The Boss & The Secretary - Breaking the News to Aiba

Apr 21, 2020 00:53

The office was eerily quiet when Sho arrived at work on Monday. Usually, even from afar, he would hear Aiba giggle or Nino’s angry voice, scolding Aiba for something stupid he said. Sometimes, Ohno would join them, mostly laughing to see the interaction between Aiba and Nino. But, he couldn’t hear any of it today. He wondered if he arrived in the office too early before those three and that’s why it was so quiet. However, when he got near the office, he could hear a sigh from Aiba and sounds from the computer. Ah, that’s why it was so quiet. There’s only Aiba in the office today.

“Good morning, Sho chan!” Aiba greeted him cheerfully when he entered the office. Usually, Aiba wouldn’t notice when he arrived because he would be too engrossed in his conversation with Ohno and Nino. And he wouldn’t alert Aiba of his arrival because he loved to see how adorable Aiba was as he talked about random things. And of course, he enjoyed the surprised look on Aiba’s face when he finally noticed him.

He pulled Aiba into a kiss, something that he wouldn’t do usually. Unlike Nino and Ohno who were sometimes too shameless in showing their affection towards one another, he usually remained professional in the office. But, seeing that the couple was not here yet, there’s no harm in kissing Aiba.

“Hehe...” Aiba giggled as they were kissing. Other people might find it annoying but he usually loved when Aiba did that. “What happened to your policy? You said we should not kiss during work,”

It sounded like a complaint but he knew it wasn’t. Aiba was just teasing him.

“Office hour hasn’t begun yet and the perverted couple is not here so I think… why not?” He answered, putting another kiss at the corner of Aiba’s lips. “Where are they? Stuck in traffic?”

“Nah…” Aiba shook his head. “Ohchan had just called and informed me that he will be working from home starting today for one week. Nino chan is unwell and the doctor has advised him to rest. So, Ohchan is taking care of him. But, he will come to the meeting with the client,”

“One week?”  Sho was surprised to hear that. Was Nino okay? It seemed extreme to take a week break from work. Furthermore, based on what he had known of Nino, he wasn’t the type to take a break. Once, he had a terrible cold but he still came to work despite Ohno’s protest. So, why was it different this time?

“Yes,” Aiba nodded his head. “I don’t know what’s the illness though. Ohchan ended the call before I could ask. But, I heard Nino chan throw up in the background. Perhaps, food poisoning?”

Sho only shrugged him off. Even if it’s food poisoning, he didn’t think Nino would need to rest for a week.

“Let’s visit them after work, Sho chan,” Aiba said, eyes twinkling making it hard for Sho to reject him. It’s not like he wanted to reject after all. He was worried about Nino too.

“Sure!” He agreed.

“Yeah,” Aiba cheered excitedly. Sho only smiled. He loved to see how carefree Aiba was. He kissed Aiba once again before entering his room, ready to begin his work. But, he had to call Ohno first.

No one answered when he called. But, not long after that, Ohno returned his call. He quickly answered.

“What took you so long. Is everything okay with Ninomiya san?”

“Good morning, Sho chan,” Ohno answered, laughing softly. “Sorry, I was in the room. I have to make sure Cutie is sleeping,”

“Is everything okay with him?"

Ohno sounded gloomy as he answered, a total contrast from how he sounded earlier. “He was sick because of me,”

Sho could totally imagine a pout on Ohno’s face. But, what did he do to Nino that would make him sick? He certainly didn’t hit Nino. That was not Ohno.

“What happened?”

“He’s pregnant!” Ohno announced happily.

Sho blinked. He almost dropped the phone, having a hard time believing what he had heard. Pregnant? He didn’t mishear, right?

“Are you serious?” He asked, trying to confirm. “Ninomiya san is pregnant?”

“Yes!” Ohno confirmed, proving that he didn’t hear wrongly. “He’s about a month pregnant. So, the baby was probably conceived when…”

“Woah…” He stopped Ohno. He didn’t want to know the details. And he could easily imagine Ohno with a smug on his face right now.

