Me & A Confession From Him

Oct 17, 2019 22:48


Nino mumbled to himself when Ohno ended up collapsing in front of his house. He approached the man and put his hand on the guy’s forehead. It’s burning. How long had this guy stayed in front of his house? His outfit clearly wasn’t appropriate for the cold night.

Ohno must have been sitting here since Nino shut the door to his face earlier. That would be about… What time was it now? He had lost track of the time since he got home. He had spent the time leaning against the door thinking of why Ohno had kissed him before. He was lost in his own thoughts until he heard a loud thud outside of his house. He immediately went outside to check the noise and was surprised to see Ohno was the source of the noise. Apparently, the guy had fell down.

Nino looked at his own watch and his eyes grew wide as he realized it was almost an hour since he arrived home. Eh? Really? Ohno had been sitting here for almost an hour? What an idiot! Why didn’t he go home? Why did he stay in front of Nino’s house?

Ah, what should he do now? He should warm Ohno and the best way to do so was by bringing him inside his house. But, how? Should he carry the man inside? Or, should he wake him up and ask him to walk by himself? Obviously, he preferred the second option. Ohno was just slightly smaller than him, there’s no way he would be able to carry the man.

But, looking at the way Ohno slept, he didn’t have the heart to wake him up. Furthermore, as he looked at the other guy’s lips, he kept thinking of their kiss earlier. If he woke him up, would Ohno kiss him again? Impossible, he shook his head. Ohno already had a girlfriend. The kiss just now was a mistake. Ah, he didn’t want to think of what Ohno would say to him if he woke up.

So, he opted for the first option. Taking a deep breath, he put Ohno into a sitting position before he carried Ohno on his back. Ah, he’s too heavy. He looked small but he’s too heavy for Nino’s fragile body. He kept cursing as he took small steps towards the door. Thank God, it wasn’t that far. But, still, it took a long time for Nino to reach the door. Once he stepped into his own house,which felt like an eternity, he quickly turned around to close the door. However, due to his own clumsiness, he lost his footing. He immediately hold the door to stop himself from falling but he almost forgot about Ohno and caused the guy to fall down once again on the floor.

“Ouch!” He heard Ohno’s voice. He glanced behind, smiling noticing how cute Ohno was. He sat on the floor, rubbed his head and looked around the room with a pout. Ah, truly cute, he thought to himself. It didn’t take long for Ohno to notice him. Once he set his eyes on Nino, he smiled sweetly at him, causing Nino’s heart to skip a beat.

“Idiot!” He said loudly with a glare, trying to hide how he truly felt. No, he cannot let Ohno know his true feelings for him. “Serve you right for falling down. Do you know how heavy you are? If you go home, I don’t have to carry you…”

Whatever he wanted to complain was left hanging when Ohno stood up from the floor and suddenly hugged him. He blinked his eyes, surprised with Ohno’s sudden action.

“Cold!” Ohno whispered in his ears. Nino slightly touched his hand, worried to feel how cold he was.

“Idiot!” He said once again. “Why did you stay outside my house?”

“Because I want to see you.” Ohno wrapped his arms around his waist even more tightly and slowly started to sway their bodies together, as if they were dancing. He knew he should push the guy away but it was impossible. The closeness of their bodies made it harder for him to think clearly. So he only listened to what Ohno told him. “You look angry and I didn’t know why. Is it because of me? Did I do anything wrong?”

“You kissed me.” He answered.

“But you enjoy the kiss, right?”

Nino gulped. He didn’t know what to answer. It’s true, he enjoyed the kiss.

“I have something to tell you.” Ohno said when he didn’t answer him. He had stopped swaying their bodies.

“What is it?”

Ohno looked straight at him. He felt nervous seeing the intense stare from Ohno so he slowly looked down at the floor. However, Ohno lifted his chin to make Nino look at him once again.

“I love you.” Ohno said clearly. Nino’s eyes widened, couldn’t believe what he had heard.

“You’re joking, right?” He mumbled softly, once again trying to avert his gaze from Ohno.  “You already have a girlfriend”

“Girlfriend?” Ohno asked, totally shocked. “Since when do I have a girlfriend?”

Now, it was Nino’s turn to be shocked, hearing the denial from Ohno.

“You know…” He looked around, trying to find the right words to answer Ohno’s question. “Do you remember the McDonald’s night a year ago?”

“Yes? What’s with that?”

“You kept smiling as you looked at your phone. It must be because you’re reading messages from your girlfriend, right?”

Ohno frowned at first. Then, he opened his mouth slightly before he looked at Nino in disbelief. However, what he did next surprise Nino. He laughed loudly.

“Nino, it wasn’t my girlfriend.” He said in between his laugh. “It was my group mate. He asked me for our presentation materials. I wasn’t smiling because of the messages. I was smiling because of you. I was happy that we finally had some time alone.”

Nino was taken aback by the sudden revelation. Was Ohno telling him the truth? Ah, he felt stupid now for jumping into his own conclusion.

“Is that why you avoid me since that night?” Ohno asked him once he ceased laughing. Once again, Nino averted his gaze, too embarrassed to admit the truth.

“You look cute blushing like that.” Ohno said, putting a soft kiss on his cheeks. Nino was too surprised to react. “Anyway, I have something to ask”


“The girl in the yakiniku… who is she?”

“Yuriko chan?”

Ohno nodded his head before he continued. “Is she your girlfriend?”

This time, it was Nino’s turn to laugh.

“No. she is my neighbour.” Nino answered. “We’ve known each other since we were small. She is like my sister.”

“Really? Both of you seem close. I always see you and her in the university together. She even call you Kazu chan.”

“Well, there’s nothing special between us.” He confirmed. “If you listened to what she complained earlier, you will know that she is not interested in me.”

“Ah, so everything is just a misunderstanding, then.” Ohno said. “Great. Can I call you Kazu too?”

“If you let me call you Satoshi.” He answered, blushing once again.

“Ah, Kazu, it’s too cold outside.” Ohno said seductively, pulling Nino closer to him. “Would you let me sleep here tonight?”

Nino nodded his head in return with another blush decorating his pale face.

Nino woke up in the middle of the night when he heard someone entered his bedroom. He knew who he was without looking at the intruder’s face. The intruder cast one look at his bed before he went outside. As the door was slightly opened, he could hear what the person said. Apparently, he was talking to someone on the phone.

“Tell Sho kun he doesn’t have to worry.” The intruder said. “Ohno kun is here. He’s with Nino. They sleep in each other’s embrace. Seems like one of them had finally confessed.”

The intruder closed his bedroom’s door so Nino didn’t know what else he told the caller. Ah, it didn’t matter. He looked at the person sleeping on the bed with him. He kissed the guy’s forehead before snuggled closer to him, feeling happy and content.

A/N: Another lame story from me. I hope it wasn't too weird. This one was harder to write because I don't have any memory to based it on, unlike the previous parts. There will be one more part, which is their date. But, I never go for a date so I don't know what their date will be like. There will be McDonald's for their date, that's for sure. But, as for their other activity, I have no idea yet.
Thank u for all the warm comments for the previous parts. I totally appreciated all the comments. Thank u so much. I hope u will enjoy this too :)

ohmiya, me & him, fanfic

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