Fake - Part 7

Feb 04, 2020 21:47

“Put it down, Oshima san,”

Ohno said as he walked towards her. He was surprised when Toma suddenly texted him, telling him that Nino was in danger. He informed his boss that he had an emergency and immediately left to ensure Nino’s safety. Thankfully one of Nino’s colleagues had just arrived and she let him into the office.

What he saw when he entered the office worried him. Oshima took a pair of scissors on Nino’s table and she directed it towards Nino as if she wanted to stab him. He tried to think, trying to make sense of what he saw. Oshima was always kind to Nino. Why would she do this to him?

And then something clicked in his mind! There’s only one reason for this. Oshima was the stalker who threatened Nino. To be honest, he wasn’t surprised to know that. In fact, he had suspected she was faking the whole thing about being threatened by another person. But he didn’t have any proof so he cannot tell his friends about it. He didn’t expect she would blow her cover this soon. She must be totally furious at them for ignoring her threats to finally snap like this.

“Oh…” Oshima turned around to face him. As she moved, Ohno had a chance to glance at Nino. His boyfriend seemed startled to see him.  “The hero is finally here!”

“Put it down, Oshima san,” He said again, softer this time. He wanted to move closer and take away the scissor from her. But, she was too close to Nino. One wrong move and she might hurt Nino. He knew Nino could protect himself but he didn't want to take any chances. So, Ohno decided to distract her and hopefully, Nino will take the chance to move away from her. “This is not what you want.”

"Do you even know what I want?" She laughed mockingly. “What I want is your boyfriend! Will you give him to me?”

He shook his head. It's obvious Oshima had been in love with Nino for a while. He had always known that. In fact, he thought the feeling was mutual between the two of them. It's one of the reasons he didn't want to confess to Nino, in the first place. Oshima seemed to suit Nino better than him.

However, knowing that Nino loves him too… no, there's no way he's going to let Nino go for her. He's not going to give up. He will fight to keep Nino by his side. The only reason he will leave Nino is if Nino himself wants to do that. Out of his own free will. Not because someone threatened Nino to do so, just like what Oshima did.

"Leave him!" Oshima yelled. "If you don't break up with him, I will kill him. If I don't get him…"

"Don't you realize?" He yelled back at her. She was shocked because of it. "He will not go to you even if I leave him. He doesn't love you."

"NO!" She screamed while stomping her feet repeatedly on the floor. She looked like a crazy person as she ruffled her hair, causing it to be messy. "He loves me. He didn't even enjoy spending time with you. He complained about how you made him watching the shark documentary. Why do you make him do something he hates? Ninomiya san, if you date me…"

She turned her attention to Nino, who was trying to move away from her. Her eyes widened as she realized what Nino was up to.

"AHHH," She screamed loudly as she charged towards Nino. Ohno quickly went after her. He didn't want anything to happen to Nino. However, he was too far from her and wasn't quick enough to stop her from...

Everyone gasped when Toma suddenly appeared, shielding Nino from her. So, instead of stabbing Nino, Toma was the one to receive the blow. Ohno didn’t know if he should be grateful but, well, he was relieved to see Toma was only stabbed in his arm, thanks to his intervention.

There was silence as everyone trying to process what had happened. Oshima moved backwards as if she didn't believe what she had done. A few people around her who had recovered from the shock of seeing Toma being stabbed quickly grabbed her before she could do anything else. Ohno ignored them and quickly went to Nino to make sure he’s okay.

"Blood!" Toma yelled before Ohno could say anything to Nino. "I'm bleeding!"

Both Ohno and Nino smiled as they reluctantly let go of each other. Ohno was thankful that Toma was there to protect Nino from being harmed. He checked the wound while Nino took the first aid kit. The wound didn't appear to be deep but they still had to bring him to a doctor.

"Geez…" Oshima clicked her tongue in annoyance as she tried to break free from a big guy who was holding her. "Stop being a baby. It wasn't that bad and it's your fault for trying to stop me. Just let me…"

"Kill Nino? Are you mad?" Toma yelled at her. Nino had to calm him as he tried to stand. "Are you sure you love Nino? If you love him, you will let him be happy with the person he loves, not trying to destroy his relationship."

"He doesn't love Ohno… he loves me!" Oshima retorted.

"Bullshit!" Toma glared at her, causing her to be speechless. It's the first time Ohno saw Toma like this. It's totally different from his usual self. "Everyone knows Nino loves Ohchan, long before Nino himself knows about it." Ohno glanced at Nino, noticing how he lowered his face, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone else. Nino's face was red, showing how embarrassed he was as Toma started to talk about them. "You're delusional, you know. You commit a crime because of unrequited love. It’s too childish! I'm going to make sure you get the punishment you deserve for trying to destroy my favourite couple."

