The Boss & The Secretary - I don't want to lose you

May 27, 2020 00:45

Nino couldn’t move when he saw Kenta on the door. Even though he knew he should run away, his legs refused to cooperate.

“You’re getting more beautiful, dearie,” Kenta said as he shortened the distance between them. He deliberately walked slower as if to savour the moment. Nino closed his eyes, afraid to confront Kenta. Why didn’t he let Ohno come with him to the washroom? If Ohno was with him...

NO! Nino opened his eyes. He should not let Kenta get what he wanted. Ohno had done so many things for him. This time, he had to protect himself and the baby.

“Stay away from me!”

He hoped his voice sounded stern despite how anxious he was. However, when Kenta laughed mockingly at him, he started to lose his courage.

“You sound like a frightened mouse, beautiful,” Kenta stopped walking. “And it makes me more excited to make you mine,”

A couple of steps and he would be able to touch Nino. If Nino wanted to run, he should do it now.

But, he waited. If he ran, Kenta could outrun him. So, what if…

“Yes, good!” Kenta said with a smirk. “Don’t run. No one will come to rescue you. I saw you enter the washroom and I put a sign outside the door. So, no one will come here,”

Kenta resumed walking towards him. Nino didn't move, waiting for the perfect moment to act. Once Kenta was close enough, he swung his leg and kicked Kenta’s groin as strong as he can. Kenta collapsed on the floor and groaned in pain because of what he did. But, Nino didn’t waste any seconds to congratulate himself. Instead, he quickly ran to the door, which was swung open before he could reach it.


Nino couldn’t believe his eyes. Ohno was standing in front of him. For a second, he thought Mitsui was waiting for him outside. So, he was really relieved to see it was Ohno. He quickly hugged his boyfriend. What happened just now was too scary! He didn’t want to be parted from Ohno anymore.

“Shit!” Kenta had stood up from the floor. But, he was still in pain. Ohno looked at Kenta in confusion before he glared at the guy, finally realizing who he was. Nino quickly hid behind Ohno. He didn’t want to confront Kenta again. “It hurts, bastard. You’re going to pay for it,”

Kenta was ready to strike him. But, Ohno was faster. Before Kenta could do anything, Ohno attacked him first with his fist. For a small guy, Ohno was really strong as Kenta ended up landing on the floor because of his punch.

“I’ve told you,” Ohno said, sounding furious. “I will make you suffer if you try to do something to my Cutie,”

“He is not yours!” Kenta scowled. “He is mine. I bought him from his father,”

“You…” Ohno was about to punch Kenta again. But, Nino stopped him. He didn’t do it because he felt sorry for Kenta. No, it’s impossible to feel anything but hate for Kenta. He stopped Ohno because he was afraid of what Ohno would do to Kenta. What if Ohno killed Kenta because he was too angry? No, he wouldn’t let Ohno become a murderer.

“Let’s go, Ohchan,” He urged Ohno, trying to pull his boyfriend. “I’m fine now. Please, don’t do anything,”

“You want to let him go?” Ohno clearly didn’t want to go unless he had beaten Kenta.

“No!” Nino clarified. “But, I don’t want you to be arrested. Let’s go, Ohchan. Our baby needs you,”

Mentioning the baby seemed to have an effect on Ohno. He still looked torn in deciding what to do but at least he had softened his gaze as he stared at Nino’s belly.

“He is right, Ohno Kun,”

Nino was startled when a tall man entered the washroom. He tilted his head, staring at the guy. Weird. Nino didn't know who he was but he looked familiar.

As he was too distracted with the newcomer’s arrival, he didn’t notice Kenta had stood up to attack Ohno. Luckily, the newcomer was quick to react and shielded Ohno from Kenta’s punch. Despite being the one who received the blow, the punch seemed to have no effect on the newcomer. He looked at Kenta without saying anything. But, his gaze was enough to intimidate Kenta. Seeing that Kenta won’t try to do anything, the newcomer gave his attention to Ohno again.

