Who Are You? - Part 5

Aug 04, 2020 23:00

Ohno stared at the unconscious Nino on the bed. He was surprised when Nino called him Riida and confessed to him. Did Nino finally remember him? Did he mean it when he said he loves Ohno?

Ohno wanted to ask a lot of questions to Nino. However, before he could do so, Nino kissed him and then collapsed. He wondered why something always happened after their kiss. Their first kiss… When Nino was still a spirit… He disappears after Ohno kissed him. Then, Ohno received a phone call from Sho who thanked him for convincing Nino to wake up from the coma. However, he has no memory of being a spirit or staying together with Ohno. When Ohno heard that, he remembered feeling bitter about that. Who would guess that to make Nino leave the spirits world was to make him feel disgusted that a weirdo like Ohno loves him.

When he whining about it to Aiba, his friend told him a myth about the spirits and the person who can see them. He made it sounds like Nino left against his own will because of what Ohno did to him. At first, Ohno doubted it. However, when Sho and Jun told him how Nino often called for Riida when he was sleeping, he sort of believes Aiba.

“Rii… Da….” He jolted in surprise when Nino suddenly talked even though he was still unconscious. But, a few seconds later, he opened his eyes slowly. He blinked for a few times and then tried to sit on the bed.


“Are you okay? Do you need anything, Kazu?”

“I’m okay… I felt dizzy just now but it’s okay,”

Ohno just nodded his head. He didn’t know what to say. Did Nino remember anything that happened before he fainted? Should he talk about the kiss and the confession? But what if Nino didn’t remember any of that? Should he call him Ninomiya san or Kazu? Nino didn’t say anything when Ohno called him Kazu just now. But, perhaps it’s because he was too dizzy to notice it.

“Ninomiya san, do you remember me?” He decided to go for the safer option. It will be too much to explain if he acted over-familiar with Nino if Nino didn’t recognize him.

Nino stared at him for a few seconds before answering.

“Ohno Satoshi. You worked for me as a design artist,” Ohno’s heart was broken to hear that. Nino didn’t remember him as Riida anymore. So, it means he didn’t remember the confession nor the kiss. “Where am I? What am I doing here?”

Nino looked around the house. He seems confused to be here.

“Ah… Hmmm… I met you at the store. We talked and you don’t feel well. So, I brought you here to rest,” answered Ohno. That’s the best lie that he could think of.

“Really? Or… Did you bring me here because of something else?” Nino narrowed his eyes.

“No… No… I don’t have that kind of intention,”

Nino laughed in return.

“It’s okay. I know you are not like that. I just want to tease you,” said Nino. “It’s late. I better get home,”

“I will call Sho to get you,”

Ohno was about to stand up to get his phone on the table. However, Nino was quick to stop him as he kissed him passionately. It caught him by surprise so he didn’t know how to react. Should he respond? Thinking that it was Nino who initiated the kiss, he slowly leaned closer to Nino to kiss him back.

They finally let go of each other after a few minutes. Thankfully, nothing happened to Nino after the kiss this time. Two red spots appeared on Nino’s face and Ohno swore, this is the most adorable Nino he had ever seen. Nino scooted a bit and then pointed at the spot beside him, asking him to sit next to him. When he sat down, Nino pushed him to lie on the bed before positioning himself to lie on top of Ohno.

“Didn’t I tell you… If you didn’t call me Kazu, I will kiss you,”

Eh? Ohno frowned to hear that? What does that mean?

“I didn’t count properly. But I think, you called me Ninomiya san about 10 times. So, you owe me 10 kisses,”

Ohno shook his head. He didn’t think he called Nino as Ninomiya san that much. He didn’t think it was more than 5.

“Really? I thought it was less than 5,” he mumbled only to be kissed once again by Nino.

“That is for doubting me,” said Nino. Ohno smiled to be kissed like that.

“Do you remember everything?” Asked Ohno. “Including the time you spend as a spirit when you were in a coma?”

“Eh? I met you when I was in a coma? How?” Asked Nino, smiling teasingly at Ohno.

“Kazu, stop teasing me,”

Nino laughed at him.

“Yup. I remember everything. Including the drawing of us together. I am angry at you. You didn’t even give me the chance to explain. I admit that I want to stay as a spirit at first because I don’t want to get back to my injured body. Like I said before, once my physical body is ready, I will get back. But, I met you and we made a lot of memories together. I am afraid that I will forget you if I wake up,”

“But I thought you were waiting for Jun to kiss you. Do you remember the talk we had in the restaurant? When you said Aiba chan is waiting for Sho to kiss him?”

“Ahhhh… That’s why you were staring at me,”

“Hmmm… That’s why I drew you as a princess,”

“Do you know why I get back my memory as spirits? I don’t think it was possible,”

Ohno thought of the myth Aiba told him about. Is it really because of the myth?