As if on cue, a second after Toma said that, a couple of police officers came into the office and one of them carried Oshima away after Mr Maeda, Nino’s boss, explained the situation. He didn't know who called the police but he was thankful that Toma and the others had helped them.

“I love you… I love you… Please don’t let them take me… We should be together... We're meant to be.” Oshima kept muttering as she went away, looking straight at Nino. The way Nino stared at her retreating figure made Ohno worried. Perhaps Nino was blaming himself for what happened. If it’s true, Ohno had to do something to stop him from feeling guilty. It wasn’t Nino’s fault. It’s Oshima’s fault. So, there’s no need for Nino to feel sorry for her.

One of the officers approached them, asking about the incidents. Ohno took the chance to tell him about the threats Nino had received from Oshima. He was relieved to see Nino acted like his usual self as he talked to the officer and readily cooperated with him by showing the texts to the officer. But, it wasn’t enough to convince Ohno that he was okay with everything that happened today. After all, Nino is good at pretending to be okay.

“Thanks… ” Nino told Toma after he was done giving his statement to the police. “... and, I’m sorry that you got hurt trying to protect me.”

“This?” Toma pointed to his wound. “It isn’t as bad as it looks so you don’t have to feel bad. Besides, Jun has told me about the threats and he entrusted me to protect you. So, I’m ready to put my life on the line just to make sure my ship is sailing smoothly.”

Ohno could only shake his head as Nino rolled his eyes because of Toma’s overdramatic response. Nino then offered to bring Toma to see a doctor but the playful guy refused by telling them that another colleague will bring him to a clinic. Instead, he asked both of them to go home and rest. Ohno was thankful for that. Nino needed the rest. However, Nino refused so Toma called Mr Maeda, who told Nino to do the same thing.

“But… I have work to do.” Nino told his boss.

“Just go home and rest, Ninomiya.” Mr Maeda told him sternly. “You need it.”

Nino seemed to swallow whatever argument he wanted to tell his boss. The only thing he could do was pouting. Right on time, Nagase texted Ohno. He seemed to know what happened as he told Ohno to go home with Nino. Ohno didn’t argue with Nagase, feeling grateful that his boss had allowed him to take a rest. So, after taking his own stuff in the office, both he and Nino headed home.

“Are you okay, Kazu?”

Nino was startled when Ohno came from behind him and hugged his waist. He was alone on the balcony, staring at the view for no particular reason. Maybe he was thinking but he didn't know what he was thinking about. Weird, he wasn't always like this. It was Ohno who always daydreamed, not him. Did they somehow switch bodies and he wasn't aware of it? Okay, that's ridiculous. Maybe he was affected by Aiba's weird way of thinking right now.

They had been home for -Nino glanced at the clock-  almost an hour. On their way home, they barely talked with each other. Aiba, Sho and Jun had been calling them asking if they’re okay, knowing about what happened from Ikuta. He talked to each of them for five minutes and by the time the call ended, they had arrived home. Ohno asked him to rest while he prepared lunch for both of them. He simply complied.

“I’m just thinking about what happened today. Is it my fault?” Nino brought the two of them to lie down on the bed. He put his head on Ohno’s chest. Listening to Ohno’s heartbeat always helped to clear his head. “Maybe I lead her on, make her think that I love her.”

“Nino, you're just nice to her, just like how you are to other people. She’s the one who misinterprets it as love. You’re not at fault because you cannot control how someone will feel for you.”

Nino nodded his head, agreeing. Ohno always knew how to comfort him.

“Besides… hmmm… how do I explain this?” Ohno stayed silent for a while, perhaps thinking of what to say. Nino tilted his head upward to look at him. Noticing what he was doing, Ohno chuckled as he raised both of them to sit on the bed.

“Don’t look at me like that. You make me forget what I want to tell you,” Ohno muttered. He held Nino's chin gently before leaning in for a quick kiss. “You’re so cute, I cannot stop myself from kissing you.”

“Liar…” Nino snorted. “If you want to kiss me, just tell me. There’s no need to make a stupid excuse like that.”

Ohno only grinned like an idiot as a response. “Anyway, back to what we’re talking about before.” Ohno took a deep breath before he continued. “As you have known, I used to think that maybe you like her. But… well… looking back at the way you treated her… it’s obvious you think of her as a co-worker only. I mean… hmmm… you never really went out with her in private. Not even during lunch. Sorry for saying this, but Toma was right. She’s delusional.”