“I will handle him,” The newcomer said. “You go with Ninomiya san,”

Ohno hummed in agreement, pulling Nino with him. Nino simply followed without objection even though he was worried. Once again, he wasn’t worried about Kenta. He was worried that Ohno would be affected by whatever the mysterious guy would do to Kenta.

“Don’t worry,” Ohno said, knowing what he was thinking about. “He will probably threaten him or bring him to the police station,”

“Who is he?” Nino asked.

“His name is Nagase Tomoya. He is… hmm… our bodyguard?"

“Huh?” Nino was baffled by the uncertain answer from Ohno. This was the first time he heard they have a bodyguard.

“I will explain later,” Ohno shrugged him off. “Let’s get you somewhere safe first, okay?”

They decided to go home. After what had happened, neither of them were in the mood to shop. Both stayed silent in the car. Nino must have a lot of questions to ask about Nagase. As for Ohno, he was worried about how Nino would react to know he hired a bodyguard to look after Nino.

“Ohchan…” Nino broke the silence once they arrived home. He took a seat on the couch and rubbed his belly protectively. “Thank you for saving me,”

Ohno gave him a slight smile, taking a seat next to him. “I didn’t do much,”

“So… how long do I have to wait until you tell me about the bodyguard?”

Ohno let out a sigh. It seemed like he couldn’t avoid talking about Nagase any longer. But, Nino didn’t seem to be angry. Was Ohno perhaps overthinking?

“Are you angry to know I hired a bodyguard to look after you?”

Nino gave him a weird look before laughing.

“Why would I be angry?” Nino asked.

“Because you have someone watching you? Because I didn’t tell you about it?”

Nino shook his head, reaching out to hold Ohno’s hands. “I am surprised. But I can understand why you did that. You’re worried my stepfather and Kenta will find me, right?”

Ohno nodded his head. Call him paranoid, but, he was really worried to leave Nino alone. When Sho proposed the idea to let Nino go for a programming class, he objected at first despite knowing how much Nino would be happy to go there. He would only let Nino join the class if he was part of it. But, of course, Sho wouldn’t let him join because he didn’t like programming and joining the class would interfere with his job.

So, he told Sho about his worry. And, Sho introduced him to Nagase, who was actually a former police officer. He quit the police because he wanted to be a private investigator. After meeting Nagase for a few times, he finally agreed to let Nagase become their bodyguard.

“Hmm…” Nino scratched his chin. “Nagase san was in my programming class, right?”

Ohno nodded his head. He had paid for Nagase to enrol in the same class with Nino so he can watch over Nino during the class.

“No wonder he looks familiar. I keep thinking where I’ve seen him before,”

“He didn’t watch us all the time. Only when I requested. I have a bad feeling about going shopping today. But, I know you must be bored to be stuck in the house all week. That’s why I requested his help,” Ohno explained. “Cutie, I hope you’re not angry with me for being overprotective. I know you can protect yourself. But, I cannot help being worried when you’re not with me. That’s why I hire him as our bodyguard. I don’t want to lose you. You’re too precious,”

When Nino asked to go to the washroom in the mall earlier, he tried to stay positive and let him go alone. Nagase would look after Nino so it should be fine. However, when Nagase alerted him that a strange man was following Nino to the washroom, his worry elevated and he rushed to the washroom to ensure Nino’s safety. Thankfully, Nino was okay. Seemed like Nino had kicked the guy.

Nino squeezed his hands. “It’s okay. I understand. To be honest, I was really afraid just now. I regret not letting you come with me. But, when I thought about our baby…” Nino paused and took Ohno’s hand to put on his belly. Ohno was grateful for the gesture. “... all I think about… I won’t let Kenta get what he wants. Ohchan, I was really relieved to see you at the door. I was worried it was my stepfather,”

“I won’t let them come near you anymore,” He promised Nino.

“I know,” Nino smiled and leaned forward for a kiss. “So, show me the design you made for our baby room, please?”

A/N: In another version I have in my mind, Ohno would be too late to save Nino and they would lose their baby. But, I discard the idea because Nino had suffered too much. I want them to be happy with the baby. Hmm, what do you think Nagase will do to Kenta? Threaten him or bring him to the police station?

Anyway, I hope this wasn't crappy. Comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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