The Boss & The Secretary - What happened?

Feb 15, 2020 00:46


Both Nino and Ohno glanced at each other with a knowing smile. Both of them had expected this. They had expected Aiba would scream Nino’s name and hug him tightly when he arrived at work on Monday. Because of the training class on coding he went to last week, he hadn’t seen Aiba for a week. As he had become closer with Aiba, he knew Aiba would miss him just as much as he missed the taller guy.

“I miss you so much, Nino!” Aiba pulled Nino into a hug. “How is the class? What did you learn? Oh, wait, even if you tell me about the class, I don’t think I will understand. Sho chan taught me how to do it before. But, it was too complicated. So, I don’t really understand. How about you? Was it hard?”

Aiba kept on rambling without giving Nino any chance to respond. Nino had also expected this. He didn’t want to complain, though. He was really happy to have a friend like Aiba.

“Okay, that’s enough!” Ohno said with a laugh, trying to separate the two of them. Nino was surprised to see he was able to do so despite Aiba’s strong grip on him. “Don’t touch Nino anymore,”

“Awwhhh... “ Aiba cooed. “Are you jealous, Ohchan?”

“Of course! He’s my boyfriend,” Ohno muttered, pretending to be angry. He glanced at the clock and then sighed. “I better get ready for my presentation. See you later, cutie,”

Ohno kissed him on the lips under Aiba’s pervert stare. He couldn’t really focus on the kiss because Aiba was giggling. Once Ohno went into his office, Nino smacked Aiba’s head.

“Stop giggling when we’re kissing!” He scolded Aiba.

“I couldn’t stop giggling. You guys are so…”

“Good morning!”

Sho’s cheerful voice greeted them before Aiba could finish his sentence. Both of them returned the greetings. However, he noticed something was different with Aiba when Sho arrived. Aiba, who was usually talkative, only smiled awkwardly at Sho before he excused himself to start working. Well, at least Aiba wasn’t the only one who acted weirdly. Sho asked him about the training he attended but he noticed how Sho would secretly glance at Aiba. He was tempted to ask if something happened between them while he was away but he didn’t think either of them would answer him. Hmm... maybe he could ask Ohno later.

"Did something happen while I was away?"

Nino asked Ohno during lunch. They were alone in the pantry, eating curry rice. Aiba was out to have lunch with Jun. Sho also went with his friend. Everyone else might think it was normal but not Nino. He thought both of them were avoiding each other.

"I've already told you everything that happened," Ohno answered. It's true. They'd talked about it every night during dinner.

He tilted his head, wondering if perhaps Ohno didn't notice the tension between Sho and Aiba. Or, maybe he was the one who imagined it. He couldn't concentrate on thinking about it when he noticed the gravy on Ohno's chin. He took the napkin and wiped it.

"You're so messy, Ohchan," Nino pinched his boyfriend's cheeks. "How old are you? Five?"

Ohno only smiled sheepishly at him before he continued eating his meals. Nino stared at him with a fond smile. Ohno is too adorable. How could someone who makes a great presentation in the meeting this morning be the same person who had gravy all over his chin when he ate? The gap between Ohno's professional self and private self was too amazing and that made Nino love Ohno even more.

"Do you have a dirty thought, cutie?" Ohno asked with a teasing smile, bringing him back to reality. He closed his mouth, didn't realize his mouth was wide open as he stared at Ohno. Fortunately, he wasn't drooling.

"No… I'm not a pervert like you," Nino answered. Ohno grinned widely, ready to tease him again. However, before he could say anything, Nino quickly changed the subject. "Do you notice something weird between Sakurai san and Aiba chan?"

"Hmmm…" Ohno furrowed his eyebrow, appearing to be thinking. It took him a while to respond. "Now that you said it… they were awkward before the meeting started. Aiba usually talks a lot. But, he seemed reserved after Sho entered the meeting room. It seemed like he avoided looking at Sho,"

"Right?" Nino sighed in relief. Seemed like he didn't imagine the awkwardness between those two. "They don't even join us for lunch today."

Since he started working, the four of them always have lunch together in the pantry. That's why he thought it was weird when both of them chose to eat lunch somewhere else. He had just returned from the training. He had expected Aiba would have lunch with him to catch up.

"I thought they just wanted to let us spend some time together," Ohno mumbled. Nino pinched his arm this time, causing him to yell. "Do you think they're avoiding each other?"

“I don’t know. That’s why I ask if something happened last week when I wasn’t here,”

Ohno simply shook his head. “No, they’re normal last week… ah, but they mentioned going to a party in their neighbourhood. It was on Saturday, I think. Maybe something happened during the party,”

Hmm... Nino rubbed his chin, thinking of any possible incidents in the party that could lead to the awkwardness between Sho and Aiba. As he was thinking of that, Aiba entered the pantry, grinning from ear to ear. Sho was with him. He wasn’t grinning but he definitely looked happier than this morning. Seeing that, both Nino and Ohno looked at each other. Ohno probably had the same thought as him. Something weird definitely happened between them. But, now, they’re okay. More than okay, actually, by looking at the way they were smiling.

