How Dare You! - Part 11A

May 14, 2020 01:00

“I will think about it,”

That’s what he told Ohno before he walked away from the room, feeling relieved that Ohno didn’t try to stop him. He didn’t want to make a rash decision. He was still in love with Ohno and he wanted them to be together. But… to give Ohno another chance… he thought it's impossible.

It was not easy to confront Ohno. When he heard Ohno call him by his first name as he entered the room, it took him a great control to stop himself from hugging him. But, remembering the real reason he came to see Ohno, he tried to appear calm despite how uneasy he actually was.

For him, the confrontation went well and he should be congratulated for staying calm. He almost lost his composure when they started talking about the video. It was hurtful to remember. But, he did well after that including when he found out how Serina had lied to Ohno about the accident. He couldn’t believe how thick Ohno was! How could he trust Serina blindly? Even if he didn't trust Nino, he should investigate the accusation first before trusting her. What a dumb guy!

“How did it go, Nino?” Aiba asked when he sat down at his desk. “What did he say?”

“It went well,” Nino answered nonchalantly. He didn’t want to elaborate. Not yet. It’s time to focus on his work right now.

“What did he say?” Aiba asked again. He was as nosey as always. But, Nino didn’t really mind.

“That’s not important,” Jun groaned, joining them. As usual, Sho was the only one who stayed focused on his work. “What I want to know… when are you going to let me punch him? He deserves a punch! Urgh, I can’t believe I let him trick you. I should know he was up to something,”

“There’s no need to do that, Matsujun,” Sho said despite his eyes still glued on the screen. Nino looked at him in wonder. How could he focus on both the conversation and his work? “It’s not good to be violent,”

“But…” Jun wanted to protest.

“If you punch him, you could get in trouble, Jun-pon,” Nino cut him off, agreeing with Sho, which made Jun look at him in dissatisfaction. “I’m not barbaric. If I want to punish him, I will use my head, not my hand,”

“So, what do you want to do to him?” Jun asked again. Nino could only laugh seeing how determined Jun was to punish Ohno for what he did. Even though Nino was two months older than him, Jun always acted as his big brother. They spent most of their time bickering. But, if Nino was in trouble, Jun would always help him. And he was grateful for that. He was truly surrounded by people who cared about him. Maybe he didn’t need Ohno after all. Even before Ohno came into his life, he was happy with his family and friends.

“Nothing,” He said. “Just help me decide if I should give him another chance,”

This time, his friends, including Sho, were shocked by what he said. Sho took his eyes off the screen and joined the other two to stare at him with eyes wide open as if he had a horn on his head.

“Are you serious?” Sho asked as he tilted his head. “If I’m not mistaken, you said you will never forgive him. I assume talking with him was the reason…”

“Nino, are you dumb?” Jun cut him off, sounding angry. “Why do you want to give him another chance?”

“Yes, Nino,” Aiba agreed, looking at him with concern. “What if he tricks you again?”

Nino gave them a slight smile. He was touched to see how his friends cared about him. “I need your opinion to decide. I don’t want to act rashly. Let’s get together after work today and I will tell you what he told me just now. Help me to make the right decision, please,”

He wasn’t the type to ask for people’s opinion. Aiba usually would just interfere in his personal affairs even without him asking for help. But, this time, he really needed his friend’s help.

The three of them looked at each other. Aiba and Sho nodded their heads but Jun shook his head. “I stand by my point. I don’t need to hear what he said. You shouldn’t give him another chance,”

Nino looked at him expectantly, hoping Jun would change his mind. At first, it was difficult to convince Jun. He was stubborn. But, after a while and with the help from Aiba, Jun reluctantly agreed.

"Are you alone?"

Ohno didn't raise his face when he heard the voice. He knew exactly whose voice it was. Stupid Serina. After everything that she did, how dare she show her face to him!

"Where is Ninomiya? Why does he leave you eating your lunch alone?"

Shamelessly, she took a seat opposite Ohno but he ignored her. They were in a restaurant. Even though he really wanted to strangle her, he couldn't create a scene in public.

She called the waiter and ordered her food, much to Ohno's dismay. But, he continued to ignore her and ate his meal as quickly as he could so he could leave her.

"How long are you going to ignore me, Satoshi?" She asked. "You may think you're in love with Ninomiya but believe me, one day, you will realize I'm the one you need. And you will thank me for getting rid of Ninomiya in your life,"

She's really testing his patience. He was so stupid not to realize how she had been destroying his life and taking everything from him. What should he do to make her realize he wasn't into her anymore? He had no idea at all.

