How Dare You! - Part 8B

Apr 24, 2020 00:03

“Ah, I’m so tired!” Ohno said when they arrived home. He put the groceries they had bought on the table. Then, he lied down on the couch.

“If you’re tired, why don’t you lie down on my bed?” Nino suggested as he sorted the groceries that they had bought. Aiba joined them for lunch and groceries but then he left them to go to the gym. “It’s more comfortable,”

“It will be more comfortable if you join me,” Ohno said, winking at him.

“Later. After I’m done with this, I will join you,” Nino said, pointing at the groceries on the table. Ohno simply smiled and went ahead to rest. Nino glanced at the clock, noting that there’s still time to bake if he took a nap.

As he sorted the groceries, he smiled to himself thinking of what Ohno had said while they were shopping. He said they were a domestic couple. First, they cooked together. Then, they went for groceries shopping together. Later, they would bake together. Did they move too fast in this relationship? He didn’t think so. Maybe next time, they could go cycling together as Ohno had said earlier.

“Ah, Ninomiya san, you’re finally here,” Ohno’s mother hugged him when he arrived at Ohno’s house. She was still as lovely as Nino remembered when they first met in the restaurant.

“How are you, Ohno san?” Nino asked. “I bring brownies for you,”

He handed the brownies to Ohno’s mother who smiled delightfully to see it.

“Thank you so much. Did you make it yourself?” She asked as she looked at the container that he used to put the brownies in.

“Yes, mama,” Ohno answered on his behalf. “I already tried it. It’s really good,”

“Really? I can’t wait to try it,”

Ohno’s mother then excused herself to go to the kitchen. She told them dinner wasn’t ready yet so they would have to wait for a while. Ohno brought him to the living room. No one was there.

“Where are your father and sister?” Nino asked.

“My father is probably in his room, reading. He loves to read. Nee-chan is out with her friends,” Ohno answered. “Hey, I need to take a shower. Do you want to wait here or in my room?”

“I will just wait here,”

“Or…” Ohno moved closer, whispering in his ear. “Do you want to join me?”

Nino was flushing to hear that. Ohno never really wasted a chance to tease him. He pushed him away, asking him to quickly go.

“I will leave the door unlocked in case you change your mind,” Ohno left with a laugh. Urgh, this guy was such a tease.

Being left alone in the living room, Nino really didn’t know what to do. Should he do what Ohno had suggested? Nah, it’s impolite. So, he went to the direction that Ohno’s mother went earlier. If the dinner wasn’t ready yet, he should help her.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” He asked Ohno’s mother who was putting the brownies that he brought into a plate.

She smiled at him. “It’s okay. You should rest. You’re our guest,”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind helping,”

Knowing that he would not change his mind about helping, Ohno’s mother handed him a knife and asked him to cut the onions.

“I wonder where Serina is,” Ohno’s mother mumbled but it was still loud enough for Nino to hear.

“Serina nee-chan?” He asked for clarification, silently hoping it wasn’t the same Serina that he thought of.

“You know her? She is Satoshi’s sister’s friend,”

“She’s working in the same company but in a different department. She is here?”

Ohno’s mother nodded. “She came to visit me. I didn’t know she had returned from the US so I was surprised. When she heard you’re coming with Satoshi, she offered to help me cook. But, she was gone when I returned to the kitchen. She’s probably in the washroom. Do you know…”

Nino couldn’t focus on what Ohno’s mother was telling him. Serina was here! It was probably a coincidence but he couldn’t help but think that it was her plan. Perhaps she knew about the two of them coming to Ohno’s parents’ house from Ohno’s sister and then decided to sabotage it. If it’s true, what would she probably do? Proving to Ohno’s parents that she’s better than him? That didn’t seem like something that she would do.


A scream was heard from upstairs and without thinking properly, Nino went to the direction of the sound, barely aware that Ohno’s mother was behind him.

When they arrived upstairs, they were joined by Ohno’s father who told them the sound came from Ohno’s room. They walked quickly to the room and all he could hear was a loud voice but he didn’t really know whose voice it was or what was said. His mind was a mess. All he could hear was Serina’s voice in his head, repeating what she had said before.

“Gloat all you want, Ninomiya. But, this isn’t over yet. Why don’t you leave Satoshi? It will spare you from the humiliation that you will get when he realizes he is still in love with me,”

He pushed open the door and what he saw surprised him. Ohno in a towel with Serina, wearing nothing but her underwear. What did she do this time? Did she get into the room to be alone with Ohno and thus proved that Ohno was still in love with her?

He looked at Ohno, hoping that it wasn’t what he thought. But, all that he could see was fury in Ohno’s eyes. He never saw Ohno like this before.

“You’re too much, Serina nee-chan!” Ohno barked. “Why do you do that? I’ve told you nicely before that I have a boyfriend now. But, why do you keep trying to seduce me? I don’t love you anymore! Is it hard for you to understand?”

“But… I thought you…”

Ohno didn’t give her the chance to say anything as he continued to talk in the same angry voice.

“What? I’m doing this because I want to make you jealous?” He snorted. “That’s bullshit! I have moved on! Right now, the only person I love is Kazunari. If you want to get me back… that’s not going to happen. You lose the chance when you leave me alone to go to New York. Nothing you do will ever change that. Not now. Not ever. I just want to be with Kazunari so stop bothering us!”

