How Dare You! - Part 1

Mar 02, 2020 23:07

“What are you working on, Aiba chan?”

Still sitting on his chair, Nino went closer to his friend who sat in front of him. They were the only people in the office right now. The other two colleagues were out for a meeting. Same goes with the new manager. Nino grimaced thinking of the boring manager that had been assigned to supervise them two weeks ago.

Okay, back to his original mission. He tried to keep his expression neutral, hoping Aiba won’t know his real reason for approaching him. But, Aiba only spared him a glance before locking his eyes once again at the computer screen. Ah, it’s going to be easy to do what he wanted.

“The report for…” Aiba trailed off, surprised as his chair was suddenly lowered. Nino giggled because of Aiba's reaction. His friend simply blinked, not fully understanding what had happened.

“Nino!” Aiba whined once he realized what Nino had done. “Don’t bother me. I have to finish my work!”

Nino only laughed, ignoring Aiba. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Jun and Sho entering the office. They had just returned from a meeting with a client. Both Jun and Sho stood still at the entrance and based on what they were saying loudly, it seemed like they disagreed about the client. He smiled gleefully as he had an idea of how to bother those two. Knowing what to do, he met Aiba’s stare. Aiba frowned at first so he pointed at the chair and then Sho and Jun. As Aiba finally understood what he meant, he put a finger on his lips, signalling Aiba to be silent. He didn’t want the targets to notice what they were about to do.

They are too immersed in their conversation. Good! He thought to himself.

“ATTACK!!!” That was his signal for Aiba. Hearing the scream, both Jun and Sho turned to look at him. However, it was too late. Aiba pushed the chair he was sitting on at full speed and BAM!!! He hit the targets! Jun and Sho stumbled on the floor because they couldn’t dodge him in time.

"OUCH!!" Both cried simultaneously.

“Don’t you have work to do?” Jun scolded him.

“Yeah. I thought you have loads of reports to analyze,” Sho added. His annoyance was evident.

Nino scrunched his nose to annoy the two of them. He indeed had lots of work to do. But, after days of seeing data non-stop… ah… it’s too much. He just needed a little break from working. If he continued, he might vomit because of how sick he was to extract information from all the reports he had been reading.

“I need a little break.” He pouted. “Do you know how bored I am reading all those reports?”

The three of them looked at him with sympathy. Nice, his strategy seemed to work. All he had to do, gave them his puppy eyes and pouted. It always works. They will just forgive him.

“Okay, we understand,” Sho said. “You do look stressed for the past few days. But, please, don’t do childish things like this. You’re lucky because Ohno san isn’t in the office right now,”

“I’m not lucky. I do this because Ohchan is not in the office right now. He's out for a meeting,” He gave Sho a wink. “Why don't we race using our chair? The first person to reach the elevator is the winner and he can request anything from the losers for a week!"

The three of them rolled their eyes, clearly disapproved his plan. He knew his idea was childish. But, the office was so dull ever since Ohno came to their office. It’s only been two weeks but Ohno’s dark aura and unfriendly demeanour had made the office gloomy. And it affected Nino. He didn’t like gloomy and dull environment. That’s why he decided that whenever Ohno was not around, he would do an activity that would brighten the office.

"Come on!” Nino persuaded his friends. Aiba looked tempted to join. “ Let's do this! Ohchan is not here so…"


Nino went rigid when he heard a cold voice behind him. As his friends stood facing the newcomer, he studied their reaction. All of them looked at the person behind him with wide eyes before they lowered their faces, clearly refusing to look at him. Ohno was behind him, right? Oh my, he’s screwed! How long had Ohno been standing there? Did he watch what Nino did to Sho and Jun earlier? Did he hear his suggestion to race in the office? Please, no! Hopefully, the only thing Ohno caught him doing was calling him Ohchan. He never called the other person Ohchan before, at least not to Ohno’s face. It was just something he called behind Ohno’s back, just to make him feel less scary.

Ah, here goes nothing. He stood up from his chair and turned around to face Ohno, bracing himself. Looking at Ohno’s tiny frame, he wondered how could someone this small be so intimidating? The way Ohno was staring at him right now… Oh, if looks could kill, he’d be dead right now.

