Who Are You? - Part 4

Aug 04, 2020 22:56

It was dark. Everything was dark so Nino couldn’t see anything. He closed his eyes, hoping that when he opened again, it will be bright. However, it was still dark when he opened his eyes. He didn’t know what to do so he wandered around in the dark. Perhaps there would be light if he searched for it.

And then he found the light. It was in the form of a human. He shone brightly so Nino walked to that person. He was a small guy, as short as Nino but he was chubby. Unlike Nino’s pale complexion, the guy was tanned. Nino stood in front of him, wondering if the guy can see him. Then, all of a sudden, his surrounding became brighter and he looked around. Seemed like he was in a hospital.

“Riida!” A guy next to the light shouted excitedly. He was taller than Nino. “There is a new guy!”

The taller guy pointed his finger at Nino. The light ignored the taller guy. Instead, he kept on staring at a body on the bed. Nino turned to look at what he was staring at and was surprised to see… It was the taller guy on the bed.

“I’m not dead. I’m in a coma,” said the taller guy. “I’m Aiba. That is Ohno but I love to call him Riida. He is the only one who can see us,”


“Yup. Spirits. How about you? Are you dead?”

Nino shook his head. He didn’t know. The last thing he remembered… He was driving when suddenly a car from the opposite side collided with his car. Did he die because of that? Nino shook his head a few times, refusing to believe that he is dead.

“Are you okay?” He heard a soft voice. It was Ohno.

“I don’t know. Am I dead?”

“You looked familiar. What’s your name?”

“Ninomiya Kazunari,”

“Ah, the game president. You were in an accident. But, I don’t think you are dead. You are still unconscious,”


“Yes. Ah, do you want to find your body? I think you are treated in this hospital. If you reunited with your body, maybe you will wake up,”

Ohno gestured for Nino to follow him. But, Nino didn’t want to follow him. He couldn’t bear to look at the damage on his body.

“I don’t want,”

“So, you have been in a coma for 4 years?” Asked Nino. He ended up following Ohno home. Ohno visited his physical body in the hospital without him. It was badly injured but he survived the accident. The doctor cannot predict when Nino will regain his consciousness so Ohno advised Nino to return to his body. Maybe it’s the only way to wake up. However, Nino refused to reunite with his physical body.

“Yes. It’s better this way, Nino. I can run away from people that I don’t want to see. I can tease them. Their reaction when I pulled a prank was golden. I also know a lot of secrets,” answered Aiba. Ohno looked at him disapprovingly.

“Aiba chan, you are a bad influence to Ninomiya san,” said Ohno. “Ninomiya san, don’t  you worry about your company?”

Of course, he was worried about his company. But, even if he woke up right now, the doctor won't allow him to get back to work immediately. He will be asked to rest until his body was fully recovered. Being a spirit, he can work by using Ohno. He had seen the sketch made by the guy. Using his talent, Ohno can work as a design artist in his company. So, with Aiba’s help, Nino left a memo on Sho’s table, instructing him to hire Ohno as the design artist. They made sure to put it under a pile of files so that Sho will think it was there before the accident happened and he didn’t see it because there were a lot of files.

“Don’t worry. Sho and Jun will take care of my company. And please stop calling me, Ninomiya san. It’s too formal. We’re going to be roommate, right? How about you call me….” He leaned towards Ohno who sat next to him, flashing the most seductive smile he could manage before whispering to Ohno. “… Kazu?”

Ohno blinked in surprise. He immediately pushed Nino away and go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Nino and Aiba laughed looking at his reaction. He was too adorable.

“If we both returned to our body, you will be lonely, Riida,” said Aiba once Ohno was back in the living room.

“Whatever. Ninomi…” Nino silenced Ohno with a finger on his lips.

“Kazu. Call me, Kazu”

“It sounds inappropriate,”

“It’s okay. We’re going to spend a lot of time together after all. Call me Kazu or I will kiss you,” warned Nino. He loved the way Ohno panic to hear that so he ended up laughing at him.

“That would be enough teasing for today, Nino,” Aiba interrupted both of them. “Let’s play a game. Riida didn’t like to play games so I always play alone. Yeah, I finally have someone to play with,”

Nino immediately agreed. Yes, there will be no Jun or Sho who would nag at him if he played too much. Being a spirit has a lot of advantages, right?

“Riida… Riida… Hurry up! You need to hide. J is here,” shouted Nino. He had asked Ohno to copy a few files from his PC in the office so that he can work on it at Ohno’s house. He will be on guard to see if Jun or Sho suddenly show up in the office.

