How Dare You! - Part 5

Apr 01, 2020 21:55

There was a gasp at the other end and then the line was disconnected.

Damn! How dare Ohno hang up the phone! Nino groaned in dissatisfaction as he stared at the phone, secretly hoping it would ring again.

It did and Nino almost dropped the phone because he was too surprised. Without wasting any seconds, he answered the call.

“You’re so stupid!” Nino insulted Ohno without feeling sorry.

All he heard in response was a mirthless laugh.

“Why do you hang up the phone, you stupid idiot dumb Maou?” Nino continued his insults when Ohno didn’t say anything. He was aware of what he did. Ohno could fire him. But, at this moment, he was too enraged with Ohno to even care about that.

However, he was bewildered when Ohno laughed again. A real laugh this time.

“Are you crazy, Ohno san?”

“Another insult for me, Ninomiya?”

“No, I’m just concerned with your state of mind. All you did was laughing. I’m afraid you might go crazy,”

Once again, Ohno roared with laughter. Yes, it had been confirmed. His boss was insane.

“If you’re not going to say anything, I will end this call,” Nino said. Once again, Ohno was getting on his nerves. And it made him question what he did just now. Had he gone crazy by asking Ohno to date him for real this time?

“Don’t be mad, Ninomiya,” Ohno said. There was something playful in his tone. “But, you’re seriously cute when you get angry,”

Nino was stunned to hear the compliment. He was grateful they were talking through the phone. He didn’t want Ohno to see the blush that he was sure had formed because of what Ohno had said.

“Why are you so quiet, Kazunari?” The way he said his name… he did it on purpose, Nino knew it. “Are you blushing?”

And once again, Ohno started laughing hysterically when he didn't respond.

Urgh, he started to regret his decision to ask Ohno out. This was truly a bad idea.

But, something flashed in his mind, remembering what had happened earlier. How could he forget about Ohno’s parents? He grinned, knowing that he still had an upper hand in this situation.

“Continue to tease me and you will risk disappointing your parents,” He threatened his boss.

And the boss stopped laughing, making Nino’s grin even wider.

“Ninomiya…” Ohno said, sounding distressed. No hint of playfulness this time. Ah, he’s going to beg Nino again. Oh, he truly enjoyed the chance to make Ohno suffer again. “I don’t mind. I’ve told you, right? I will tell them the truth,”

Nino blinked his eyes, clearly perplexed by Ohno’s response. His strategy didn’t work this time.

“Kazunari…” Ohno said, bringing him back to the conversation he had with Ohno. “... are you still there?”

“Geez… can you stop calling me Kazunari? Only my family can call me Kazunari!”

“But I’m going to be a part of your family too, right?”

Eh, what did Ohno mean by that? He was truly confused right now.

“Did I make you confused? I’m sorry, okay,” Ohno apologized. “Hear me out okay?”

Nino nodded his head even though Ohno couldn’t see him right now.

“But, first, can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” He didn’t realize he had been holding his phone too tightly.

“Are you serious about asking me out?” Ohno asked. “Or, did you do it to exact revenge on me?”

Nino loosened his hold on the phone. To be honest, he didn’t think of revenge at all when he asked Ohno out. And, he felt weird because he wasn’t angry at Ohno for thinking of him like that. If he was in Ohno’s position, he might have the same thought. But, he guessed, he already had enough fun when he gave Ohno silent treatment.

“No, I am sincere about asking you out. I think I might  …” Nino quickly stopped himself when he realized what he was about to say. Damn! That was close!

A soft chuckle was heard from the other end, an indication that Ohno knew what he was about to say.

“Why do you stop? I want to hear your confession,” Of course, Ohno took the chance to tease him. “Please tell me you like me,”

“Don’t be so full of yourself, you stupid idiot dumb Maou,” Nino gritted his teeth, feeling angry at himself for allowing Ohno a chance to tease him.

“Hahahaha…” Ohno laughed. Nino tilted his head, wondering why he liked the sound of Ohno’s laughter now. He used to loathe it before this.

“It’s okay. Let me have the honour of confessing then,” Ohno continued. Nino couldn’t believe what Ohno had said. He wanted to confess… did that mean, Nino was the person he likes?

“Ninomiya Kazunari, I like you,”

Oh my God! Ohno had just confessed to him! What should he say?

“It’s not romantic at all to confess through a phone call,” Nino remarked, trying to hide how happy he was by making a blunt comment.

“Believe me, dearie, I wish that I could do it differently,” Ohno responded. “But, I couldn’t keep it any longer. How about this? Let’s have lunch together tomorrow and we can talk more,”

“Sure…” Nino agreed. “But, you have to pay this time. I will not let you out my sight at all, not even for the washroom,”

All he received in response was Ohno’s hearty laugh.