“Satoshi, I’m sorry,” Serina tried to get closer but Ohno pushed her away.

“Get out of my room! NOW!” Ohno yelled.

But Serina didn't move. She kept sobbing because things didn't go according to her plan. She came to the room, feeling confident with herself that she would be able to seduce Ohno. But, it backfired. Instead of making Ohno cheat on Nino, she gave Nino more reasons to love Ohno.

"Come here with me, Serina," Ohno's mother approached her, taking her clothes on the bed to cover her. She led Serina out of the room and Ohno's father also left. It must be mortifying for her. She didn't only humiliate herself in front of Nino and Ohno. She had also involved Ohno's parents in this.

Realizing that his mother was in the room, Ohno started to look around until his eyes met Nino. He waited until they were alone before he went to hug him.

"Sorry," Ohno said. "I heard someone enter the room so I thought it was you. But…"

"It's okay. I understand. I'm happy to see you finally stand up against her. She was so scared. Perhaps she will learn her lesson this time,"

Ohno didn't say anything, only hugging him tighter. They stayed like that for a long time before Ohno's mother called them to eat.

Nino went down first as Ohno still needed to shower. He went to the dining room, surprised to find Ohno's sister there.

"She's gone," Ohno's sister said when Nino's eyes darted around, looking for the woman who had caused trouble for him since he met her. "I'm sorry. I should know she was up to something when she suddenly contacted me,"

Nino looked at her with curiosity, expecting her to explain what she had meant by that. But he was saved from asking when Ohno arrived and asked her the same question in his mind.

"After she left for New York, she never contacted me. Not until the day you introduced Ninomiya san to us. I posted a picture of you two in my Instagram and she suddenly texted me,"

Ohno's sister took a deep breath and then continued. "It was a normal conversation at first… she asked me about my life and then told me about her life in New York. Then, we talked about our family. And slowly, the conversation seems to be focusing on you. I didn't find it strange because I was just too excited to have her back in my life."

She then told them how surprised Serina was to find out that Ohno had a boyfriend now. And the next day, Serina told her that she's coming back to Japan. Of course, she was thrilled but she hadn't suspected anything. Once in a while, Serina would ask about Nino and Ohno. Perhaps a part of her had wondered why Serina was interested in them but she didn't want to doubt her so she didn't ask anything.

She admitted that she told Serina about dinner with Nino today but she totally didn't expect Serina would show up and behave like that. That's why she was sorry for ruining the dinner. But no one blamed her. It was Serina's fault.

Ohno's father then urged them to stop talking about Serina because it would dampen the mood even more. They agreed and talked about something more pleasant.

Noticing it was almost 11, Nino excused himself to go home. Of course, Ohno's mother had invited him to stay over because it was late. He was reluctant but eventually, he agreed to do so. He texted Aiba informing him that he won't be home today before retreating to Ohno's room to sleep. He changed into a pyjama, borrowing it from Ohno.

"What are you thinking about?" Ohno asked as they snuggled together on the bed.

"Nothing. Just happy that I didn't find you with her doing something that will break my heart,"

Ohno gave him a small smile. "I will never forgive myself if I break your heart like that, Kazunari,"

"I know. I love you so much, Satoshi. So much," Nino said. Another breathtaking smile from Ohno before they leaned in for a kiss.

Ohno woke up in the middle of the night. After making sure Nino was sound asleep, he went out of the room, taking his phone with him. He wasn't surprised to find a few missed calls and text messages from the same number. He sighed, dreading the thought of returning the call.

He went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water before he dialled that number. A few seconds later, the familiar voice of Serina greeted him.

"Why did you do that?" Serina asked angrily. "He was supposed to find you cheat on him."

"I…" He could not answer her. Because he himself did not know the answer. Or perhaps he knew but he didn't want to admit it.

"Don't tell me… did you fall in love with him?" Serina accused him. But, when he stayed silent, neither confirming nor denying her, she continued in the same angry voice. "Did you forget what he did? We cannot forgive him. He shall be punished,"

"Yes, he will. I change the plan because I have got a better plan to make him suffer. It would be gruesome," That was a lie. He didn't know what to do. “And don’t you ever think I’m in love with him. That would never ever happen,”

"It's good to hear that,"

"I apologize for humiliating you earlier,"

"Well… I might forgive you. But you have to make sure he suffered,"

There was a lump in his throat, a part of him that didn't want to agree. He didn't want to make Nino suffer. But, he pushed that thought away, giving Serina the satisfaction that she wanted. Once they had an agreement, she ended the call.

Ohno sighed as he stared into the distance. He had to push his feelings for Nino away. His revenge was more important.

A/N: So, the last part might be weird. Have you ever thought that Ohno seem a bit shady as you read this story? Like perhaps he had a secret. If you never thought of it that way, then I will blame my writing skill because I cannot portray it well. So, here is a question. Do you want me to keep the last part and continue the story? Or do you want me to remove the last part so that it will end with OhMiya being happy together and Serina won't bother them anymore because she was afraid after seeing Ohno snapped like that?


Did I drag this story? I hope not. I want it to be fun initially but I think there's a possibility for it to be dark. That's why I put the last part. Let me know what you think of this story, okay? Comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, fanfic, how dare you!

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