“Didn’t I tell you it would be easier if you came at night? No one can see you! Jun or Sho wouldn’t be around so you don’t have to worry about them. Why do you have to cause trouble for me?” Ohno was complaining as Nino instructed him to hide under the table. Hopefully, Jun wouldn’t check the table and was only looking for the files in the shelf. If he went to the table, Nino would think of a way to distract him.

“It’s scary at night,”

“Bring Aiba chan with you,”

“He is too noisy,”

It was a lie. He enjoyed doing this with Ohno, instead of Aiba. He loves the way Ohno complained each time he came out with a ridiculous idea. It’s still fresh in his mind how Ohno yelled at both of them after Sho called him to offer a job in NeenGames. Ohno rejected the offer but Sho wanted him to reconsider because that was the last request from Nino before the accident. But, Ohno knew that it was something both Aiba and Nino did after the accident so he yelled at them for doing so. Nino then defended himself saying it would be better if there is someone he can communicate within the company which Ohno counterattacked that it would be solved if Nino goes back to his physical body. The argument continued for about 30 minutes when Ohno finally agreed with his request. That is what he likes the most about Ohno. He always fulfils what Nino wanted even though he complained a lot. Sometimes, Nino felt guilty for causing too much trouble to Ohno but he loves the way Ohno pouted. That’s why he never stopped. It was really unfortunate for Ohno to meet a bratty spirit like him, combining with the weird Aibaka.

The door of his office was opened from the outside. Jun stepped inside, taking a file from the shelf and immediately left. Ohno sighed in relief. They waited for 15 minutes before Nino checked if anyone else was on the floor. After making sure everything is clear, he signalled for Ohno to go. They decided to take the stairs, in case Sho or Jun was in the elevator. But, when they opened the door for the stairs, both Sho and Jun were there.

Nino yelped in surprise, but of course, no one can hear him except Ohno. He didn’t check the stairs because… No one ever used the stairs before.

“Ohno san, what’s in your pocket?” Asked Jun. He didn’t wait for Ohno to answer. Instead, he quickly checked the pocket and took out the USB Ohno used to copy the files.

“What is this?” Asked Jun angrily. “Are you a spy?”

“It… Kazu wants… I don’t know,” Ohno mumbled incoherently, clearly panicked. He looked at Nino’s direction, expecting him to come out with an idea to save him. But, Nino cannot think at all.

“You betrayed Nino. He wants you to work here but you…” Sho was disappointed. Nino wanted to scream, to defend Ohno but he knew no one will hear him.

“Riida, I’m so sorry. I should check the stairs. Don’t worry, I will save you,” said Nino as Jun dragged Ohno to Nino’s office, threatening to call the police if Ohno refused to talk.

Once they were in the room, Sho grabbed the office’s telephone but before he could dial, Nino snatched the phone from him. Sho was scared to see the phone hanging in the air without anyone holding it. He tried to grab the phone but Nino ran away with the phone. Jun was too focus on Ohno so he didn’t see the incident.

“Sho, why didn’t you call the police yet?” Asked Jun and he turned only to be surprised with what he saw.

“What the heck? What happened?” He tried to sound cool but there’s no denying he was also scared to see that.

“Kazu…” Ohno looked at his direction.

“Why do you keep saying Kazu? Is he your boss? He is some kind of weird magician and he does this?” Asked Sho pointing at the phone. But, Ohno shook his head. Nino then pointed at the PC, telling Ohno to ask both Sho and Jun to look at the PC. He decided to explain the real situation to his friends so that they won’t doubt Ohno anymore.

“Look at the PC,” Ohno sounded unsure, perhaps worrying that Jun and Sho wouldn’t believe him. But, they did as what they were told even though Jun was still glaring at him.

Nino switched on the PC and use Microsoft word to explain his situation to his friends.

It’s me, Nino. I am a spirit now. I’m not dead, I just don’t want to wake up yet. Riida... No, Ohno san can see people like me and I asked him to work for the company. That’s why I left the memo on your table, Sho chan.

“Is that really you, Nino?” Both of them asked simultaneously.

Yes. If you don’t believe me, I will tell you the secret that only both of us know. First, Sho, please look away. I’m going to talk about my secret with Jun.

Sho looked away, allowing only Jun to look at the screen.

I confessed to you but you reject me. You love someone else but you never tell me who the lucky person is.

