The Boss & The Secretary - Our First Valentine

Feb 15, 2020 01:02

Nino woke up earlier than usual that morning. Quietly, he crept out of the bedroom and headed to the kitchen. Today was February 14th and he had something planned for today. It’s their first valentine as a couple and he wanted the day to be special. He wanted to make homemade chocolate for Ohno!

This was the first time he tried to make chocolate so he was really worried that it won’t be good. He knew what’s important is his sincerity but he didn’t want to force Ohno to eat something if it wasn’t delicious. As he prepared the chocolate, he wondered how many chocolates Ohno received every year. Ohno was really popular in school, maybe second after Jun. A lot of girls gave him chocolate but he refused to accept them.

He was sure Ohno would receive a lot of chocolates this year. He was a nice handsome man. Surely, he had gathered thousands of admirers. Nino could name one of them. The receptionist. She always greeted Ohno politely when they arrived at work but will glare at Nino when Ohno wasn’t looking at her direction. She was clearly jealous of Nino because he’s dating Ohno. Nino didn’t give a hoot at her but silently, he hoped that Ohno would reject her in front of him so that she knew Ohno was his and would stop bothering them.

Done! Now all he had to do was refrigerate the chocolate. While waiting for the chocolate to be ready, he began preparing meals for their lunch. For Ohno’s bento, of course, he had prepared a valentine-styled bento. He put pork in the bottom layer and then covered it with rice. Then, he cut a red bell-pepper to spell ‘I’ and ‘you’ on the rice. In between those words, he put two grape tomatoes to form the heart shape. To complete the bento, he put heart-shaped strawberries at the corner.

Perfect! Now, it’s time to get ready for work. He hurried to take a shower. It didn’t take him long to get ready. When he was done, Ohno was still sleeping. Weird. Usually, Ohno would wake up while he was taking a shower.

“Ohchan…” He shook Ohno’s body slowly. Ohno rubbed his eyes sleepily before he opened them.

“What time is it?” Ohno asked. He didn’t sound good so Nino put his hand on Ohno’s forehead, surprised with how hot it was.

“Ohchan!” He exclaimed. “You have a fever!”

“No…” Ohno denied. “I’m not. I’m perfectly healthy,”

“No, you’re not. Stay at home and rest!”


“No! You will stay at home and rest. I know your schedule for today. You don’t have any meetings for today... “


“Yes…” He didn’t let Ohno interrupt him. “You have an important meeting the day after tomorrow and you haven’t started preparing for it yet. Don’t worry, I’ll prepare the material for you,”

Ohno wanted to argue again but Nino gave him a stern look and he only gulped in response.

“Okay, I will rest,” Ohno said defeatedly.

“Good,” Nino said. To be honest, he was quite disappointed that his first valentine with Ohno would not be as what he had expected. But, it’s okay. Ohno’s health was more important.

“Wow, you’re so sexy like this!” Despite his condition, Ohno could still tease him.

“Go back to sleep. I will make porridge for you and then I’m off to work, okay?” He informed his boyfriend. Ohno only nodded his head before leaning forward for a short kiss. Then, Nino pulled himself away from Ohno and put a blanket on his boyfriend.

He headed to the kitchen, sending a text to Sho informing him that he will be a tad late for work today. Then, he prepared porridge for Ohno while reminding himself to call Ohno while he’s at work today to make sure the stubborn guy ate. He glanced at the bento he had prepared. A sigh escaped his mouth, feeling disappointed once again that he couldn’t spend valentine’s day with Ohno. But, at least, Ohno could still eat the bento. So, he decided to leave it on the table.

“Are you okay, Ninomiya san?” Sho asked during lunch.

Nino only nodded his head. He didn’t feel like talking today. All he could think about was the sick Ohno at home. He had called Ohno earlier to ask whether he had eaten. Ohno said yes and asked him not to be worried because he had felt better after resting. Ohno didn’t mention the bento and it made him wonder if he saw the bento.

“He just misses his boyfriend, Sho chan!” Aiba answered on his behalf. It’s the truth so Nino didn’t bother to correct him. He missed Ohno. Ah, the day felt so boring without Ohno by his side. He remembered feeling the same way while he went for a training class last week. He didn’t expect to feel the same way again so soon.