“I’m serious,” He said.

“Okay, I will pay this time. No more trick,” Ohno promised. “It’s late. You should go to sleep. You have an important presentation tomorrow,”

“Hmmm… Good night, Ohchan,”

“Good night, Kazunari. Dream of me, okay,”

“Don’t want!”

Nino ended the call before Ohno could say more cheesy lines. He felt giddy, thinking of the conversation he had with Ohno earlier. But, then, his eyes caught something. His door was ajar and he could see Aiba spying on him from the other side. How long had he been there? Did he hear the whole conversation?

Having realized that he had been noticed, Aiba opened the door widely with a huge grin plastered on his face.

“That’s so romantic!” Aiba said, clasping his hands together with a dreamy look.

Nino responded by throwing a pillow at his friend and Aiba quickly ran while giggling like a hyena.

“You’re early,” Nino remarked when Ohno entered the pantry as he was sipping his coffee. He came early to practice for his presentation once again. He didn’t come alone, Aiba was with him, but the other guy went to the washroom as soon as they’d arrived at the office.

“I couldn’t wait to see my boyfriend,” Ohno answered, putting a kiss on Nino’s forehead. Nino tried to avoid looking at Ohno, pretty sure he was blushing right now and if Ohno saw the blush, he would definitely tease him again.

“Who said I’m your boyfriend?” He retorted as a way to hide his embarrassment.

“Who said I’m talking about you?” Ohno quickly replied, making him confused. However, when Ohno smirked at him, he threw the tissue box at his boss. Urgh, Ohno seriously enjoyed teasing him. Maybe he should stay calm so that he won’t be flustered and ended up embarrassing himself.

“So, did you dream of me yesterday?” Ohno asked, taking a seat next to him.

“Of course, not!” Nino answered. “It would be a nightmare,”

Ohno simply chuckled before he put his head on Nino’s shoulder. Without thinking, Nino started to caress his head, making Ohno purr in return.

“So, are we really dating now?” He asked timidly. Ohno had confessed but he was still worried.

“Of course!” Ohno answered, quickly raising his head from Nino’s shoulder to face him. “You like me. I like you. So, of course, we’re really dating. Why? Do you think I’m tricking you again?”

“Who knows?” He simply shrugged. A voice at the back of his mind was telling him that Ohno was tricking him again. But, he decided to ignore the voice and believe Ohno. It’s risky but he was ready to accept the consequence if Ohno was indeed tricking him again.

“Hey…” Ohno called him softly. He lifted Nino’s face to make him look straight into his eyes. Nino gazed into his eyes, wondering if Ohno knew what was bothering him. “I know we started this relationship in a weird way. This is the first time I become someone’s boss and I don’t know how to be one. I just… I think… If I am solemn and serious… maybe it’s the best way to control all of you.”

Nino gave him a small smile, remembering how Ohno was in the beginning. It seemed like a long time ago but actually, it had only been a month since he met Ohno for the first time. He guessed the image that his boss portrayed before this wasn’t the real him. He had seen how Ohno was with his family. That was the real him, which was similar to how he acted around them now.

“And when I first met you… when I look at you… hmm… I don’t know how to describe that feeling… but it was intense… and I realize that I like you,” Nino hoped he wasn’t blushing. But, even if he was blushing, Ohno might not realize it. “Then, I overheard your conversation with Matsumoto san… And all I could think about… I just want you to change your opinion about me. Then, my mother told me about the family dinner and it gave me an idea to trick you…” Ohno stopped for a while, letting out a cute chuckle. “... But, maybe I went overboard with this whole tricking you things… I learn my lesson when you ignore me. This time, there’s no trick. I didn’t want you to ignore me again. It was… It’s like I was in hell,”

Nino couldn’t help but laugh at that. Ohno was clearly being dramatic about the last part. However, before he could say anything, he heard someone sobbing and it caught his attention. He looked over Ohno, gasping in horror to see Aiba, Jun and Sho stood at the door with Aiba wiping tears from his face. How long had they been there? Did they hear the conversation?

“That was beautiful!” Aiba was wailing. Sho patted Aiba’s back, trying to comfort him while Jun… well, he bet the same expression was on his face right now. A look of disbelief to see Aiba crying because of what Ohno had said.

“Kazunari, you should be the one crying, not Aiba san,” Ohno teased. Nino only stuck out his tongue at Ohno before he gave his attention to the trio at the door.

“How long have you been there?” He asked.

“Long enough to know that you’ve been tricked by Ohno san,” Jun smirked. Nino glared at him. “I would love to know the details, Ohno san,”

“I will happily tell you about it, Matsumoto san,” Ohno complied with a slight nod to Jun.