“We met downstairs,” Aiba suddenly said without neither Nino nor Ohno asking.

"How's your lunch?" Ohno asked. Nino noticed how both Aiba and Sho glanced at each other before saying they had a great lunch. With their friend. Hmm… were they trying to hide something? Something was off with the way they emphasized their friends. Sho didn't stay for long, though. He excused himself from the pantry, telling them that he had some matters to attend to.

"Curry!!" Aiba exclaimed. "Can I try it? It looks tasty!"

Aiba went ahead and took a spoon to try the curry. His face was in pure bliss as he savoured the taste.

"Umai… you're really good at cooking, Nino chan,"

Nino shook his head. Usually, it was he who made Bentos for both Ohno and him. But, not today. When he woke up this morning, he was surprised to find Ohno in the kitchen, preparing curry rice for their lunch.

"Nope. It wasn't me… Ohchan made it this morning,"

Aiba's eyes widened while Ohno pretended to be offended by Aiba's reaction.

"I know how to cook, Aiba chan!" Ohno pouted. "I want to make a curry for my parents. I haven't visited them for a while and mama keeps telling me to bring Nino to see her. So, I thought of visiting them next week, if Nino is okay,"

Nino went still as he heard Ohno mentioned his parents. Everything else was forgotten, including his intention to find out what happened between Sho and Aiba. All he thought about was the prospect of meeting Ohno's parents. Man, he was too scared. What if they didn't like him?

As he grew anxious thinking of that, Ohno slowly stroked his back to comfort him.

"Don't worry," Ohno told him softly.

"But… what if…"

"Don't worry," Ohno told him the same thing again. "I've been telling my mom about you. I'm sure she likes you. That's why she wants to meet you,"

Nino didn't respond. He didn't know what to do.

"You don't have to go. I will tell her, you're not ready yet,"

The way Ohno was smiling at him made him realize how selfish he was. Ohno never asked much from him. In fact, Ohno had given him more than enough. He saved Nino from his stepfather, gave him a job and place to stay. He even gave Nino an opportunity to learn something he loved. He couldn't deny that he was worried about what Ohno's parents would think of him. But, Ohno had been kind and understanding to him. It must be because he had been raised well by his parents. So, he could expect that Ohno's parents will be as kind and understanding as Ohno was.

"It's okay. I will go,"

"Are you sure?"

Nino nodded his head, giving Ohno a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine."

Ohno beamed at him before hugging him tightly. Nino enjoyed the warm embrace, truly thinking that he made the right decision. Nothing could make him happier than seeing a smiling Ohno.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Aiba at the door, grinning and putting a thumb up for him. He simply gestured for him to go away. He didn't want his friend to disturb the tender moment he shared with Ohno. Aiba stuck his tongue out at Nino but left the pantry as he requested.

Once Aiba left, Nino pulled himself away from Ohno. They stared, looking into each other's eyes before Nino leaned forward and kiss Ohno this time.

They just kissed for a minute, though. Knowing it could lead to something else if they kept kissing, they reluctantly let go of each other. He asked Ohno to go back to his office while he took care of the mess they made in the pantry.

Once he was done with the pantry, he went to his seat. Aiba was nowhere to be seen so Nino assumed he was either in the washroom or in Sho's office. Thinking of the washroom, he headed there, feeling the need to relieve himself from the food that he ate earlier. He pushed the door open and gasped in surprise because of what he saw. He blinked his eyes a few times to make sure what he saw was real.

Sho and Aiba were kissing.

Perhaps because of his gasp, both Aiba and Sho jumped and let go of the other one. Their faces were completely red.

Awkward silence. He was the one who broke the silence because of his desperate need.

"I cannot hold it anymore." He told them as he walked into one of the stalls. As he was doing his business, he heard them leaving the washroom. Good. He didn't know how to react actually.

But, he was wrong. Once he was done with his business, Aiba was still in the washroom, smiling sheepishly at him when he went out of the stall.

"Is this how you feel whenever I watch you and Ohchan kissing?" Aiba asked as Nino washed his hands.

"I don't know. Do you feel embarrassed?"

"Of course!" Aiba answered. “But, I’m also happy. I’ve been thinking about how to tell you about us. You would probably think I'm lying if I told you I’m dating Sho chan,”

“Nonsense!” He said. “Why would I think you’re lying?”

Aiba frowned, scratching his head. “Isn’t it obvious? I'm not the kind of person Sho chan would date,”

Nino only laughed at his friend. Aiba and Sho were perfect together. Aiba might not believe him, but he knew Sho had been in love with Aiba for a while. The way Sho looked at Aiba was enough to tell how much he loved the cheerful guy.

