” Aiba exclaimed, pouting. “You don’t have to hit me. You don’t mention anyone so I thought you ask all of us,”

“Why would I cook for you? You’re not pregnant,” countered Jun.

“Fine. But if I get pregnant, you will make a bread pudding for me,”

“Sure. But you have to get pregnant first. And that would be the only thing I make for you,”

Nino watched the exchange with a smile on his face while Nagase only kept a straight face. The bodyguard barely showed any emotions but Nino could see he also found the bantering between Jun and Aiba amusing.

“So, what do you want to eat for desserts tonight?”

Nino blinked in surprise when the attention was once again on him. Jun stared at him intently, waiting for an answer. It was weird, he thought. Back then, when they were still in high school, Jun often bullied him. But, now, the man offered to cook for him. His young self would find this difficult to believe.

“It’s okay, I don’t need a dessert,” Nino rejected the offer politely. He glanced at Aiba, noticing the pout on his friend’s face. “But… since Aiba requested for a bread pudding, I don’t mind helping you with that,”

“Not a chance,” snorted Jun. “You’re pregnant so you should rest. I can make the pudding but Aiba has to help me,”

“Okay,” Aiba readily agreed with a wide smile on his face.

“Well, I guess we should go now,” said Nino and the others nodded in agreement.

A/N: I want to make it fit in only one part. But, it ended up longer than I expected. So, I divide it into the second part. But, I will update the second part later because I haven't finished it yet.
Anyway, Kazu's birthday soon. Any suggestion on what to write for his birthday?
I hope this is okay. Please let me know what you think of it. It will be very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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