Fake - Part 3

Jan 02, 2020 21:40

Nino woke up when he heard noises from the kitchen. He looked around the room, noticing that it was already morning. He quickly stood up, wanting to know what had caused the noise. Was there someone else in the house with him?

He crept towards the kitchen, didn’t want the intruder to notice him. Someone was singing and cooking in the kitchen. The voice belonged to a male. A voice that he recognized. Ohchan? Why was he in his house?

And then his mind slowly replayed what happened yesterday. His friends had visited his house. But, they left Ohno because he was sleeping.

“Ah, you’ve woken up!” Ohno greeted him with a smile. A dazzling smile. Nino thought to himself, it will be nice to wake up looking at Ohno’s smile every day. “I hope you don’t mind I invade your kitchen. I want to make breakfast for us.”

Nino didn’t say anything. Once again, he thought of how nice it was to have Ohno cooking for him every day. He took a seat and watched Ohno moving around the kitchen with ease. Hmmm… what a nice view! If he asked Ohno to stay with him, will he say yes?

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Ohno smiled softly, presenting him with cheese and ham omelette on the table. He pinched Nino’s nose playfully. Their faces were too close and Nino quickly averted his gaze towards the dish on the table. It looked delicious. He took the first bite and moaned because of how tasty it was.

“It’s delicious.” He exclaimed as Ohno took a seat opposite him. He was surprised when Ohno lightly stroked his hand. It wasn’t the first time for Ohno to do that but he didn’t know why it felt different this time. His heart started to beat even faster when Ohno gave him another breathtaking smile.

“Hey…” Ohno began. “Do you remember that I want to tell you something yesterday?”

Nino nodded his head. Of course, he remembered. They didn’t have the time to talk about it yet after Sho interrupted them. He wondered what it was about.

“So, I’ve been thinking about this for a while….” Ohno said, still stroking his hand.

“About what?” Nino gathered his courage to ask because he was impatient to know. Ohno seemed to take his own sweet time to continue, which annoyed Nino.

“About my feelings,” Ohno answered simply. Nino opened his mouth slightly, wondering what Ohno meant by that. “I think I’m in love.”

Ohno’s in love with someone? Who is that person? Why did he want the lucky person to be him?

“After thinking about it carefully, I decided to confess.” Ohno continued. Nino gulped, waiting anxiously for Ohno to announce the name of the person he’s in love with. “I want you to be the first person to know. I love Miyuki chan.”


“Imada san?” Nino asked for clarification. Ohno nodded his head, slowly letting go of his hand. Nino flinched because of the action, hoping Ohno would never let go of his hand.

“We don’t have to pretend anymore.” Ohno continued with a bright smile. Why? It hurts so much to hear that. It’s like there’s a big hole in his heart right now. No, maybe not a big hole. His heart was shattered to know Ohno love Imada. Then, why did he avoid her in the first place?

Someone rang the bell, surprising him. Ohno quickly went to answer the door. The next thing he knew, Imada stood next to Ohno. She smirked at him.

“Bye, Kazu,” Ohno said. Both of them turned around, leaving him alone.

He tried to scream but there’s nothing coming out. For the first time in his life, he was so devastated.

Nino opened his eyes when he felt someone shook his body. He opened his eyes, wanting to yell at the person. However, when he did so, he was surprised to see Ohno staring at him weirdly. Eh? What happened? Didn’t Ohno just leave him with Imada?

He looked around, noticing it was still dark and he was on the futon. Crap! He finally realized what happened. It was just a dream. Oh, thank God it wasn’t real. He couldn’t imagine a life without Ohno.

“Are you okay, Nino?” Ohno asked. “You were screaming my name just now.”

“Eh? What did I scream?” He asked, hoping he didn’t say something stupid.

“Ohchan, don’t leave me,” Ohno answered. He smiled a bit, watching the way Ohno imitated him. “A nightmare? What is it? You were chased by a monster? Don’t worry, I will protect you.”

Nino didn’t answer him. Ohno didn’t have to know that his nightmare was worse than what Ohno had said.

