A Familiar Stranger - Part 2

Feb 28, 2021 00:12

Nino was too stunned to say anything. He had expected to see Jun when the door was opened. Blame it all on what Jun had said in the office, implying that the two of them had slept together when he was drunk. And, Jun is also a friend of Sho. Another one who should be blamed was Aiba. He’s the one who planted the idea on Nino. If he didn’t say anything this morning, Nino might not be confused. Before the conversation he had with Aiba and Jun this morning, he was certain that the sleepy stranger standing right in front of him now was his one-night stand.

A peck on his lips snapped Nino out of his reverie. It was a quick kiss so Nino barely had any time to register the kiss before the stranger retreated. Nino’s eyes grew wide as he stared at the beautiful eyes of the stranger. What was his name? Did he introduce himself properly before they slept together?

“So, what do you say? Do you mind joining me for dinner tonight, Beautiful? My potential housemate will be here soon but I think it will be a quick dinner. After that, maybe we can go out together and talk. I miss you so much, Beautiful,”

And, once again, without warning, the sleepy stranger leaned forward and kissed his temple this time. Nino could only gulp, trying to find his voice to talk. This was a misunderstanding from the stranger. Nino wasn’t here to talk about what happened. He was here because Aiba invited him over to meet Sho’s housemate, which apparently is the man standing in front of him.

“Hmm…” Finally, after being silent for a while, his voice started to make an appearance. But, what should he say?


He never thought this day would come. The day he wasn’t mad to hear Aiba shouting his name in the middle of the road. Instead, he was relieved because the shout made the stranger look away from him. The man tilted his head, watching Aiba and Sho with a smile on his face. He waved his hands at them, to which Aiba happily responded with an equally enthusiastic wave. Awh, what a cute scene this was, thought Nino. It was even more adorable when Aiba hugged the stranger a minute after that.

“Ohchan, look at what I bring for you,” said Aiba, taking a small box from Sho and then handing it to the stranger. “It is the blueberry tart that you love from my coffee shop,"

In the blink of an eye, the suave and sexy stranger who was seducing Nino a few minutes ago changed into a cute and adorable man as he took the box from Aiba and then, happily talked about how much he loved the tart that Aiba brought. Wow, Nino was amazed by the duality.

Ohchan… Ohchan… Nino repeated it in his head. He had heard the name before. A few times, actually. Sometimes, when he was playing games, Aiba would report to him what he did on that day. And, if he was not mistaken, Aiba often went to eat cakes and pastries with someone called Ohchan. But, he never pictured Ohchan as someone like his sleepy stranger. So, it was still baffling for him to see the sudden transformation of the man.

“Okay, guys…” said Sho in a loud voice so that the two enthusiastic cake lovers can hear him. “... why don’t we get inside and then, you two could continue your conversation about which cafe served the best desserts? We have a guest today. It’s not polite to let Ninomiya-san stay outside and watch you two talking,”

Both Aiba and Ohchan had an equally idiotic grin on their faces as they shifted their attention to Nino.

“Sorry, Nino-chan!” said Aiba. “Ohchan, this is my cousin and housemate, Nino-chan. Do you remember him? I’ve told you about my grumpy cousin, right? This is him,”

Grumpy cousin? Well, that deserved a smack from Nino. But, as they were with other people, Nino decided to let it slide for now.

“Hahaha…” laughed Ohno. “I agree on the grumpy part,”

“Eh?” Aiba scratched his head, frowning. “Did he already scold you?” Aiba then glared at Nino. “You’ve just known Ohchan! Why do you scold him? What if Ohchan doesn’t want to be your housemate because you’re grumpy?”

Nino could only look at Aiba with disbelief. As usual, Aiba just jumped to a conclusion. Nino hadn’t said anything at all to Ohchan. Pretty sure the man meant Nino was grumpy because of their previous meeting.

And, thank goodness, Ohno was quick to address the misunderstanding.

“He didn’t scold me, Aiba-chan. Not today. I know Kazunari is grumpy because we already know each other,”

But, of course, Ohno’s response gained a frown from both Aiba and Sho.

“Kazunari?” The two of them said in unison. Truthfully, Nino would also do the same but once again, nothing came out of his mouth because of the shock. He let the man call him by his first name! This was unbelievable!

“Hmm…” Nino cleared his throat, forcing himself to talk. He had to stop Ohchan before the man said something else that wouldn't only shock Aiba and Sho but also him. “Should we get inside first? It’s quite cold here,”

It was a struggle to sound calm despite his frantic heart. Sho and Aiba looked at each other before nodding in agreement. The two men got inside first, leaving Nino and Ohchan alone in the entrance.

“Ohchan…” He began but was startled when the man suddenly pouted. “Eh, are you sulking? Why do you pout?”

“Because you call me Ohchan!” explained the man, still with a pout. “Did you forget? You make a nickname for me. I call you Beautiful and you call me by the nickname,”

“Well, if you want to know, I didn’t remember anything about that night. I know we met in a pub and then you asked me to go somewhere else with you. But, I couldn’t remember anything else,”

“You are so mean! How could you forget our special night together?” said Ohchan, sounding like a child. Wait a minute… is this the same man who had just flirted with him earlier? Where did the charming personality go? Why did the man suddenly become childish?

“Let’s talk about it later,” decided Nino. “For now, please don’t tell Aiba-chan about it,”

“Sure,” The man agreed easily.

