Little Fox - Part 5

Dec 07, 2020 23:23

Nino was confused. He was scared. He didn't know what to do. Everything was too dark and he couldn't see anything.

He took a step forward but hesitated to continue. Was it a good idea to move? Or was it better if he stayed? Nino had no idea.

As Nino was still contemplating what to do, a loud noise startled him. Someone was screaming and judging from the sound, the person didn’t seem to be far. Without thinking, he ran towards the direction of the sound, hoping to meet another person. As he ran, the surrounding started to become bright and he realized he was in the settlement.

Nino quickened his pace as he realized the sound came from his house. The screaming… did it come from his mother? Nino hoped not.

As he approached his house, Nino could hear another voice laugh. The voice was eerily familiar. No doubt, it was Ebisawa. Nino had to be quick to save his parents from the leader of the Blacksnake!

However, when he arrived home, his parents were nowhere to be seen. Ebisawa was fighting someone else.

"Samii…" Nino couldn't believe what he saw. Why was Samii here? Why were Samii and Ebisawa fighting?

"Little Fox!" Samii shouted. "What are you doing here? Run!"

As Samii was distracted by Nino, he took his eyes from Ebisawa. As a result, he didn't notice the sudden attack from his opponent as Ebisawa raised his sword and slashed Samii from behind.

"NO!" Nino screamed and ran towards Samii. But, his soulmate urged him to run away. Even though Samii was badly injured, he still tried to protect Nino from Ebisawa. Nino, on the other hand, didn't know what to do. Running away was not an option. He cannot leave Samii.

"Urgh!" Ebisawa grumbled. "What a pest!"

This time, Ebisawa stabbed Samii on his chest. A part of Nino died as he watched Samii collapse on the ground. He ended up sitting on the ground, blaming himself for what happened. Useless! Nino was useless! It's his fault. He should have tried to save Samii!

Too engrossed in his sorrow and regret of losing Samii, Nino didn’t realize that Ebisawa had shortened the distance between them. A large shadow covered him and he raised his head to see Ebisawa stare at him. A smirk decorated his face.

"You're mine, Little Boy,"

Ohno closed the door behind him with a sigh. He had requested to see his father while Nino and the others were sleeping. As the king of the Bluewolf clan, it was hard to meet his father sometimes. That’s why Ohno had requested to see his father before he became busy with daily affairs.

Was the meeting fruitful? Hmm… Ohno didn’t know what to say about it. He had told his father about Little Fox and his companions, asking for his wisdom to help the Yellowfox clan. However, there was no reaction from the king. He simply asked Ohno to bring Nino to see him once the member of the Yellowfox had enough rest.

"Good morning, young master,"

Deep in his thought, Ohno didn’t realize his teacher, Tanaka, was standing in front of him. He lifted his face, smiling at the gentle teacher.

“Good morning, Tanaka-sensei,” Greeted Ohno. “Are you here to see my father?”

“Yes, I have a few things to discuss with him,” answered Tanaka. “How about you, young master? It’s strange to see you here early in the morning,"

"Hmm… I also have something to discuss with my father," answered Ohno. Seeing Tanaka reminded him that he had something to ask the teacher. It's about Nino. But, maybe it would be better to ask the question when Nino is around.

Ohno then excused himself to get back to his room. To be honest, he was exhausted. He hadn't had a chance to sleep yet since he got home. As the heir of Bluewolf walked towards his chamber, he couldn’t help but worry for his Little Fox. What if a servant entered his chamber while he was away and found Nino, a member of another clan? This would cause a commotion in the palace. He thought of asking Aiba to stand guard in front of his chamber to ensure no one entered the room. But, if he did so, it would only rouse suspicion. Besides, Aiba also needed to rest.

It was serene and quiet when Ohno arrived at the chamber. So, everything was okay, Ohno assumed. No one had found Nino yet. Ohno opened the door to his chamber as slowly as possible. He didn't want to wake Nino or the others in the room. They deserved to rest.

"Where did you go?"

Ohno almost screamed when he heard a voice behind him as he closed the door. He turned around, surprised to see Sho up and awake. The man was at the table. Judging from the book in his hand, it seemed like he was reading.

“Shouldn’t you rest?” Ohno asked. His eyes darting around the chamber, feeling relieved to see Nino was resting on the bed. Jun, on the other hand, settled down on a chair in the corner. He didn’t look comfortable but there’s no other option. Ohno only had a bed in his chamber so both Sho and Jun chose to let Nino sleep on it because he’s their young master. Of course, Nino was reluctant at first. But, he was too exhausted to argue.

“I have to watch over our young master...” Answered Sho, tilting his head slightly at Nino. “... and make sure no one comes in while you’re not here. So, where did you go?”

Ohno hesitated to answer the question. Between the two companions, Sho looked less intimidating and the voice of reason in the small group. However, he also exuded an aura which indicated not to mess with him. Ohno didn’t think Sho would be angry at him if he told him about the meeting with the leader of Bluewolf. Perhaps, he would be happy to know that they don’t have to hide anymore once they meet Ohno’s father if the latter didn’t chase them away.

“I met my father…” said Ohno. “... and I told them about you,”

Sho didn’t seem surprised. He only nodded his head. “What did you tell him?”

