And That's How We Meet - Part 2

Feb 10, 2020 22:10


Aiba was skipping to his seat. He seemed happy as he singsong Nino’s name. Nino was annoyed to see that. He wasn’t annoyed because Aiba was happy. He was annoyed because Aiba wasn’t at his place this morning causing him to have an embarrassing moment in his life. And now, he’s going to lose his job because Aiba wasn’t there to pick up his call.

“What do you want?” He asked coldly. He knew it was childish for him to blame Aiba for what happened. But, he couldn’t help himself from blaming someone else. Ah, this was really bad of him!

“Why are you moody? I thought you would be happy!” Aiba asked, frowning.

“Happy?” He repeated, looking at Aiba with disbelief. “Where are you this morning? I’m about to lose my job because of you!”

“I was in the washroom…” Aiba answered, still seemed to be confused. “Losing your job? What do you mean?”

Taking a deep breath, he told Aiba everything. Once he finished, Aiba only laughed at him, making him even more annoyed at his friend.

“And… you think Ohchan will fire you just because you sing a song when he answered the call? You’re overreacting!” Aiba accused him.

“He wants to meet me for lunch!” Nino defended himself. “It must be to fire me!”

Aiba, once again, laughed at him. But, he stopped when Nino glared at him.

“Okay, Nino, relax,” Aiba muttered. “Do you hear yourself? He wants to meet you. For lunch. What makes you think he wants to fire you? If he wants to do that, he could do it without meeting you. Besides, Ohchan is a reasonable person. He won’t fire you just because you sang during work. Even if he was annoyed by that, he will only give you a warning.”

Nino blinked his eyes, trying to process what Aiba had just said. His idiot friend made a pretty good argument. Was he right? Was Nino overreacting?

“Then why does he want to see me?” He mumbled.

“You call me Aibaka… but, it seems like you’re thicker than me.”


“Nino, do you remember what you told me when I asked you to stop singing when you call me?”

He frowned as a response. Of course, he remembered what he said. He jokingly said that if one day someone else picked up his call while he was singing, that person will fall in love with his voice and ask him out on a…

Okay, stop! Now, he finally understood what Aiba meant. Realizing that, it was his turn to laugh at his friend’s stupid imagination. Ohno fell in love with his voice? That’s absurd!

“That is so stupid, Aiba chan!”

“Laugh all you want, Nino,” Aiba smirked, clearly unaffected by Nino had said. “Anyway, I’m here to ask what do you want to eat for lunch today?”

“Hmmm…” It was really random of Aiba to come here to ask about lunch. “Miso Negi ramen. Why?”

“Nothing,” Aiba gave him another weird look, which annoyed him. Should he strangle Aiba because of that?

“But, I don’t think I can have lunch with you today. I have to meet Ohno san, remember?”

“It’s okay. I have a lunch date with Sho chan.” Aiba said. Nino rolled his eyes in annoyance. Why was Aiba here? He came to ask Nino what he wants to eat as if he wants to have lunch with Nino. But, he already had planned to eat with Sho. Geez, his friend is really weird.

“Okay, I have to go now! See you later!”

“Wait…” Nino couldn’t stop Aiba from leaving. Aiba disappeared from his sight before Nino could ask him why he was so weird today.

A soft knock on the door distracted Ohno from his work. He glanced at the clock, noticing it was already time for lunch. Oh my, he could feel his heartbeat faster because of how anxious he was.

"Enter," He said, trying to sound as cool as possible.

Aiba entered his room with someone he assumed to be Nino behind him. He asked Nino to sit in front of him while trying to appear cool as he looked at the computer, pretending not to be affected by Nino's arrival. But, Aiba was giggling and it was so hard to pretend. So, he turned his attention towards Nino.

Oh my! What he saw didn't disappoint him. Nino was the cutest person ever! He was small, around the same height as Ohno. His skin was pale, an obvious sign he rarely went out. He had a cute mole on his chin. Oh man… his fingers… Perhaps, they were the cutest thing about him. They were so short and stubby! But, he realized the fingers weren't the cutest thing about Nino. Maybe because of the way Ohno stared at him, twin spots of red appeared on Nino's cheeks and he swore, no one else could look this cute and adorable when he was blushing.