“And, what’s your name? I’m sorry but I couldn’t remember it at all,”

“It’s Ohno Satoshi,” answered the man. “But, you cannot call me Ohchan. You promise that you will call me Teddy Bear,”

"Teddy Bear?" Repeated Nino as the memory of what happened that night came floating back.

"I'm not going anywhere with a stranger like you," chided Nino, not letting the alcohol and his emotion take control of him. Yes, he was tempted to go to wherever the man was going to take him. But, he wasn't drunk enough to make a stupid decision like that. He barely knew the stranger. “What if you are a serial killer?”

“You have a wild imagination, Beautiful,” If the stranger was offended by what Nino said, he didn't show it. Instead, his mouth twisted into a smile as he continued to caress Nino's cheeks. Nino scoffed at him and pushed the hand away.

"Don't touch me!" Said Nino. His voice was louder than he intended, getting the attention from the other customers in the pub. However, they only spared a glance at him for a second and then, continued drinking in silence.

“You are kind of grumpy. Remind me of a friend of a friend,” said the man, smiling amusedly at Nino. “Okay, I know we are strangers. We barely know each other. So…” The man looked at his watch. “It is still early. How about we talk and if you are comfortable with me, we can go somewhere else to have fun?”

“Oh?” Nino scoffed. “What do you mean by having fun? Your bedroom, perhaps?”

“That’s not what I mean. But, if you want it…” The stranger leaned closer and then whispered in his ear. “... Hmm, that would be the best way to spend the night,”

“Shut up!” said Nino, pushing the man away. Once again, the man only laughed in response to his rude behaviour. “And, go away! I want to be alone,”

“But, I don’t want to leave you alone. What kind of problem do you have, Beautiful? Care to share? Maybe I could help,”

“Why would I tell a stranger about my problem?”

Another laugh. Geez, this man sure laughed a lot. And, he was also immune to Nino’s deadly glare, which made Nino even more frustrated.

“Okay, you don’t have to tell me about your problem,” The man finally said. “We can just talk about random things. For starter… hmm… which one do you like more? Captain America or Iron Man?”

“Thor, of course,” answered Nino. “How about you?”

Nino covered his mouth when he realized what he had just said. Why did he ask the man a question? Did he want to prolong this conversation? And, as the stranger realized his mistake, he only chuckled, answering that his favourite avenger is Hulk.

“Why Hulk?” asked Nino curiously.

“I don’t know. I like to see him as both Hulk and Banner. I love the difference,”

And, despite being reluctant to entertain the man at first, their conversation continued. It started from Avengers and then, they talked about X-men and other superheroes before switching to something completely unrelated such as what kind of desserts they loved.

“Urgh, I don’t like macarons,” said Nino with a grimace. “It’s too sweet,”

“Do you hate sweet things because you are already sweet?”

Nino smacked the man’s head lightly, laughing as he did so. “Sweet talker! Are you always flirting like this when you meet someone for the first time?”

“Of course, not!” The stranger quickly denied. “I won’t be like this at all. I am shy, you know,”

“That’s hard to believe,”

“I’m telling you the truth. This is actually my first time initiating a conversation with someone,” said the stranger, slowly caressing Nino’s cheeks. “Hey, Beautiful, don’t I at least deserve to know your name?”

“Tell me yours first,”

“It’s Ohno Satoshi. Tell me yours now,”

Nino shook his head, smiling teasingly at the man. “It’s still early,”

“Not fair, Beautiful!”

“Hey, you should stop calling me Beautiful,”

“Well, tell me your name and I will stop calling you Beautiful,”

“Fine!” said Nino, scrutinizing Ohno from head to toe. He felt a strong desire to cuddle with the man and almost immediately, a nickname popped out in his mind. “It’s Kazunari. And, I want to make a nickname for you too…”

“Oh, that’s interesting! What is it?”

“Teddy Bear!”

“Kazunari, are you okay?”

Nino was startled when somebody shook his body. He blinked his eyes once, feeling weird to see the concerned look on Ohno’s face.

“I’m okay,” he answered the man. “Why do you look at me like that?”

“You freak me out. Sho-chan asked us to get inside but when I talked to you, you didn’t respond at all. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just remember a bit of what happened that night. Hey, I ended up sleeping with you, right?”

Even though it was obvious, Nino felt the need to confirm it. He was still worried about what Jun told him.

“Yes,” answered Ohno with a dreamy look and Nino sighed in relief. “You give me the best night of my life,”

Hmm, Nino stared at the man in front of him as another question popped out in his mind.

“I’m on the top, right?” He quickly asked. Yes, the question was weird but he needed to be sure that he was not at the bottom because of his condition. If he was not the top one, there’s a possibility that he might…

“I’m sorry, beautiful,” said Ohno with a sheepish smile and Nino started to regret asking the question. No, he didn’t want to know. “You told me that you are a bearer so you always want to be on the top to stop you from getting pregnant. But, if it’s with me, you didn’t mind to have my child so you let me top you,”


To say he was shocked was an understatement. The revelation was too overwhelming for him and as a result, he ended up fainting in front of Ohno’s house.

A/N: Is this part weird? I hope not. I don't know which Avengers Nino and Ohno like so I write it based on my preference. Hahaha.
Let me know what you think of this, okay? It will be very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, mpreg, a familiar stranger, fanfic

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