“Well…” Sho began. “If you have no urgent work, why don’t you go home and take care of him. You haven’t applied for leave yet since you work here,”

Nino shook his head. He was tempted to do so but he was already away last week. He didn’t want to burden Aiba with his job again. Besides, he also needed to prepare the materials for Ohno’s meeting.

“Okay, it’s your choice,”

Nino only smiled at him. Just a few more hours before he was done for today. Maybe he should call Ohno again later. Hopefully, Ohno’s voice would be enough to give him the strength to continue his day.

It was dark when he got home later that day. Perhaps Ohno was still in the bed, sleeping. He switched on the light, only to be surprised to see Ohno standing at the centre of the house, smiling softly at him.

“What are you doing?” He scolded his boyfriend as he walked towards him. “You should rest, not standing here like that. It’s scary, you know!”

Ohno only laughed while wrapping his arm around Nino’s waist. Suddenly, romantic music was played in the room as Ohno started to sway their bodies together. Nino only followed his lead, not exactly sure what he was supposed to do. Ohno put his lips near Nino’s ear, whispering, “Happy valentine’s day, Cutie,”

“Eh?” Nino squeaked. It was a stupid response. He didn’t know why he responded like that.

His eyes looked around the room and noticed two plates of hamburger steak on the table. Ohno pulled him to the table. But, they didn’t sit down. Instead, Ohno simply hugged him from behind and put his chin on Nino’s shoulder.

“You must be tired, ne…” Ohno said. Nino was about to say something, but Ohno put a finger on his lips, preventing him from saying anything. “Let me talk first. Sorry for making you worried. Don’t scold me for not resting. I’ve got plenty of rests already, sleeping all morning. I ate the bento you prepared. It’s really cute… I felt bad about eating it. To be honest, I don’t know how to make this day special. But, I guess just by spending it with you will make this day special, ne?”

“Un..” Nino nodded his head. That’s what he was thinking too.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t spend the whole day with you because I’m sick. But, for the rest of the night, I’m all yours.”

“Okay!” Nino said. Ohno slowly let him go before he pulled the chair to let him sit. Once Nino was seated, he sat on the chair opposite of him.

Remembering his chocolate, Nino stood up and went to the fridge but it was nowhere to be seen.

“Ohchan, where is my choco…”

“In my belly. I already ate it. Very delicious!” Ohno answered before Nino could finish asking. Even though he complimented the chocolate, there was something weird about his expression.

“Are you lying?” Nino asked. Ohno shook his head. But, the way he gulped seemed to confirm his suspicion.

“It was horrible, right?”

“No, it’s really delicious,” Ohno said again. But, Nino looked at him sternly and he sighed. “Okay… it was horrible. I lied because I don’t want you to be sad,”

“Did you throw it away?”

“No…” Ohno shook his head. “I ate the chocolate that you made. It may be horrible. But, it’s something you made for me so of course, I will finish it,”

“I don’t want you to finish it because you have to,” Nino pouted.

Ohno took his hands and squeezed it. “I finished it not because I have to. It’s because I want to. Let’s try to make chocolate together this Saturday. I’m sure it will be better. Everything is better when we do it together, right?”

“Yes!” Nino nodded. “Let’s make chocolate together!”

Their first valentine as a couple might not be as what he wanted. But, he was still happy to be able to celebrate it with Ohno. He hoped he could forever celebrate valentine with Ohno.

A/N: I apologized if this is too crappy. I don't want to write anything for Valentine. But, after seeing Arashi's post, I just feel like writing this. I hope it wasn't as bad as I thought. I swore it was better in my head but I can't really seem to put it nicely when I wrote.
Anyway, I have an interview next week. It's an interview for a job that's actually related to my degree. After the crappy ending for my first job, I have a hard time finding a job related to my degree. My job right now was sort of in the same industry but the job I'm doing was nothing like what I learn. I'm really nervous for this interview. I hope I could do it well.
Okay, enough rambling. I hope you enjoy reading this story. As always, comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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