"Ehem," Aiba pretended to cough. Ohno turned to look at his secretary. The taller guy seemed to be overly happy today.

"The food will be here in five minutes," Aiba informed him. "So, enjoy staring at each other while waiting for the food, okay."

Aiba quickly left, leaving the two of them in awkward silence. Nino looked at him expectantly making him fidgeted in his seat. He knew he should say something but he didn't know what to say. He had been thinking of a few lines to tell Nino but none of them popped out in his mind right now. Damn!

"Ohno san…" Nino broke the silence between them. "I'm really sorry about this morning. I didn't mean to sing."

"Oh…" He responded awkwardly. "It's okay. I love your voice. It's really great."

Nino smiled shyly. Another round of awkward silence before Aiba came in with their food and put it on the makeshift table he had prepared before. He gave them a grin before leaving them alone again.

"Let's eat," He suggested. Both of them headed to the makeshift table.

"Ohno san…" Nino said as he took a seat. "Why do you ask me to come here?"

Ohno looked around the room, trying to look everywhere but Nino. He invited Nino to his room because he wanted to get to know more about Nino. But, would Nino think of him as a weird person if he said he was interested in Nino because he had fallen in love with his voice?

As he thought of how to answer, Nino reached out to squeeze his hand. He was surprised but looking at the way Nino was blushing once again, it gave him courage.

"I think you're an interesting person so I want to know you. If it's okay… hmmm… would you like to date me?"

He mumbled the last two words, feeling embarrassed once again. He lowered his gaze, couldn't bring himself to look at Nino right now. But, Nino didn't withdraw his hand and it gave him hope. So, he plucked up his courage to look at Nino.

When he lifted his face, Nino was giving him his signature shy smile. Then, slowly, he responded.

"It's weird… but, I would like to try that,"

"And then… papa & daddy begin dating," Nino concluded the story. However, the only response he got was a soft snore. He could only chuckle, knowing that Yamato had already fallen asleep. He had expected that. The four years old boy always asked him to tell the story of how he met Ohno but will fall asleep in the middle of the story.

Nino put a blanket on Yamato and then kissed his forehead. He headed out of the room and then closed the door. Yamato is his adopted son with Ohno. Reminiscing how he met Ohno, he couldn't believe that they've been together for almost five years.

Of course, it wasn't always bright. In fact, they did break up after dating for a year. It was his fault, anyway. He wasn't sure of his feelings for Ohno, thinking that he just enjoyed being with Ohno without really loving him. Furthermore, he hated that his co-workers talked about him and Ohno. Everyone seemed to think that he was taking advantage of Ohno. To make it even worse, Ohno's parents were also against their relationship because of his gender. He was too stressed out because all of that and without thinking properly, he resigned from the job and dumped Ohno.

It was hard. Living without Ohno was like living in hell. He never realized how important Ohno was in his life… not until he lost him.

But, of course, he was in denial to admit he cannot live without Ohno. Too stubborn to realize how much he actually loves Ohno. Aiba kept telling him that it was really stupid of him to do so. But, he ignored the advice.

He tried to forget his sorrow with alcohol. And it led to a fortunate accident. Guess what he did? While drunk, he called Ohno and sang to him. It was the same song that he sang when Ohno first picked up his call. Long story short, Ohno immediately came to him and accepted him once again.

"What are you thinking about, Kazu?" A pair of soft, warm hands wrapped his waist from behind. Knowing it was Ohno, he simply leaned to rest his head on Ohno's chest.

"Nothing," He responded, turning himself to look at Ohno.

"I love you, Satoshi,"

"I love you too, Kazu,"

His boyfriend smiled at him before leaning forward for a kiss.

A/N: Okay, I would like to apologize because this is not The Boss & The Secretary. I just had this idea because of my weird habit to sing while waiting for the person I call to pick up the call. So, I decided to take that idea and write this story. I hope it isn't weird.
My beta reader asked whether I will write more from this universe (i.e what happened between their meeting and before they adopted Yamato). So, to clarify, I might not do that.
Anyway, hopefully you enjoy reading this story and comments are very much appreciated. Thank you for always supporting me :)

ohmiya, and that's how we met, fanfic

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