“If you tell him, I will not talk to you anymore,” Nino pouted.

“Ah…” Ohno pretended to look troubled. “I cannot tell you, Matsumoto san. I don’t want my Kazunari to ignore me again,”

This time, Nino stuck his tongue out at Jun but his friend ignored him.

“Are you ready for your presentation, Nino?” Sho asked. Nino nodded his head.

“Are you nervous?” This time, it was Ohno who asked. Nino shook his head. He rarely felt nervous for a presentation.

“I’m more nervous to go out for lunch with you,” Nino said.

“Why?” Ohno tilted his head. “Are you afraid I will leave you to pay again?”

The words were out before Nino could stop him. Upon hearing that, Jun smiled triumphantly at him.

“So, that’s why you ignore Ohno san?” Jun asked, evidently happy with what he heard. “He tricked you into paying. Ah, if only I was there to see your face,”

“Shut up!”

Nino stormed off as the others laughed, hoping Ohno would follow him. He ran into the meeting room and smiled when he heard the door opened behind him. He turned around, standing face to face with Ohno, who quickly wrapped his arms around Nino's waist.

The two of them stared into each other before Ohno leaned forward to plant a kiss on his lips. Nino happily responded.

"Ready to go, Kazunari?" Ohno asked. Nino nodded his head as he stood up. His presentation went well and he kept smiling, thinking of the compliment he received from the client. Or maybe, he was smiling because of other things too.

"Yes…" Nino said. "I want to order the most expensive meal in the restaurant,"

"You can order anything you want, my love," Ohno said. Nino glanced at his friends to see their response. Aiba, as expected, was grinning. Sho pretended to ignore them while Jun made a gesture as if he wanted to vomit. "In case you're worried that I might trick you again, you can keep my wallet,"

Ohno handed him his wallet.

"Nah…" Nino pushed the wallet away. "I trust you," He really meant it. He really trusted Ohno. After all, in order to make this relationship work, they had to trust each other.

"Well, if you say that, let's…"

Nino was confused when Ohno suddenly ceased talking. His attention was elsewhere. Ohno was looking at a woman outside of their office. The woman then entered their office and Nino could feel Ohno went still.

"Serina nee-chan," Ohno mumbled next to him.

The woman, who Nino assumed was Serina, looked at them and her eyes beamed with happiness as she noticed Ohno. He quickly ran towards Ohno and hugged him, pushing Nino aside in order to do so. Everyone else, especially Nino, gasped when she suddenly kissed Ohno's cheeks.

"Satoshi!" Serina said excitedly. "Wah… it's been a while, ne? You're so handsome now,"

Serina went ahead and pinched Ohno's cheeks. It made Nino wonder who the woman really was. She seemed to be close to Ohno. She had called him by his first name and shamelessly hugged and kissed his boyfriend. And it made Nino feel… No, he shook his head, trying to deny what he truly felt. No, he wasn't jealous… he was just… he was just curious. Yes, he was just curious, Nino reassured himself.

"Ah, I still remember how you always followed me back then. You're so in love with me, ne?" Serina continued babbling while Ohno stayed silent. Her arms were still wrapped tightly around Ohno's waist. Nino wasn't angry at her. He was angry at Ohno for not pushing her away.

But, he did push her a second after that. Serina didn't seem to be surprised by that. She looked at them before giving her attention to Ohno again.

"Sorry to embarrass you in front of your staff," She said. The way she talked… it ticked him off. It's like she was trying to be cute but she wasn't cute at all. "I can't believe it when your sister told me you're a manager now,"

Ohno looked bashful with the compliment but tried to hide it with a small smile. "What are you doing here, Serina nee-chan?"

"I'm working here!" Serina announced happily. Ohno's eyes widened in surprise. "In the accounting department,"

"But… I thought…"

Nino glared at the two of them even though he knew neither would see it. How dare Serina flirt with his boyfriend? And how dare Ohno flirt with her too? Urgh, he should be punished.

"I decided to move back here because I miss you so much, Satoshi!" Serina said, trying once again to appear cute. "Ne, as we're finally reunited, let's have lunch together. We have a lot to catch up,"

A/N: I hope it isn't weird. I am actually surprised that most of you don't want Nino to exact revenge on Ohno by asking him out. I really contemplated about adding Serina in this story. I've been thinking about adding her since Nino met Ohno's parents. But, it's totally different from what I initially plan. I hope it is okay. Just a quick question, do you think she's a good or bad character?
Anyway, do you watch Arashi live in Youtube today? They were so cute, ne? I can't keep Wash your hand song out of my head.
And everyone, please stay healthy, ne. And I hope you enjoy reading this. Comments are very much appreciated. Thank u so much for voting in the previous poll.

ohmiya, fanfic, how dare you!

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