The Boss & The Secretary - Craving

Mar 17, 2021 00:17

“Cutie, are you okay?” Ohno asked when Nino put down his spoon.

It was 3 PM and they finally had their lunch in the pantry, having finished a tedious meeting just five minutes ago. Ohno tried to finish the meeting as quickly as he could, afraid that Nino would be hungry if they didn’t finish on time. But, as there were too many things to be discussed with the client, it was impossible to end it early. He had prepared the meal today, taking note of what Nino wanted and the best nutrition combination for his pregnant boyfriend. And, now seeing his boyfriend refused to eat, made him wonder if there was something wrong with what he prepared.

“I’m not hungry,” answered Nino, looking away from the meal with a pout. And, Ohno immediately knew it was a lie. It’s not because he wasn’t hungry. It’s because he hated the food. Even though it should hurt Ohno that Nino didn’t appreciate his cooking, he didn’t feel that way. Nino is pregnant and with it, comes his mood swing. So, Ohno tried to be patient with his beloved boyfriend.

“The taste is awful, right?” said Ohno. But, Nino shook his head.

“It’s delicious, Ohchan. Really!” responded Nino, squeezing Ohno’s hand to convince that he wasn’t lying. “But, I have no appetite to eat pasta right now,”

Ohno scratched his head. “But, didn’t you say you want to eat pasta today?”

All he got was a pout from his beloved Cutie. Damn, Nino was super cute when he pouted so Ohno leaned forward and kissed the man. Nino, in return, pushed him away, pretending that he hated to be kissed in public even though they were alone in the pantry right now.

"Aww… aren't they the cutest, Jun-kun?"

A stranger’s voice caught their attention causing both Nino and Ohno to look away from each other and directed their gaze at the door where Jun stood with the man he had never seen before. Upon noticing they were looking at him, Jun only regarded them with a nod while the other man had a stupid grin on his face.

“Oh, hi!” The man waved his hands at them. “I’m Ikuta Toma, Jun’s manager. I didn’t mean to interrupt you two but you guys are so cute I cannot help but squeal,”

His remark somehow earned him a smack on the head from Jun.

“Toma, you sound like a pervert, you know,” said Jun before turning towards Nino and Ohno. It was a rare occasion to see his face turned red. “And, sorry, I should knock before I enter the pantry,”

"It's okay," said Ohno. “Do you have a job around here, Matsujun?”

Jun always dropped by their office whenever he was free. But, as he was with his manager now, it must be because of his work.

“Yes, I just finished a job,” answered Jun, putting a small box of pastries on the table. “Thought of dropping by to see you guys so I brought this for you,” Then, he eyed them with a frown before bombarding them with questions. “Aiba-chan and Sho-kun… where are they? And, are you eating lunch right now? Isn’t it too late? That would be bad for the baby if Nino didn’t eat on time,”

“You are pregnant?”

Before Nino or Ohno could say anything to explain why they were late to have lunch, Toma chipped in, walking closer towards them. Nino’s belly was hidden under the table and that’s why he didn’t notice it. Once he saw the belly, once again, he squealed excitedly, reminding Ohno of the time when they told the news about the pregnancy to Aiba.

“Oh my, it’s so cute! How far along are you?”

And, once again, he was rewarded with a smack from Jun.

“I shouldn’t bring you here!” rebuked Jun. “You are so noisy,”

Toma, however, was unaffected by the scolding from Jun. He simply ignored the model, giving his full attention towards Nino, asking once again about Nino’s pregnancy. Seeing that, Ohno could only conclude that Toma had known Jun for quite some time. That’s why he dared to ignore Jun. Someone who had only known Jun would be afraid to see his angry face.

“The baby is now five months,” informed Nino, rubbing his belly lovingly. As usual, he loved it when someone asked about the baby. And, Ohno, being mesmerized with the soft expression on Nino’s face, caressed the man with affection and then kissed his cheeks. And, as before, Toma cooed when he saw what they did.

“Ne, can I touch your belly?” Asked Toma. “This is the first time I meet a pregnant man,”

Nino chuckled while Ohno growled, wondering why people always wanted to touch Nino’s belly. Didn’t they know that only Ohno could touch Nino?

“Do you hear the growl, Toma?” said Jun. “That means you cannot touch Nino. You have to ask for permission from Ohno-san to touch his belly,” explained Jun and then he suddenly laughed, making everyone looked at him with a frown. But, it was understandable because of what he said next. “He even got into an argument with Aiba-chan because of Nino’s belly,”

“EH?” said Toma, shocked. “With Aiba-chan? Are you kidding me?”

Oh, so Toma had met Aiba. He must have known what kind of person Aiba was and that’s why he was surprised to know about the petty argument Ohno had with Aiba earlier.

“Yes,” Nino nodded his head, smiling. “It was the funniest argument I have ever seen. I don’t want to see that kind of argument again, so, I’m sorry, Toma-san, you cannot touch my belly,”

“It’s okay, I understand,” said Toma. “Can you tell me more about the pregnancy? How do you feel when you know you are pregnant?”

“I was surprised, of course,” Nino began. The food in front of him was left untouched as he excitedly told Toma how he knew about the pregnancy. This, of course, worried Ohno because Nino hadn’t eaten anything.

“Cutie…” He called the man softly, feeling happy that Nino was looking at him once again.  “Don’t you want to eat?”

“Not pasta,” said Nino, pursing his lips.