“I get a little bit carried away, I think,” Ohno said. “Don’t tell Aiba chan about this, okay? Cutie wants to tell him,”

“Sure,” He hummed in agreement. Ohno didn’t have to worry. He was good at keeping secrets. “Just make sure you take good care of Ninomiya san,”

Ohno would definitely pamper Nino more now that his little lover was pregnant. There must be a lot of things he would restrict Nino from doing. Ah, he wondered how Nino would respond to that.

Then, the two of them talked about work before Ohno had to end the call. According to his business partner, he had to check on Nino because he could hear noises from the room.

After the phone call ended, he stared at Aiba outside of his room. His secretary looked bored without Nino in the office. Ah… once Aiba knew about Nino’s pregnancy, he wondered how the guy would react. He couldn’t wait to see it. At the same time, he also imagined Aiba being pregnant with his baby. Hmm… hopefully, Aiba is a bearer too so he could fulfil his imagination.

Aiba was bored in the office.

He had been feeling this way when Nino went for training. But, it was bearable because Ohno was still in the office. But, now, both of them were not here, absent because Nino was unwell. Hmm… well, it can’t be helped then. Hopefully, Nino would feel better soon.

Well, at least he still had Sho in the office even though his boss slash boyfriend was serious all the time in the office.

But, why did Nino need one week break, though? Was it something serious? Oh no! If it’s something serious, would Nino be okay? He should probably call Nino to ask.

He picked up the phone. But, he put it back a second later. He shouldn’t bother Nino. He should let him rest.

“What’s wrong with you, Aiba chan?”

Aiba jerked in surprise when Sho called him. He didn’t realize Sho had walked out of his office. The last time he checked on the other guy, Sho was talking on the phone with, he assumed, Ohno. They probably talked about working arrangement.

Seeing his reaction, Sho tried to hide his laugh. Ah, this was Sho that he knew at work. If they’re in private, Sho would definitely roar with laughter whenever he did something stupid.

“Are you okay, Aiba chan?” Sho asked again. “Are you worried about Ninomiya san?”

Aiba nodded his head. “Did you call Ohno san just now? Is Nino okay?”

“Yes,” Sho assured him. “He is light-headed but he’s okay,”

“Has he seen a doctor? Why does he need one week break?”

Sho only gave him a smile. “You ask him when we visit him later, okay,”

Aiba only pouted, hoping Sho would give him more details.

“Focus on your work, okay,” Sho told him. “Please remind everyone about our briefing for the new project,”

Aiba simply nodded his head, deciding that he should probably check the materials for the briefing again. Sho gave him another smile before he walked back towards his room. But, he stopped in the middle and looked straight at Aiba again.

“Do you want to have lunch outside today?” Sho asked. “Or do you want to buy take-out?”

Ah... Aiba didn’t know why he was surprised by the question. Usually, they would eat lunch together with OhMiya in the pantry.

“I’m okay with anything,”

“Let’s eat outside today. I want to bring you to a new cafe. The dessert in the cafe is very delicious. You will love it,”

“Sure,” Aiba agreed easily. Ah, thank God he didn’t make lunch for Sho today. He had thought of doing so but he woke up late today so he didn’t have enough time to make lunch.

Nino practically didn’t do anything today. He had terrible morning sickness when he woke up and Ohno suggested that he stayed home today. Of course, he protested at first. But, Ohno made a pretty good argument and he didn’t have the energy to argue so he reluctantly agreed.

Now, he was alone in the living room, watching a boring drama. Ohno was cooking in the kitchen and he didn’t allow Nino to help and it made Nino feel bored without anything to do. He rubbed his belly. It was still small so he wondered how ugly he would be once it’s getting bigger. Ohno had said he won’t be ugly but he doubted that.

He glanced at the clock, noticing it was almost the time for work to be finished. He wondered how Aiba felt today. Did he feel lonely because Nino didn’t come to work? Hahaha… definitely. No one would listen to his random story.

He took the phone, thinking that it probably wasn’t wrong to call Aiba. He didn’t think Aiba would be busy right now. He had known the guy for a while so he kinda knew the way Aiba worked. Around this time, Aiba would probably get ready to go home.

“Hello!” He greeted cheerfully once the line was connected. He had to put the phone away when he heard Aiba scream, too excited to hear his voice.