When he heard the word, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for Nana. He wondered how this incident would affect her future. It wasn’t her career that he was worried about. It’s her mental state. He remembered the look on her face as the police dragged her away from the office earlier. She seemed… lost.

“Do you think she will go insane?” He couldn’t help but ask Ohno the things that had bothered him the most. Ohno only gave him a small smile before he answered.

“Maybe… but please don’t blame yourself for it.”

Nino didn't answer him. But, he knew Ohno was right. It wasn't his fault.

He suddenly thought of Imada. Would things be different if, instead of keeping her feelings inside, she was more vocal about it, just like Imada? There’s no doubt that Nino would reject her too but at least it will save her from thinking or imagining a possibility of them being together.

But, maybe nothing will change. It's hard to convince some people to accept the truth.

"It's not your fault," Ohno said as he remained silent. He lifted Nino's chin to make Nino look straight at him.

"Don't worry, I will not blame myself."

He assured his boyfriend with a genuine smile. After talking with Ohno about this, he felt better. He didn't feel guilty, at least not as much as before, for what happened to Nana. As Ohno had said, he cannot control someone's feelings. However, he did feel guilty of something else. He felt guilty for making Ohno worried. "I'm hungry. Let's eat! What do you cook for lunch?"

Ohno stared at him, perhaps thinking whether he was just pretending to be okay.

"Your favourite hamburger steak." Ohno finally answered after a few minutes of staring at him. "Let's eat and then we can cuddle." His boyfriend stopped to look at the clock before he continued. "We have a few hours before they come."

"Who?" He asked even though he could guess who they were.

"Those three, of course. They will come to visit after work. They want to make sure you're okay."

An idea popped out in his mind.

"Let's ignore them when they come. Put our phone on silent mode and switch off the doorbell."

Ohno tilted his head, contemplating his idea.

"Kazu is so naughty," Ohno pinched his cheek. "I'll just tell them we're busy with our own activity and if they still want to come, don't blame us if they see something inappropriate."

Ohno smirked at him. And he only nodded as he lay down on the bed with Ohno on top of him. He had a feeling that they might eat the steak for dinner, instead of lunch. After everything that had happened, he definitely needed to spend time alone with Ohno without anyone interrupting them.


"I thought you guys are going to OhMiya's house."

Jun turned around when Toma tapped his shoulder. He was in the bar, hanging out with both Sho and Aiba. Initially, he wanted to go to Nino's house to ensure his friend was okay. However, Ohno told the three of them not to come because he will be busy doing some stuff with Nino. Knowing them, he decided to follow the advice.

"Nope!" He answered. "They will be doing some nasty stuff and I don't want to see that."

He rolled his eyes when he noticed how Toma's eyes were beaming with happiness because of what he said. Man, his friend is a pervert! How did they become friends?

"Wow!" Toma said excitedly. "This is a good opportunity. Let's…"

"NO!" Jun and Sho said together. Aiba, on the other hand, seemed to be persuaded with Toma's suggestion.

"You guys are so boring!" Toma said. "Aiba chan, why don't we go? You have the key to Nino's house, right?"

Aiba nodded his head.

"Fantastic!" Toma bumped his fist with Aiba. "Let's go!"

Toma and Aiba eagerly left the bar without wasting any more time. Once they left, both Jun and Sho glanced at each other. They decided to ignore the two perverts. If they want to go, let them. But, deep down, he hoped that they would be severely punished by Nino for disturbing his private time with Ohno.

And, he was happy when Toma texted him before he went to bed that night.

I learned my lesson. I will not bother those two in their private time anymore. Ohchan is too scary when he's angry.

Serves them right! He thought Nino would be the one to punish them. But it's Ohno! Ohno must have unleashed his inner maou. It was enough to traumatize both Aiba and Toma.

A/N: I hate writing ending because I'm not good in concluding the story. I hope this is okay. I didn't really conclude what happened to Nana but I will just say she will not bother OhMiya anymore. If she tried to bother them, a lot of people will protect them. As for what Toma & Aiba saw when they visit OhMiya and what Ohno did to them, I leave it to your imagination. I'm sorry for making Toma a pervert in this. I don't even know why I did that.
OhMiya made me happy with their insta story today. Oh, I love this couple so much.
Well, by finishing this, I will get back to my unfinished story. Should I do Once again... I'm in love with you or The Boss & The Secretary? Hmmm, help me decide, please?
As always, thank you for reading and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it :)

fake, ohmiya, fanfic

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