“I’m sorry,” mumbled Jun and Nino typed his reply.

It’s okay. I understand, please call Sho. It’s his turn.

He deleted his previous message with Jun before he typed the secret Sho shared with him.

You love your friend who is in a coma.

“Nino, did you tell anyone else about it?” Asked Sho.

Don’t worry. I never told anyone. You believe me now?

“Yes,” answered Sho shortly. He called Jun back to the screen as Nino deleted their previous message.

“So, when are you coming back?” Asked Jun.

If I get back to my body now, the doctor won't let me work or playing games. But, if I stay as a spirit, I could do both. Don’t worry, I will be back but not now. I will wait until my physical body is ready. It’s fun, you know. I get to tease you like just now. Your scared face was really funny, J!

“If I can see you, I will pull your ear,” said Jun. Nino was grateful for that and because Jun cannot pull his ear, he did so to Jun, which caused him to scream.

“Nino!” Jun yelled. “Just wait until you come back,”

Nino glanced at Ohno who was watching him from the couch. Ohno smiled at him. It looked genuine but Nino couldn’t help but think Ohno was jealous. But, why? Did he like Jun?

Nino shook his head, refused to think about that possibility before he typed a new message for his friends to read.

You can trust Riida. He is a nice guy.

Jun looked at the message before typing a reply to him.

Why did Ohno san call you Kazu? I thought you don’t let people call your first name, especially if you just meet him.

Well, because he is adorable, I allow him to call my first name.

He was so tired of typing so he went to Ohno, ordering him to tell his friends that he will use Ohno to tell them anything. The other guy did as he was told and his friends looked at Ohno in disbelief.

“Ohno san, I’m so sorry that Nino treated you like his servant,” said Sho, sympathizing with the way Nino was treating Ohno. It was a wonder for Nino to see how obedient Ohno was. Yes, Ohno would complain but he will still do it. He asked about this to Aiba and the explanation he got was… Ohno is a nice guy. Sometimes, he felt bad to take Ohno’s kindness for granted. “You don’t have to do what he told you. I believe if you let him be, he will go back to his own body instead of wandering as a spirit,”

“It’s okay. He’s not ready yet,”

Jun and Sho exchanged a look but didn’t say anything else, respecting Ohno’s choice to let Nino bossing him.

“So, when the other employee saw you talking to yourself… You were talking to Nino?” Asked Sho. Ohno nodded his head. Indeed, Ohno had tried to ignore him but, maybe because he was too noisy, Ohno would answer him back in annoyance. He knew it was wrong but he loves the way other people looked at Ohno at such times. Ah, he should stop doing that or Ohno would soon be admitted into a mental institution.

“He is a brat, right?” Said Jun. “I had my doubt at first but now I am convinced that it was really him.  Just you wait, brat! I will definitely pay you back for what you did earlier,”

Hearing that, Nino took the empty trash can and put it on top of Jun’s head.

“Umai!” Exclaimed Ohno as he ate the hamburger.

Nino envied him. This is the only thing he didn’t like about being a spirit. He cannot eat or drink.

“I’ve told you. It’s better if you wake up. You missed a lot of nice food if you stay as a spirit,” said Ohno when he saw how Nino was looking at his hamburger hungrily.

“But you will be alone,” answered Aiba. His standard answer whenever Ohno started persuading them to wake up from their coma.

“Aiba chan was waiting for Sho to kiss him. You know, like Snow White and Prince Charming,” Said Nino. He laughed looking at Aiba’s red face.


Nino didn’t say anything in response. Maybe it was him who was hoping for a kiss from Jun. It has been 5 months since the accident. It’s fun being a spirit. As a spirit, he had known how people truly feel about him. His parents… They missed him and Nino felt guilty for making them worried. As for his friends, he didn’t care what they think of him. He only cares for Jun and Sho because they are his real friends. They missed him and interacting with him through Ohno wasn’t enough. Probably because Ohno wasn’t a brat like him.

Well, what he really hoped to see was Jun becomes frustrated that he wasn’t by his side. Sadly, the frustration was there, but not for the reason he was hoping for.

“What’s wrong?” Asked Nino. He caught Ohno staring at him instead of eating. Ohno shrugged it off.

“Aiba chan, I appreciate you were worried that I will be alone. But, please think of my sanity too. People keep looking at me strangely. They cannot see you so they thought I am crazy,” said Ohno in a low voice so that other people won’t hear him.