“Aiba told me about a myth. People like me were called the mediator. He said that to wake someone from a coma, the mediator can kiss the spirits. If there is no romantic feeling between those two, the spirits won’t remember anything. But, if there is, the person who wakes up from the coma would have a glimpse of his time as the spirits. To get all the memories back, the person has to kiss the same mediator again,”

“He always listens to stupid rumours,” complained Nino. “But I think the myth might be true. Since the first time we met, I keep on thinking about you and why am I so attracted to you. I’m glad that I finally remember everything. Well, enough talk, I need to collect your debt,”

Nino was about to kiss him once again when his phone rang. He groaned as he looked at the caller ID and told Ohno it was Jun. He rejected the call.

“Now, let’s get back to business,”

“Nino, do you want to meet Matsujun’s new assistant?” Asked Sho. Nino shook his head. Jun had told him he needs a new assistant and Nino allowed him to hire one. He gave Jun full freedom to choose whoever he thought was suitable to work with him.

“It’s okay. I trust J to hire the best person,”

“But. He’s already here,”

“So, send him away. I thought I’ve told you. I only allowed you, J and Satoshi upstairs,” said Nino, not lifting his head from the computer.

“You should add Aiba in the list!” Nino blinked his eyes when he heard the familiar voice. He turned to the source but before he could be sure it was really who he thought he was, someone ran towards him and hugged him.

“I miss you so much, Nino!” Said the happy ball of sunshine who was hugging him. “I couldn’t say goodbye to you because of Riida. But, it’s okay. I’m back. I’m so happy to know you are together with Riida,”

“Eh?” Nino couldn’t say anything as the sunshine keeps on talking non-stop. He saw Jun and Ohno entered his room and begged for them to separate him from the sunshine. He wanted to push the sunshine away but the other guy was far stronger than him.

“That’s enough, Aiba chan. You are suffocating him,” He was thankful when Sho took the initiative to separate them. He turned to see his attacker. It was Aiba Masaki, his friend in the spirits world.

“J… Is this the best candidate you have for your assistant?” Asked Nino. Aiba pouted in return.

“How could you, Nino? I get the job fair and square,”

“Really? You don’t use Sho to get the job?”

“I don’t even know he applied for the job,” Sho defended Aiba. “But… I don’t know if he used any

kind of magic on Jun,”

“Hey hey. Don’t doubt my judgement, okay” said Jun.

“Okay enough about that,” said Nino, putting a stop on the story of how Aiba get the job. Aiba might be clumsy but Nino knew he was a determined person. He believes Aiba would do well in his job. Furthermore, he had a lot of weird ideas in his head so he believes that Jun would love all his ideas. However, Nino had one concern.

“You remember us? I thought we will forget everything about spirits once we woke up,”

“Before I wake up, I decided to help people like us. Maybe that’s why I still remember everything about my time as spirits,”

“Wait...” said Sho. “Do you mean, you can see spirits like Ohno san?”

“Yup. There is one of them behind you,” said Aiba, pointing behind Sho. “He had been following you for quite some time,”

“Uso!” Said Sho in panic as he turned to look behind him.

“Am I, Riida?” Aiba turned to look at Ohno.

“I wonder. I’ve been trying to approach him but he always disappears before I can say anything. I think he is one of the stubborn spirits like you guys,” answered Ohno. Nino and Jun laughed looking at Sho. He didn’t know if Ohno and Aiba were bluffing but he enjoyed looking at Sho’s scared face.

“Ah, whatever. I don’t believe you. I’m going to do my work instead of being the subject of your prank,” said Sho as he moved towards the door.

“Ah, he followed you,” said Aiba, following Sho out of the office.

“Is there a spirit behind Sho?” Nino asked Ohno. But, Ohno shrugged him off. He wondered how the other employees would think of Aiba if they see him talking to himself. Ohno had been trying to act subtly with those spirits but he was still thought as a weirdo. How about Aiba? He didn’t think Aiba would learn to speak in a low voice with the spirits so hmmmm…. Let’s see what would happen.

“I will leave you two lovebirds to enjoy your time,” said Jun leaving him alone with Ohno.

“So… Want to go for brunch?” Asked Nino. Ohno shook his head.

“As much as I love spending time with you, I shouldn’t take advantage of my position as the president’s boyfriend and be lazy in doing my job. Jun sent me here to discuss with you about my design,” Said Ohno, giving him a small USB. He inserted the USB in his pc.

“Hmmm… Okay. Whatever you say. Ne… Satoshi,” said Nino as Ohno clicked one of the files.

“Yes,” answered Ohno without looking at him. So, he lifted Ohno’s face to look at him properly.

“I love you, Satoshi,” he said with a blush on his face. Ohno smiled at him.

“I love you too, Kazu,” answered Ohno, giving him one of the best kisses they ever shared.

A/N: This was inspired by a Korean drama, The Master's Sun. Almost everytime I watched a Korean drama, I would be inspired to write an OhMiya fic. Right now, I'm watching a Korean drama too and I sort of seeing the hero and heroin as OhMiya. But, I don't think I will be able to write a fic from the drama.
Anyway, thank u for reading. I hope you enjoy it :)

ohmiya, who are you, fanfic

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