“Hmm…” He couldn’t think of anything to say as he stood face to face with Ohno. Damn, brain! Why did you choose this moment to be stupid?

“Will one of you explain to me why you’re not doing your work?” Ohno asked, glaring at them. His gaze lasted longer on Nino as if he knew Nino was the reason.

“We…” Sho began to answer but Ohno stopped him.

“Remember…” The way Ohno spoke -even though he wasn’t yelling- was enough to give him chills. How did this guy pull off this image even though he was small? Nino was about the same size as him but he doubted anyone would ever feel scared of him. “This is an office, not a playground,”

“Yes, sir,” The four of them answered simultaneously.

Ohno glared at them one more time before he headed to his office. But, he stopped at the door, turning back to look at them. When Nino saw he opened his mouth, he could guess what his boss was going to say, especially when his boss was looking straight at him.

“In my office now, Ninomiya!”

His friends looked at him with sympathy. With a heavy step, he walked towards the office. Aiba wished him luck as he walked past him.

Ah, whatever. He had no reason to be scared because he didn't do anything wrong. He was just goofing around in the office. The worst that Ohno could do was giving him a warning.

Feeling more confident with himself, he knocked on the door and entered the office, ready to defend himself in case Ohno started to act like a jerk.

"Take a seat, Ninomiya,"

Nino eyed the chair in front of him, silently cursing at Ohno for ignoring him when he entered his office ten minutes ago. Instead of talking, Ohno pretended to be busy and let Nino stand in front of him like a fool.

Noticing that he was still standing, Ohno gave him a cold look, daring Nino to defy him. Okay, Ohno was scary with that look. He admitted that. And, it was enough to crush his so-called courage so he took a seat, just like Ohno had ordered.

"Have you finished your report?" Ohno asked, still sound as cold as always.

"No," He answered.

"Then, why are you goofing around in the office?"

"Taking a break? It isn't wrong to take a break, right? It could improve my productivity," He tried to reason with his boss. “Besides, it’s due the day after tomorrow. So, I still have some time before the dateline,”

However, Ohno only stared at him, making him wonder what he was thinking about.

"It isn't wrong to take a break," Ohno finally said. He wanted to sigh in relief when Ohno agreed with him. But, he knew Ohno wouldn't let him go as easily as he thought. And, he was proven right when Ohno continued. "But, it is wrong to bother the others who are working,"

"I didn't bother them," Nino argued. Silently, he prayed that Ohno didn't see what he had done before Ohno arrived. However, judging the way Ohno was looking at him… hmmm… he didn't think he had enough to prove he was innocent.

"How do you know I'm guilty?" Okay, let's just try this. If there's something he was good at, it was twisting the truth.

"Well, I don't have anything to prove you are guilty of bothering the others." Ohno pretended to be defeated by his argument. Urgh, he is so annoying. "But, the voice of the person who suggested racing to the elevator… urgh, what a lame idea…" Nino glared at him when he heard that. How dare Ohno insulted his idea as lame! "... that voice sounds very similar to yours,"

"Once again, you have no proof it was me,"

"Hmmm… yeah, I guess you're right. It might be Aiba. The idea was so stupid. I doubt someone as cool as you will suggest something dumb like that,"

Nino clenched his teeth, irritated with the way Ohno treated him. Ah, if only he could punch this guy...

"Anyway, I have a client to meet at 7 PM today," Ohno informed him. Nino frowned. He had a bad feeling about this, especially when he noticed Ohno was smirking. "And you're going with me,"


"You heard me. I have to meet a client and you're going to go with me. And you cannot claim overtime for it. Consider it as a punishment for goofing around during office hours,"

He was about to argue but Ohno shut him off by pressing something on his phone. It was a recording of what happened earlier, which indicated it was him who suggested racing to the elevator.

"We will go at 6 PM," Ohno stated matter-of-factly, which denied him any chance of objecting. "You may go now,"

He glared at his boss but complied as requested. Urgh, he hated Ohno.

For the rest of the day, Nino had been moody. None of his friends dared to ask him what happened in Ohno's office. Not even Aiba. He stayed silent and grumpy as he did his work.