“Ne….” Said Nino. Something was bothering him. “Do you think we will remember the time we spend as spirits once we woke up?”

“I don’t know,” answered Aiba.

Nino glanced at Ohno, wondering how Ohno would feel if Nino didn’t remember him once he wakes up. Perhaps that was the reason he didn’t want to wake up yet. He was afraid that he would forget Ohno.


Nino sing-song as he entered the living room but Ohno wasn’t there. He wasn’t in the kitchen nor the toilet. Aiba wasn’t in the house as well. Looking at the time, he must be in the hospital, watching Sho who always visiting him at this time. Maybe Ohno followed him to the hospital.

Nino sighed, wondering what he should do while waiting for his friends to get home until his eyes caught something. It was Ohno’s favourite sketchbook under the pillow. Ohno must be in a hurry. That’s why he didn’t hide the book properly. Ohno had been protective of the book ever since Nino found the drawing of him as the princess. He knew Ohno was drawing something new because he was always alone with his sketchbook right now. Interested to see the new drawing, he took the book from the hiding place.

“Riida, can I look at your new drawing?”

“Yes, you may,” he imitated the way Ohno would answer before laughing at himself for making fun of Ohno.

Nino pretended to ask for permission to ease the guilt he felt for doing this. He just wanted to see the latest drawing. Ohno had been so secretive and it made him curious. He flipped the pages. He had seen most of the drawing because he was with Ohno when he drew them. He smiled, remembering the happy memory they shared. When he saw the drawing of him as a princess, he was excited to think that the next drawing should be Prince Jun. Ohno told him that he had finished the drawing but he hasn’t shown the drawing yet. That must be what he had been working on all these times. He didn’t want Nino to see the drawing before it was complete. That would explain why he was so protective of his sketchbook. Ah, whatever, Ohno was going to show him the drawing later so there’s nothing wrong to see it now.

“Eh?” Nino was surprised to see the drawing. It wasn’t a prince but a knight. And the face… It wasn’t Jun, but Ohno himself. He didn’t think much of the drawing, Ohno had the freedom to draw whatever he wanted. He turned to the next page and was even more surprised to see the next drawing.

Ohno drew the princess and the knight together in a wedding ceremony. On the top of the drawing was fancy handwriting of ‘Satoshi Kazunari Forever’. Eh? What does this mean? Does Ohno like him?

Eh? Is that even possible? But why? Why would Ohno like him?


Nino was surprised to hear the voice and instantly, he threw the sketchbook away without thinking.

“I see…” Ohno collected the sketchbook that was on the floor. “… The idea of us together… You must be thinking it was disgusting,”

Eh? Nino didn’t like the tone of Ohno’s voice as he said that. He didn’t throw the book because he hates the idea of being with Ohno. He was… Surprised to be caught in the act. Ohno got it all wrong. He wants to be with Ohno. That’s why he didn’t want to wake up. He was afraid he will forget Ohno and their adventure together. He didn’t want Ohno to be alone.

Ohno pulled him to stand in front of him. He could see tears on Ohno’s face as they stared at each other. He wanted to wipe the tears and explained to Ohno how he really felt but before he could do anything, Ohno hugged him tightly.

“Allow me to hug you for the last time. You should wake up so that you would forget about me,”

No no. He didn’t want to wake up. Not yet. No, this wasn’t something that Ohno can decide. He is going to stay here no matter what Ohno said. He wondered why he froze on the spot that he cannot deny or do anything.

“I will pray for your happiness with Jun,”

He didn’t love Jun. He loves Ohno.

“It doesn’t matter if I confess right? You would forget once you wake up,”

No, he’s not going to wake up. Why didn’t Ohno give him any chance to explain himself?

“I love you, Kazu,”

Ohno let him go and slowly lifted his face before kissing his lips slowly. He wanted to respond to the kiss but his head… It was too painful… Did something happen to his real body that caused him to be in pain right now?

He opened his eyes and looked at his surrounding.

He was in the hospital. But why?

Oh, yes! He was in an accident.

Strangely, why, instead of his body, there was so much pain in his heart? It feels like… he had lost someone important.

Ohno was disappointed. Even though he knew it was impossible, for a second, he truly hoped Nino would deny everything he said and stay with him.

But... Nino didn’t do anything. He was too stubborn to wake up before. But, once he knew about Ohno’s feeling for him, he didn’t hesitate to leave him. He didn’t even respond to the kiss. Instead, he left Ohno without even saying goodbye.

ohmiya, who are you, fanfic

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