“Okay, you don’t have to eat the pasta that I made,” said Ohno, putting the pasta away from Nino. “How about the pastry that Jun brought? I can also ask Sho-chan to buy anything that you want,”

“Hmm…” Nino crossed his arms. “I don’t want to trouble him,”

“Food delivery, then. Just tell me what you want to eat. It isn’t only for you. It’s for the baby too,”

Nino sighed but obliged, telling Ohno to order okonomiyaki for him. As it would take some time for the food to arrive, Ohno asked his boyfriend to eat the pastry first.

As Nino happily chatted with Toma, Ohno dragged Jun away because he needed an opinion. He brought along the pasta that he made for Nino as the two of them walked to his office. Once inside, he gave the pasta to Jun, asking him to eat.

“Umai,” complimented Jun after taking the first bite. “Is it okay for me to eat this? You made it for Nino, right?”

Ohno shrugged him off. “Nino doesn’t want to eat my pasta. So, instead of throwing it away, you can have it,”

“Okay,” said Jun, enjoying the food. “Ne, are you sad because Nino didn’t want to eat what you cook for him?”

Ohno let out a sigh. Jun knew him well. “Is it terrible? Is that why he didn’t want to eat my pasta?”

“It is delicious, trust me. You know how picky I am when it comes to food. So, if I say it is delicious, I mean it,”

“Then, why wouldn’t he eat it? I don’t understand,”

“Is this the first time you made this?”

Ohno shook his head. He had made pasta for Nino before and usually, the man happily ate it. So, why wouldn’t he eat it this time?

“Did he tell you he wants to eat pasta?”

A nod, this time. Last night, before they went to sleep, Ohno had asked his boyfriend what he wanted to eat. Nino was reluctant to tell him at first. But, after persuading the man for a while, Nino finally told him that he wanted to eat carbonara pasta just like what Ohno’s mother had made for him before.


He realized his mistake. No wonder Nino didn’t want to eat his pasta today. His boyfriend  wanted a different pasta.

“Are we going somewhere tonight?” Asked Nino on the way home, noticing the route that Ohno took was in the opposite direction of their house. Since he was pregnant, Ohno had been learning how to drive and thankfully, he got his license without a problem. And, nowadays, wherever they go, Ohno would be driving.

“Yes, my mother invited us over for dinner,”

“That would be nice. I haven’t seen your family for a while,” Nino smiled. Silently, he hoped that Ohno’s mother would make her signature carbonara pasta for them. He had been craving to eat it for a while. However, feeling bad to make Ohno’s mother cook for him, he chose not to express his desire. Even though Ohno had made pasta for him today, it wasn’t the same. And, he felt guilty for not eating it. He tried, but it was hard to swallow the food, knowing it wasn’t what he wanted.

The traffic was smooth this time so it didn’t take them long to get there. Once they were inside the building, they bumped into Mrs Yamada again. This was the second time Nino met the woman who had sparkles in her eyes when he saw Ohno even though Nino had been here several times after their first meeting.

“Satoshi!” She still sounded excited to see Ohno. Seemed like she wasn’t affected by the cold treatment that Ohno gave her last time. “I’m so happy to see you,”

“Hello, Yamada-san. I’m in a hurry,”

“Yukiko will be home soon,” said Mrs Yamada, ignoring what Ohno had said earlier.

“Good for you,” said Ohno. “My pregnant boyfriend needs to go to the bathroom. So, I have to go now,”

“Pregnant boyfriend?” said the woman. She finally noticed Nino was there with Ohno. Her eyes grew wide when she noticed his belly. Taking advantage of her shock, Ohno quickly pulled Nino into the elevator.

“She is still annoying,” said Ohno as he pushed the button for their intended level.

“We didn’t bring anything for your parents,” Nino gasped, finally realizing that they came empty-handed.

“It’s okay. I will be helping her cook today,”

“Oh, do you know what she will cook?” Asked Nino, crossing his fingers that it would be carbonara pasta.

“The pasta that you want, of course,” answered Ohno. Nino went stiff, having a hard time believing what he heard.

“You know about it?”

Ohno nodded and then pressed a kiss on his forehead. “Sorry, I should know that you want my mother’s pasta, not mine,”

“Your pasta is delicious, Ohchan,” said Nino. He meant it. “I’m sorry for being spoiled,”

“You are not spoiled, Cutie,” said Ohno, squeezing his hands. “I asked my mother to teach me how to make it like hers. But, as she said it will take time to learn, she asked me to come over so that she can make it for you,”

Nino looked down, feeling guilty for troubling people. He should ignore his craving.

“Hey, don’t look like that. It’s no problem, okay. You are carrying our baby. This is the only thing I could do to make you comfortable,”

Nino could only smile. He didn’t know how to express how grateful he was to have Ohno as his partner. “Thank you, Ohchan. Thank you for loving me,”

“Same goes to you too! Thank you for loving me and giving me this wonderful life. And, next time you crave for something, just tell me, okay? I will get it for you,”

“Even though it is something ridiculous?”

“Yes, anything you want, Cutie,”

“Thank you! You are the best boyfriend ever,”

“No,” Ohno shook his head. “I am the second-best because the first place belongs to you,”

“Sappy,” said Nino as the two of them leaned in for a kiss.

A/N: Haven't updated this for a while. So, when daisukidesu3 asked about it, I remember I have this to post. Hope it's okay. Let me know what you think of it, ne? It will be very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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