“Not much. Only about you are here and we need to help you. I didn’t tell him about Blacksnake,”

Sho looked thoughtful for a while before he asked another question. “Did he take the news well?”

“It’s hard to tell,” Ohno shrugged. “He doesn’t show his emotion so I don’t know if he’s fine having all of you here. But, he wants to meet you later,”

“Okay,” Sho agreed before he continued reading the book he was holding.

"Hmm…" Ohno took a seat next to Sho. There's something he wanted to ask. Unlike Jun, Sho wasn't surprised to know the truth about Ebisawa and the others. It's almost as if he was aware of it. Maybe, just like Nino, Sho could also see Ebisawa for what he was.

“What’s wrong?” Sho asked. “Do you want to tell me something?”

Ohno nodded his head and then he took a deep breath. “You didn’t seem surprised to know that… hmm… you have the Blacksnake members in your clan. Did you already know about them?”

Sho answered with a shake, putting the book he was reading on the table. “Young master always seems uncomfortable around him. But, I didn’t know why. Now that I know who they are, it makes sense and maybe that’s why, unlike Jun, I wasn’t affected by it,”

“Hmm… any idea why Little Fox can see them?”

Sho looked thoughtful for a while before he shook his head again. “I don’t know. But, maybe because the Young master has no magic in him, the magic that Ebisawa used to fool us does not affect him,”

Sho’s eyes wandered around the room before they settled on Ohno’s bookshelf. “Do you mind if I read those books while waiting for young master and Jun to wake up?”

“Go ahead,” said Ohno. Sho expressed his thanks and moved towards the bookshelf. However, before he could pick a book, the two of them were surprised when they heard noises from the bed. When they turned around, Nino was moving frantically on the bed as if he was trying to fight someone. Worried about Nino, Ohno quickly ran to his soulmate.

“Little Fox,” said Ohno, trying to wake Nino up as cautiously as he could. He almost squealed when Nino’s eyes snapped open. His little soulmate blinked his eyes rapidly before he tilted his head and then stared at Ohno with his eyes wide open. Nino raised his body before hugging Ohno tightly.

“You’re fine!” said Nino, sounding relieved.

“Yes, I am fine,” assured Ohno. “Bad dream?”

“Un,” Nino nodded his head. “Ebisawa is in my dream,"

Ohno sighed. He hadn’t met or seen this Ebisawa yet. But, the hatred that he felt for the leader of the Blacksnake clan was too much for him to bear. His Little Fox was too scared of this Ebisawa, making Ohno wonder what happened at the Yellowfox settlement.

“Don’t worry, okay, Little Fox,” Ohno returned the hug, hoping it would help to make Nino feel better. “I’m here to protect you from him or anyone else who wants to harm you,”

“We’re all here to protect you, young master,” Jun appeared out of nowhere. Seemed like Nino’s scream have awakened him. He handed a glass of water to Nino who refused to take it. So, Jun put it on the table beside the bed.

“Please don’t,” mumbled Nino. His expression turned grim. “I don’t want any of you to die trying to protect me,"

Nino was once again shaken. So, Ohno tightened his hold on Nino. Whatever he had been dreaming earlier must be too painful for him to see. Perhaps one of them died and that's why Nino didn't want to be protected.

"Relax, Little Fox," said Ohno. "We are safe here. He couldn't harm any of us,"

"He will," Nino stared at him. "In my dream, he stabbed you, Samii. Please, I don't want to lose you,"

"You won't lose me…” Ohno lifted Nino’s chin so that his soulmate could see the sincerity in what he had just said. Yes, he may not know how strong this Ebisawa was but he wouldn’t give up easily. He would do anything so that his Little Fox could live in peace. From what Sho had told him earlier, Nino hadn’t had any chance to live like that ever since Ebisawa appeared and he wanted to change that. “... I promise,”

He stared into Nino's beautiful eyes until his Little Fox looked away with a blush. But, Ohno pulled him to look at him again. His Little Fox was so beautiful. He couldn't stop himself from leaning forward to kiss Nino especially when the other man didn't push him away. Their lips were only mere inches from each other…

"Satoshi?" A familiar voice caught Ohno by surprise and he had to look away from Nino. "Who are they?"

Ohno’s eyes widened upon seeing his mother on the door. Indeed, she sometimes paid a surprise visit to Ohno’s room. But, usually, she would knock before she entered. However, perhaps because Ohno was too distracted by Nino, he didn’t hear anything.

“Mother, what are…”

“Their hairs…” Ohno’s mother said, ignoring him. Her attention was on Jun and Sho who stood at the corner of the bed. Particularly, the hair. It’s easy to differentiate the members of Bluewolf and Yellowfox based on the hair colour. Bluewolf’s hair was black while Yellowfox’s was golden.

His mother gasped, finally realizing who they were. She looked at Ohno, eyes begging for an explanation before she was once again distracted by Nino this time. She moved closer, tilting her head as she narrowed her eyes at Nino.

“Oh my… you look just like him,”

Ohno frowned upon hearing that. He didn’t understand what his mother meant by that. And why did his mother look at Nino with amazement?

A/N: Sorry for not updating this story for a while. But, a new update is here now. Hope it's okay. Let me know what you think of it, okay :)

ohmiya, fanfic, little fox

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