“How could I leave you, Nino. It’s already 3 AM. Even if I want to go home, there’s no train and I don’t drive.”

It took Nino a minute to understand what Ohno was talking about. He was making a joke. A very bad joke.

“That’s lame, Ohchan.” He laughed. But, it was just for a while. He had a slight headache and his body didn’t feel well. Ohno seemed to notice and immediately put his hand on Nino’s forehead.

“Hmm... You have a fever, Kazu. You shouldn’t sleep here. Let’s go to your room.” Nino nodded his head. He was about to stand when Ohno suddenly picked him up. He wanted to protest at first but it felt so comfortable to be carried by Ohno. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around Ohno’s neck and put his head on Ohno’s shoulder.

“You’re so light, Nino. I think it’s because you don’t eat properly.” Ohno lectured him as he placed Nino on the bed.

“Urgh… I don’t need another lecture.” He pouted. Ohno smiled softly as he tucked him in. Before he could leave the room, Nino stopped him.

“It’s cold.” He complained. Ohno shook his head before climbing the bed to sleep beside him. It wasn’t the first time they sleep on the same bed, but it certainly felt different than before.

“Good night, Kazu,” Ohno said, putting a kiss on his forehead. Nino only hummed in return.

It would be great if Ohno is his boyfriend, that was his last thought before sleep claimed him.

“See you at lunch, I think?” Ohno asked when they arrived at work together on Monday. His fake boyfriend had stayed over at his house longer than he expected. As he wasn’t feeling well, Ohno had decided to take care of him. He had asked Sho to bring his work suit so that he can go to the office from Nino’s house on Monday.

“Hmm.. okay. But, you have to remind me.”

“Of course,” Ohno responded, pinching his nose playfully, just like in his dream. The action reminded him that they hadn’t talked about what Ohno wanted to tell him on Saturday yet. He had asked about it yesterday. However, Ohno dismissed him, telling him that they will talk about it after Nino recovered from his fever. Hmmm… Maybe, Ohno will talk about it during lunch today.

They heard someone coughing behind them and both of them turned around to face the newcomer. It was Imada. She smiled at Ohno before turning her attention to him. She gave him a look of disgust before she walked away from them.

“Let me know if she bothers you, okay?” He told Ohno, who just gave him a reassuring smile.

“See you later.” He said. Before he could walk away, Ohno stopped him with a kiss on his forehead. His eyes widened with the sudden action but of course, he couldn’t push Ohno away. It wasn’t because of their fake dating situation. It’s because he loves having Ohno’s lips there.

“Thank you,” Ohno whispered before slowly letting him go. He only nodded his head and then he walked towards his office.

“Nino, your face is so red!” Ikuta greeted him when he entered the office. He ignored him, going straight to his place. But, Ikuta, being Ikuta, followed him.

“I’m so angry at you, Nino.” Ikuta started whining. Nino shook his head, not in the mood to entertain him. “How could you keep it a secret from me?”

Ikuta kept babbling, expecting a response from him. Nino continued to ignore him. However, when he mentioned Jun, he remembered the video and picture that Jun showed him before.

“Give me your phone.” He said. Ikuta looked at him weirdly but did as he was told because of his scary face. After asking Ikuta to unlock his phone, Nino deleted the video and pictures of him and Ohno kissing.

“Why do you delete them?”

“Why do you have them?”

“For reference.”

Nino snorted hearing the response before he chased Ikuta away from him. He had tonnes of work to do. It wasn’t the time to let Ikuta bother him.

He kept working without looking at the time, not until someone called him. He looked at the caller id and noticed it was Ohno.

“Hi.” He answered. Eyes still at the computer screen.

“Busy?” Ohno asked him.

“Yes. Why do you call?” He heard Ohno chuckle from the end of the line before he answered.

“Lunch break, Kazu. Let’s eat.” Ohno informed him. Nino glanced at the clock and as Ohno had said, it’s already time for lunch. He looked around the office and it’s almost empty.