“I will be deaf if you keep screaming like that,” He scolded his friend. Aiba stayed silent and he had no doubt Aiba was pouting.

“How are you, Nino?” Aiba asked. He struggled to stay calm, perhaps afraid Nino would tease him again. Or, so he thought. The next second, Aiba once again bombarded him with questions, asking whether he had seen a doctor, what did the doctor say and something else that he couldn’t really hear. The funny thing was, even though it was expected, Aiba didn’t allow him to answer any of those questions.

“I’m fine, Aiba chan. You don’t have to worry. Ohchan is taking care of me,” He wanted to tell Aiba about his pregnancy. But, maybe he should tell his friend when they met. He wanted to see Aiba’s expression when he announced the news. It must be amusing to see. “So, how about you? Are you bored without me in the office?”

“Of course,” Aiba said. “I don’t have anyone to talk with. Sho chan was busy but he came to check on me once in a while. Isn’t he sweet? He brought me to a new cafe today for lunch. The food was really good. Let’s go there together later, okay,”

Nino hummed in agreement. Their conversation had to be cut short. Aiba had told him he would come to visit today so it’s better to catch up later.

“Did you call Aiba chan?” Ohno asked, walking towards Nino after he was done cooking. He took a seat next to Nino and pulled him nearer, allowing Nino to rest his head on his chest and inhaled his sweet scent. Ah, it’s so comforting. He didn’t know if it was his imagination but he thought the baby in his belly also thought the same.

“Aiba chan said he will come to visit later,” Nino informed his boyfriend. Almost immediately, someone rang the bell. Both of them looked at each other in confusion. Eh? Was that Aiba? Wasn’t he too early?

Ohno stood up to answer the door. Not long after that, he was back with Jun behind him. He was surprised. It’s been a while since the last time he saw Jun.

“Aiba chan said you’re sick so I came here to visit,” Jun told him. He gave Ohno a basket of fruits. Ohno thanked him and then disappeared into the kitchen.

“How do you feel?” Jun asked.

“I’m fine.” He answered. Things had been good between them but sometimes it was awkward to be alone with Jun. He hoped Ohno would come back quickly.

“Aiba chan said you throw up,”

“Ah… it wasn’t that bad. Aiba probably exaggerated,” He quickly dismissed Jun.

Jun didn’t seem to believe him as he continued to stare at him in confusion. “Your belly is a bit bigger than the last time I saw you,”

“It’s because…” Ohno, who came back with a plate of fruits, halted when Nino glared at him. Jun looked at them before his eyes widened. Eh, did he figure it out?

“Are you pregnant?” Jun asked.

“How did you know?” Nino neither confirmed nor denied it.

“When I said your belly is big, your hand automatically stroked your belly protectively. Ohno looked happy so I think it must be because you will be parents soon,” Jun answered. Nino glanced at his belly, realizing that he was indeed doing what Jun had said. “Congratulations! Aiba chan didn’t know about this yet, I assume,”

“No…” Nino shook his head. “He will come later so I will tell him. I want to see his reaction,”

Jun laughed. “I should record the moment,”

Nino laughed along with Jun, thinking that he should probably ask for the copy of the video from Jun later. Ohno took a seat next to him and the three of them started to guess on Aiba’s reaction. Jun predicted that Aiba would probably faint to hear the news. Nino didn’t agree. He didn’t think it will be that extreme. Aiba would probably just scream when he heard the news. Ohno, on the other hand, thought that Aiba would probably think Nino was tricking him. Ah, that’s quite possible too.

Not long after that, the bell was rung once again. It was Aiba and Sho. Nino, Ohno and Jun exchanged look, waiting for Aiba and Sho to settle down first.

“Nino, I miss you so much,” Aiba went to hug Nino. Nino playfully pushed him away, saying he couldn’t stand Aiba’s perfume. It wasn’t a lie, though. The perfume was a bit too much for him now.

“Eh? But, I thought you love this perfume,”

“I hate it now. My nose cannot stand it,”


“Because I am pregnant!”


A/N: Decided to do a little poll for the next part. If you have other ideas you would like me to write, I truly appreciate it. Hope this is okay and thank u so much for reading :)

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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