Little Kazu - It doesn't Matter Part 2

Feb 06, 2021 22:34

Kazu stood nervously in front of the Pervert’s house. After the incident in the restaurant where the Pervert almost kissed him, the man didn’t show up anymore. Apparently, Masaki had requested for the Pervert to wait until Kazu is ready to meet him. And, now, a week after the incident, Kazu decided to meet the man to get the answer he was looking for.

“Are you sure about this, Kazu?” Asked Jun. Kazu had asked the man to bring him here. “If you are not ready…”

“Yes, Kazu wants to do this,” Said Kazu. He tried to sound confident despite not being sure if this was the right thing to do. But, he needed answers about his past and the Pervert is the only person who had met him before. So, he had to do this. It’s now or never.

“Okay, if you say so,” said Jun before he rang the bell. A voice from inside asked them to wait. So, Kazu used the time to look around the house. The surroundings looked familiar, making him think that he had been here before. So, there must be a connection between. And, perhaps, the Pervert had told the scary Sakurai about it. Sakurai had started to treat Kazu nicely after the incident.

A few moments after that, the Pervert opened the door. “Sorry, I was… Little Kazu!”

The Pervert was surprised to see him. He rubbed his eyes a few times as if he didn’t believe what he saw.

“It’s Kazu, Satoshi,” said Jun. “Why do you call him Little Kazu? The two of you are about the same size,”

The Pervert only scratched his head. He looked happy to see Kazu. As for Kazu, he also felt the same.

“Ah, excuse my manners. Let’s get inside,” said the Pervert. Kazu nodded his head. Then, he looked at Jun.

“Junny, can Junny leave Kazu alone with the Perver… ah, sorry, Satoshi,” Kazu glanced at the Pervert whose face turned red when he heard what Kazu said. “Kazu wants to talk with him alone,”

“Okay,” Jun agreed easily. “When you are done, just give me a call, okay, Kazu?”

Kazu nodded. Jun smiled at him and then ruffled his hair before giving his attention to Satoshi.

“And, you, Satoshi… please behave around Kazu. Don’t try to kiss him or anything like that again!”

The Pervert nodded with a weak smile on his face. After that, Jun went away, leaving Kazu alone with the Pervert. And Kazu’s heart started racing. The anxious feeling returned.

“Let’s get inside,” said the Pervert. He reached out for Kazu’s hand but stopped immediately. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to touch you,”

“It’s okay,” said Kazu as he was led inside by the Pervert. Frankly, he wished that the man would hold his hand.

“Take a seat,” said the Pervert, pointing at the couch. “What do you want to drink? Coffee or tea?” The man looked thoughtful for a few moments and then he added. “Do you want apples?”

It shouldn’t be a surprise. The Pervert seemed to know him. And, maybe, that’s how he knew that Kazu was fond of apples.

“Thank you. But, Kazu doesn’t want anything,” He politely refused.

“That would be rude of me if I don’t serve you anything. Wait a minute, okay? I will bring you a drink. How about an apple tea?”

“That sounds delicious,” said Kazu timidly. “Thank you, the Perver… Ah, sorry. Kazu didn’t mean to call Satoshi the Pervert. Kazu will be careful after this,”

Satoshi smiled softly at him. And, Kazu felt butterfly in his stomach when he saw the breathtaking smile. Satoshi looked so angelic when he smiled.

“Don’t worry about it, Kazu. it’s my fault, after all. I was rude the other day. So, forgive me, please,”

Kazu could only nod. He didn’t trust himself to say anything right now.

“Now, just make yourself at home, okay? I will be back in a minute,”

And, off the man went to the kitchen. Being left alone, his eyes started to wander around the house. This time, he was not surprised when he realized how familiar the house seemed to be. In the back of his mind, he could see both he and Satoshi sitting together on the couch, watching television together.

“Here you go,” Satoshi appeared, bringing a pot of apple tea and two empty cups. He put those things on the table before pouring it for him. Then, Satoshi handed the cup to him, which Kazu took happily and then drink the tea.

“It’s delicious. Thank you, Satoshi,” said Kazu. He put the cup on the table. Then, he took a deep breath. It’s time to ask Satoshi about his past.

“Satoshi, can Kazu ask him something?” he began. And, when Satoshi nodded his head, Kazu felt braver to continue. “Did Satoshi know Kazu? Did he know where Kazu comes from?”

“Hmm… I know you will ask this. But, truthfully, I don’t know how to answer it,”

“What did Satoshi mean by that?” Kazu tilted his head, frowning. “Kazu doesn’t understand,”

Satoshi let out a sigh and then smiled at Kazu again. “You may not believe me even if I tell you the truth about how we met a year ago,”

“It doesn’t matter. Kazu wants to know. Kazu needs to know,”

“Okay, if that’s what you want,” said Satoshi. “There’s a reason I call you Little Kazu. When we met a year ago, you are so small. You are slightly smaller than my handphone and can easily fit into my pocket,”

“Eh? Why is Kazu so small?”

“Because Kazu is a pixie. My cute little pixie,”

And, then, Satoshi started telling him about their first meeting where Kazu offered to help Satoshi find the love of his life. Under Kazu’s advice, Satoshi agreed to go on a date with Jun. Kazu left after that without saying goodbye.

The story was weird. And, it was weirder that Kazu actually believed Satoshi. As the man told him about them, he could easily imagine every situation they were in as if they were stored somewhere in his memory.

“Kazu is sorry for leaving Satoshi. But, Kazu cannot remember why he did that,” said Kazu once Satoshi was done telling him about them. “And, Kazu cannot remember why he is here or why he cannot remember anything else,”

“It’s okay, Kazu. Maybe, your memory was removed for a good reason. You are here again. That’s more important to me. And, I hope you will stay with me forever because I don’t want to lose you again,”

“Kazu wants to stay with Satoshi,” said Kazu. He meant what he said. “But, Kazu wished he could remember more,”

“Maybe someday, you will remember. In the meantime, we can create new memories, right?”

Kazu stared at Satoshi, thinking about what he said. Hmm, maybe Satoshi was right. Maybe there’s a reason he couldn’t remember his life as a pixie. Maybe, he wasn’t a good pixie and that’s why he ended up here.

“Satoshi is okay if Kazu doesn’t remember what happened?”

Satoshi nodded. “It doesn’t matter to me. What matters for me… you are with me. So, let’s create new memories together, ne?”

“Un! Let’s create new memories,”

A/N: So, this would be the end for Little Kazu. Sorry for the lame ending. But, it's the best in my opinion. I hope it's okay and you will enjoy reading it. Let me know what you think, okay? It will be greatly appreciated :)

ohmiya, little kazu, fanfic

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