“Okay, I’ll be there in five minutes,” Nino said. He saved his work and then stood up to leave the office.

When he went outside, Ohno was already waiting for him. He gulped as he looked at the way Ohno stood while checking his phone. Ohno looks so dazzling. He is a nice and sweet man. Anyone who gets him will be so lucky.

It wasn't the first time they went out for lunch together. But, he was so nervous and he had no idea why he would feel so. It didn't help when Ohno lifted his face and smiled when he noticed Nino. He walked towards Nino and put a kiss on his forehead once he was nearer.

Nino hoped he didn't blush. He heard Ikuta whistling from behind but he didn't say anything to tease them when Nino gave him a murderous look.

"Why do you look at him like that?" Ohno asked with a chuckle.

"Why do you love to kiss my forehead?" He asked another question instead.

"Why do you ask? Do you wish for me to kiss somewhere else?"

Nino chose to ignore the question, afraid of what he might answer. Taking advantage of his silence, Ohno closed the distance between them until their faces were mere inches apart. Nino could only blink his eyes when Ohno kept getting closer. He shut his eyes, half expecting to be kissed. However, Ohno didn't kiss his lips. He only kissed the tip of his nose.

"Let's go," Ohno said, holding his hand tightly as he led the way. Nino simply followed but as he looked in front of them, he noticed Imada was nearby. Oh, no wonder Ohno kissed him just now. Disappointment started to fill his heart, knowing that the intimate action from before was only an act.

They went to eat at the usual cafe. A few of their coworkers were there and they only smiled sheepishly at them. Heck, even a few waitresses were giving them a teasing look, showing that the news of Ohno and Nino dating had reached the cafe.

Both of them ate in silence as they usually did. To be honest, Nino wanted to ask Ohno the things that he wanted to talk about on Saturday, but he didn't know how to ask. So, he decided to stay quiet during lunch.

After eating, both of them walked together to the office, still holding hands. He could hear people cooed as they left the cafe but he ignored them. All he thought about was how long they are going to keep this act. Thank God there was no one else waiting for the elevator. At least, they could stop pretending for a while.

"How is your fever?" Ohno asked as they entered the elevator.

"It's gone, I guess." He answered. Ohno put his free hand on Nino's forehead.

"It isn't hot anymore." Ohno removed the hand before he asked worriedly. "How about your headache?"

"I'm okay," Nino answered, pushing Ohno away from him. He felt uneasy. He wanted to let his doubt disappear. Yes, Ohno is always caring towards him. But, what if he's doing it now because of their situation?

"Are you okay, Nino?"

"Ohchan…" He didn't know how to ask. "Hmmm.. I have something to ask. But, I don't know how."

Ohno smiled softly. He pulled Nino closer and lightly caressed Nino's back. He knew Ohno did so to comfort him but he didn't know why he was annoyed with it. Maybe because the voice in his head was telling him it was just an act. So, he wiggled himself free from Ohno. His action seemed to hurt Ohno.

"We're alone right now. You don't have to pretend."

"But, I'm not pretending." Ohno quickly denied. He was surprised with the response but it didn't stop him from feeling hopeful. However, the voice in his head was still trying to make him feel worried.

Ohno, on the other hand, knew exactly how to respond. He took Nino's hand in his before kissing it softly. The voice was getting softer now because of the action. He looked at Ohno, hoping his friend will clear the doubt he had.

"You were faster than me. Actually, I want to tell Imada san the same thing. I'm sorry if I take advantage of our situation to do things that I've been dreaming to do with you." Nino gulped because of Ohno's intense stare as he said that. It didn't sound that bad, right? "I want you to be my boyfriend. My real boyfriend."

Is that a confession? He wanted to ask. However, the elevator door opened and a few people came in so he couldn't say anything. Ohno tightened his hold on Nino's and it was enough to tell him, the confession wasn’t his imagination.

They quickly left the elevator once they reached their intended level. Ohno was still holding his hand. Before they parted ways in front of Ohno's office, Ohno whispered in his ear.