He couldn't stand being with her any longer. So, even though he hadn't finished his meal, he asked the waiter for the bill.

"Why are you leaving so early, Satoshi?" She asked. "You haven't finished your food and I'm still waiting for mine. Please stay. We have a lot to talk about,"

"I have nothing to talk about with you," He snorted. Why was this waiter taking so long to get his bill? He had to go now before he lost his patience with her. "So, please stop bothering me. I have important things to do,"

"What kind of important things? Trying to get back with Ninomiya?" She mocked. It made him even angrier with her. "That's impossible. He is so angry with you because of the video. If he forgives you… what a stupid person he is then,"

Ohno glared at her, knowing what she said was right. After talking with Nino earlier, he didn’t think Nino would give him another chance.

"Even if he doesn't want me back, nothing will ever change between you and me, Serina nee-chan. Like I said before, you lost your chance and there's no way I'm going to accept you back,"

He hoped what he said had an impact on Serina. But, she only gave him a slight smile before leaning forward and whispered to him.

"Should I try to hurt Ninomiya physically? Perhaps, he will disappear for good this time,"

Ohno pushed her away, feeling uncomfortable to hear what she said. She might be bluffing but he had a bad feeling about it. Thank goodness, the waiter finally came with his bill and he quickly left her.

But, as he walked back to the office, he couldn't stop thinking of what she said. What did she mean? What would she do to Nino this time? Killing him? No, Ohno won't let her do anything to him.

"Are you okay, Ohno san?" He was surprised to hear Sho's voice. Too absorbed in his own thoughts, he didn't realize he was not alone in the office.

"Yes, thanks for asking," He answered quickly. He glanced at the clock, noticing it was still lunch hour. "Did you go for lunch, Sakurai san?"

Sho nodded his head. "I finished my lunch early and headed back to the office to finish my proposal," He pointed at his computer screen. "Are you sure you're okay? You are pale,"

Should he tell Sho about what Serina had just told him? Sho could help him protect Nino from her, something that he failed to do because of his stupidity.

"I have something to tell you," He decided. "Let's talk in private," No one else was in the office but they could get back any moment. So, it's better to talk in his room.

Sho nodded his head and followed him to his room, bringing a notebook with him.

"I assume it has something to do with Nino?" Sho guessed as he closed the door behind him. Ohno asked him to take a seat first.

"I think Nino is in danger," Ohno began explaining. "She told me she wants to hurt Nino physically. I don't know why but maybe she wants to kill him,"

Sho went rigid because of what he said and Ohno could see the anger in his eyes. Ohno had to close his ears when Sho yelled. "Are you serious? She already destroyed his relationship and now she wants to kill him? What is wrong with her?"

Ohno was taken aback to see Sho yelling. Sho had always been calm and composed. But, now… it was the first time he saw Sho lose his temper and he was actually scared to see Sho like this.

"I'm sorry," Ohno quickly apologized. "She's doing this because of me. She always thinks of me as her property. And she doesn't like it when I put someone before her. But, I don't expect her to go this far. Perhaps I overreact. Maybe those words are just empty threat,"

"No," Sho shook his head. "I may not know her as you do but I'm sure of one thing. She is insane,"

Ohno didn't deny what he said because Sho was right. Serina was insane. And Ohno was even more insane because he didn't see her for what she truly was until it's too late.

"Hmmm… maybe I should get back together with her. If I do what she wants, Nino will be safe," He suggested.

Sho rolled his eyes at him because he had just suggested something stupid. He knew how dumb his idea was but if it would help to keep Nino safe, he was willing to do it.

"Ohno san, you're smart. But, you keep making wrong decisions," Sho didn't sugarcoat his words. "If you do that, maybe you will keep Nino safe but you will hurt his feelings. Do you really want that?"

Ohno quickly shook his head. He didn't want to hurt Nino again.

"I will tell Nino and the others about this when they get back from lunch," Sho said. "He's with Aiba and Jun right now so hopefully she won't dare to do anything to him,"

Right on cue, his phone rang and Sho answered the call.

"Where are you? I have…" Sho started. However, the person who had called him seemed to bring bad news as his eyes became wary and he seemed to be in a panic.

"What do you mean, Aiba chan?"

Ohno couldn't hear what Aiba had said. He became restless waiting for Sho to finish the call. What happened? Did Serina do something to Nino? No, please don't. Maybe he should stay with her in the restaurant just now. At least, she would be under his watch.

"Okay, I'll be there," Sho ended the call. "Follow me, Ohno san,"

Without wasting any second, he quickly followed Sho while praying for Nino's safety.


ohmiya, fanfic, how dare you!

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