"Are you going to work overtime today, Nino?" Aiba asked, still sounding scared to talk to him. Nino ignored him and glanced at the clock. He sighed when he realized it's the time to go with Ohno. He almost finished his report and he wondered if Ohno would let him finish it before they went for the meeting.

“Well, we’re going to go for a drink,” Aiba continued his attempt to talk to him while Jun and Sho stayed silent. “Do you want to join us?”

“Nah…” He finally answered. “I have to go with Ohno to meet a client,”

“Is that how you address me, Ninomiya?”

Ah, that voice! He hated to hear that voice. Maybe he shouldn’t goof around earlier. Somehow, Ohno had talked more often after the incident. And most of the time, he talked to annoy Nino. For example, an hour ago, he had come to Sho’s desk to ask about the new client Sho was handling right now. They were talking about work but he did mock Nino a few times. Why he did that, Nino had no idea. Maybe it was to get his attention but Nino simply ignored him.

“Ohno san…” Nino said, clearly faking his tone to sound friendly. “Are we going there now?”

“Yes,” Ohno responded with a smile. Urgh, he hated his smile. That was the smile of a devil. “I’ve told you that we will leave at 6 PM.”

“Can you give me 15 minutes? I almost…”

“Nope,” Ohno said with his demanding tone. He didn’t give Nino a chance to explain at all. “As you’ve said before, you still have some time before the deadline. Besides, you will do it in a rush and it might affect the quality of your report. So, you should continue the work tomorrow,”

Well, there’s no denying that Ohno was right. But, he knew that the manager was doing it only to spite him. Urgh, was Ohno always this mean? He thought Ohno was just a quiet and dull person. He didn’t expect him to be a maou. Hmm… Maou? That could be his new nickname.

“Well, hurry up!” Ohno urged him. “The rest of you, I’ll see you tomorrow,”

Aiba, Jun and Sho looked at each other before they quickly took their bags and waved goodbye to the two of them.

“So, where are we going?” Nino asked as he walked with Ohno to the elevator. Even though his friends had just left mere minutes ago, they were nowhere to be seen. Did they take the stairs?

“Tokyo,” Ohno answered lazily.

Okay, can he punch his boss now? That wasn’t an answer at all. They’re already in Tokyo. But, he didn’t say anything to his boss anymore after that. He doubted Ohno would answer him. So, he simply followed the guy. Hopefully, Ohno would not trick him and bring him to a dangerous place.

“We will meet the client here?” Nino asked when they arrived at an Italian restaurant in Aoyama. Ohno only gave him a smile without answering his question. Urgh, Ohno is weird, he cursed his boss silently.

He looked around the lavish restaurant. Hmm, he would never dream of eating in this restaurant even if he had enough money. It’s better to spend his money somewhere else.

But, well, Ohno said he couldn’t claim his overtime. But, how about the expense? Would Ohno pay for his meal? He wouldn’t spend even a single penny for this.

Both of them followed the waiter who’s going to show them their table. As they walked, Ohno wrapped his arm around his waist, much to his surprise. He tried to push the hand away but Ohno was stronger than him.

The waiter brought them to a table occupied by a couple of elderly people and a young woman, who was perhaps a couple of years older than him. As he looked at them, he realized they eerily resembled Ohno and he started to have a bad feeling about this.

“Satoshi…” the older woman spoke. “Why do you bring an outsider to our family dinner?”

Okay, Nino tried to calm himself. Did Ohno bring him here to meet his family? But, why would he do that?

“Mama, he’s not an outsider,” Ohno said, putting a kiss on his forehead. Truthfully, Nino didn’t know how to react. Everything happened too fast. “This is Ninomiya Kazunari. He is my boyfriend,”

Oh my… This time, his boss deserved a punch!


A/N: Sorry, this is not The Boss & The Secretary. This is just something that I want to try. My friend gave me a prompt to write a fic based on what Nino will do if he's bored in the office and this is the result.
I want to write the fic differently this time. I want you to decide what will happen next. It might take some time for me to update but I really hope this will work
I really hope you will join my little project. Thank you in advance for voting. I'm truly grateful for your support all this time.

ohmiya, fanfic, how dare you!

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