"Let's talk about this after work, okay? I hope you don't mind if I sleep at your house again tonight."

Nino only nodded his head. He couldn't help but feel excited for tonight. Ohno leaned closer before he kissed Nino's lips this time. Nino was surprised initially but he quickly responded. The kiss made him forget how disappointed he was when Ohno didn't kiss him before.

"I love you," Ohno said as he let him go slowly. Nino tried to respond but no words came out of him. Ohno only shook his head with a smile. He kissed Nino's forehead before Nino took his leave. He was happy that Imada was nowhere to be seen, knowing that what Ohno did wasn't because of their situation.

Damn! Nino cursed when his boss informed him of the last minute appointment with a client at 5 PM. He had planned to go home on time today because of Ohno. But, knowing the customer, it will be impossible to do so.

He decided to take a break and texted Ohno.

Hey, are you busy right now?

A reply came after a few minutes.

Not really. Why?

Can you go outside for a while?


Nino smiled to himself and then went out of the office to meet Ohno. Ohno wasn't there yet so he texted Ohno, telling him to meet at the rooftop.

The rooftop was empty when he arrived. He smiled fondly, reminiscing how he used to spend his break here when he started working.

"It's weird to see you slacking off during work." Ohno's soft voice greeted him. Ohno stood behind him and wrapped his arms around Nino's waist.

"I just need a little break and fresh air." He informed Ohno.

"Will you go home on time today?" Ohno asked, reminding Nino the real reason he asked Ohno to come out. He took his house key and access card from his pocket, handing them to Ohno. Ohno looked at him with understanding but he still wanted to explain.

"I have a meeting with a client at 5. He is very meticulous. There's no way it will be finished by 6. So, you go to my house and make dinner for me, okay?"

He pleaded with his puppy eyes. Ohno shook his head and then playfully pinched his nose, as he always did since their fake dating situation.

"Okay. Anything for you, Kazu. Text me when you're done with the meeting."

He nodded his head. Both of them turned around when they heard noises but there was no one on the rooftop except them. Hmmm… maybe that person left the rooftop when he or she noticed them.

"Shall we get back?" He asked. Ohno simply answered with a chaste kiss on his lips. Nino responded with a smile before both of them returned to their office.

The meeting ended around 7 PM. However, before Nino could go home, there were a few things he had to do as a follow up for the meeting. It was already 8 PM by the time he completed his work. As he left the office, he sent a text to Ohno, informing him that he was on his way home.

Yeah!! Get home quickly! I miss you so much!

Was this a dream? He asked himself. He couldn't believe that he's dating Ohno. It's too surreal. But, he knew it really happened. He should thank Imada. If she didn't shamelessly declare Ohno as her boyfriend, it will take him forever to realize his feelings for Ohno.

Refused to waste his time, he quickened his pace to the car park. As expected, the car park was empty with only his car there. However, he didn't feel like he was alone. Someone was watching him.

As he was getting nearer to his car, there were footsteps following him. It was faint at first but it's getting louder as time passed. He listened to the steps carefully as he walked. High heels. A woman was following him. What should he do? Should he confront her?

He turned around. Imada stood in front of him with a smile on her face and a knife in her hand.


A/N: Happy new year, everyone! Thank u so much for reading my fics in 2019. It really makes my day reading your comments and it encourages me to continue writing. I'm sorry if my stories are crappy or if it took time for me to update them. I get random ideas so I just write them and neglect the stories that I've written. But, I will try my best to finish the stories I've written so far.
There's only one year left with Arashi, ne, before the hiatus begins. Let's enjoy our time with the boys. I'm not strong enough to think of what will happen once the hiatus begin so I will just focus on what we have right now.
Anyway, let's get to the story. It seems that Nino had finally realized his feeling for Ohno. Their relationship seems to be rushed but I have a reason for that. And, what do you think Imada will do to Nino? Is he in danger or will something else happen? Let me know what you think. Thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate your comment.

fake, ohmiya, fanfic

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