“I want to know the details, okay…” Nino told his friend. He wanted to know what caused the awkwardness between Sho and Aiba this morning. The relationship probably only began after lunch today, which would explain why they were smiling and happy in the pantry just now. “... But, we have work to do. Let’s have dinner together tonight! And you can tell both Ohchan and me how the two of you started dating,”

"Here," Aiba handed a drink to Sho. Both of them were at a party at their neighbour's house. He had come early, helping the host of the party to prepare. Once the party started, he was too busy socializing with the other neighbours. He didn't even realize Sho had arrived. As he was listening to his neighbour's story, he noticed Sho was standing by himself at a corner. So, he excused himself from the gossipers and went straight to Sho with a glass of wine.

"Thanks," Sho mumbled. He took the glass from Aiba and took a sip. "You're popular,"

Aiba smiled sheepishly. Sho must have been around for a while to know that he had been interacting with a lot of people since the party started. He wasn't really talking. He only listened to what the others had said.

"Are you alone? Where is Matsumoto san?" Sho asked. Aiba frowned, confused with what he said.

"Why would I bring Jun here?"

This time, it was Sho's turn to look confused. "I thought you and him… Eh? You're dating him, right?"

It took Aiba a few seconds to understand what Sho had just told him. Once he understood, he couldn't stop himself from laughing loudly, causing people to look at his direction. He apologized to them before he brought Sho outside. He had been inside the house for a while. It was refreshing to be outside.

"Jun and I are friends," Aiba clarified. "There's no way we will date. Jun said I'm too loud and I think he is too serious,"

"But, you always go out with him,"

"To the gym," Aiba said. "Urgh, I can't imagine dating him. It will be hard,"

Besides, he added to himself, I'm in love with someone else. He stared at Sho, admiring how handsome Sho was. He had been in love with Sho for a while now, perhaps since the first time he met Sho. But, there's no way Sho will reciprocate his feelings. Sho was too perfect to be with someone like him. Under the moonlight, Sho looked even more handsome than usual. Aiba couldn't help but wonder how it would feel like to kiss him.

Blaming the alcohol that he had consumed because of the party, he shortened the distance between both of them. Sho looked at him weirdly at first but he didn't do anything to stop him when he leaned forward and put his lips on Sho. His boss was surprised with his sudden action but he didn't push him away. Instead, he kissed him back, something that he didn't expect to happen.

"Wah… you kiss him first!!" Nino squealed excitedly. The plan to have dinner with Aiba was cancelled because Sho wanted to be alone with Aiba. So, Aiba was telling the story of what happened between the two of them while waiting for Sho and Ohno to finish their discussion.

"It's so embarrassing. I can't believe that I'm the one who kissed him first."

"What happened after that?" Nino asked eagerly. He felt like a teenage girl, who was excited to know about his friend’s romance.

"Well, someone came out of the house and I freaked out. I shouldn't kiss him. It will make things awkward if he didn't like me,"

"Of course he likes you! He kissed you back!"

"Yeah, but at that time I couldn't think properly. I just thought he kissed me back because he was drunk. So, I ran away,"

"You didn't…"

"Yes, I did. And then I avoided him. He texted and called me but I ignored them. To be honest, I don't want to come to work today because I'm not ready to see him yet. But, I miss you so I decided to come,"

Awh… Nino cooed to himself. He was moved to know that Aiba was willing to come to work because of him despite his awkward situation with Sho.

"That's why you and he are so weird today…"

"Really?" Aiba said. "I didn't do anything weird today,"

Nino stayed silent. He didn't want to tell Aiba all the obvious signs showing how awkward Aiba was around Sho today.

"How did you end up having lunch with him today if you're avoiding him?"

"How did you know… never mind…" Nino tried to stifle his laugh. He guessed Aiba wanted to ask how he knew he went out for lunch with Sho. Aiba's face was red so he expected an embarrassing story.

"He tricked me!" Aiba pouted. Nino could only smile. As expected. "Jun texted me, inviting me to have lunch together. I agreed. But when I came to the restaurant, Jun wasn't there. It was Sho. He asked for help from Jun,"

"Do you try to run away again?" Nino asked. Aiba didn't answer. Once again, he only pouted.

"Sho begged me to listen to him. I don't want things to be weird between us so I listen to him. We talked. And he confessed. He asked me to date him and I agreed. You know what happened after that. I didn't expect you to go to the washroom. I thought you will be busy with Ohchan,"

Nino smiled. He was pleased to know Sho and Aiba are finally together. Aiba had helped him to be with Ohno. So, knowing that Aiba finally had someone he loves in his life, he was really grateful. From the bottom of his heart, he prayed for Aiba's happiness. Aiba deserved that!

A/N: As some of you have requested for the continuation of this, here you go. I hope you're not disappointed by this. As always, comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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