Me & A kiss with Him

Sep 30, 2019 22:40

"Hello, Kazu chan!" Yuriko's voice greeted him.

"Hello, Yuriko. Are you okay?" Nino asked the caller. He was surprised to get a phone call from her. She was his neighbour and now she was also his junior in university. She was in her first year while Nino was already in his final year. Her parents had asked him to look after her.

Even though they often greeted each other in the university, she seldom contacted him unless she needed help. So, it worried him to receive a call from her.

"Of course I'm okay." Yuriko answered. But, he could feel something was wrong with her. "Ne, are you busy? Let's go for yakiniku! My treat."

"Sure." He agreed. Yuriko informed him of the details for the restaurant before they agreed to meet in an hour. Truthfully, he wanted to work on his final year project but since it’s Friday, he decided to take a little break and agreed with Yuriko's request.

Not long after that, Jun knocked on his door to invite him to dinner outside with their friends. But, he declined the invitation, telling him that he had another plan.

"You're late, Kazu chan!" Yuriko said when he arrived at the restaurant. He looked at his watch and frowned. He wasn't late. In fact, he arrived ten minutes before the promised time.

"No, I'm not late. I'm early." He said, pointing at his watch for Yuriko to see. Yuriko noticed the time but she didn't apologize. Instead, she was pouting.

"Doesn't matter what the time is. If I wait for you, it means you're late." Yuriko retorted. Nino narrowed his eyes at her but knowing that she might have been in a bad mood, he didn't bother to argue with her.

"Okay, fine. I'm late. Can we go in now? I'm starving." He said, ready to open the door of the restaurant. However, before he entered the restaurant, someone called him from behind.

"Nino chan!" The voice belonged to Aiba. Nino turned around to see Aiba, Jun, Sho and Ohno walking towards him. He was surprised to see them. He didn't know they were going to the same restaurant.

He smiled at each of them, even though he quickly averted his gaze from Ohno. It had been a year since they ate McDonald's together and he hadn't eaten McDonald's for a while now, trying to erase the memories they spent together on that night. As they studied different things, it allowed Nino to avoid seeing the other guy even though they sometimes met in the hallway or in the cafeteria. But, the meeting was usually short.

"Yuriko chan, how are you?" Aiba asked Yuriko. He was the only one who knew her as both Aiba and Nino came from the same neighbourhood. But, Yuriko was closer to him because they lived next door.

"I'm fine, Aiba chan. Let's eat dinner together, ne!" Yuriko suggested.

"Is it okay for us to join you?" Sho asked.

"Of course, it's okay. Kazu chan is boring, after all. If they're more people, it will be better." Yuriko said with a straight face. Nino smacked her head playfully.

"Then ask someone else to go with you. Why do you bother me?"

"Because you are my Kazu chan." Yuriko exclaimed. The others laughed looking at her childishness. All but Ohno. He had the same blank look he always have. So, Nino guessed he didn’t pay attention to the conversation at all.

Yuriko pulled Nino to enter the restaurant and put him to sit beside her. The others followed them inside with Ohno sat opposite of him. Nino tried to avoid looking at him so he pretended to read the menu.

They ordered the food and started talking. Aiba and Yuriko were the noisiest among them. He didn’t really pay attention to what the others were talking but he tried to interject the conversation with his witty remark whenever he can. His focus was on Ohno. Whenever no one was looking at his direction, he stole a glance at Ohno. Ohno stayed quiet for most of the time. He kept eating without joining the conversation. It seemed like he was bothered by something.

“Ah, thank God you guys are here.” Yuriko suddenly said. She narrowed her eyes at him, as if he had made a mistake. “If it’s only Kazu chan, I doubt he will pay attention to my problem.”

Nino rolled his eyes at him but stayed silent. It’s not like he didn’t pay attention to what she said. She had been talking about how her best friend ended up dating her crush. But, he didn’t offer any advice to take away her sorrow. The guy sitting across him had his attention.

“But maybe it’s because spiky hair is here. You keep looking at him” Yuriko continued. Nino’s eyes widened with what she said. Ohno was the only one with spiky hair and she had announced to the whole group what he had been doing since before. He thought he had been subtle enough with the way he looked at Ohno. And, right now, he found it hard to look at Ohno’s direction. He was afraid of Ohno’s reaction.

“What… what are you talking about?” He stuttered, trying to deny what Yuriko had said.

“What? Like I said, you keep on looking at spiky hair. Right, everyone?” Yuriko looked at everyone else but all of them simply shrugged. They neither confirmed nor deny what Yuriko had said.

“Eh?” Yuriko looked at them weirdly. “Are you…”

“Yuriko chan, how about we go for a drink after this?” Aiba interrupted her. She was taken aback by the sudden interruption. She frowned looking at Aiba before she let out a soft ah, as if she finally realized something. Then, she looked at Nino and mouthed her apology. But, Nino simply shrugged, pretending he didn’t understand what she meant.

“Okay. Let’s go for a drink.” She agreed. Nino sighed in relief because she finally dropped the subject. However, he found it weird that Ohno stayed silent. So, he took a look at Ohno and noticed he was still eating without any care of the conversation. He thought for a while and decided maybe Ohno didn’t hear anything that Yuriko had said. According to Sho, he had the highest ability to space out even in the crowded place so maybe that’s why he had no reaction.

“Sorry, I have something to do. So, I cannot join you guys.” Nino said as they gathered outside, deciding on which bar to go.

“It’s Friday, Nino. Even Sho takes a break from being a nerd on Friday.” Jun remarked. “Ah, but it’s okay. Don’t play games when you get home.”

Nino glared at Jun but the other guy didn’t seem to be affected by the glare.

“I’m going home too.” Ohno said. “Let’s wait for the bus together.”

The other looked at each other before they nodded their head. They said goodbye before both Nino and Ohno walked away from the group. Nino tried to recollect his thought. He told himself that he had to remain calm. This was just another outing with a friend. He shouldn’t freak out.

The entire journey home was filled with silence. He didn’t know what to talk about with Ohno. So, he simply watched the cars passing by as the bus moved.

He arrived at his stop first. He said goodbye to Ohno as he went out of the bus but he was surprised when Ohno went down with him.

“Eh?” He frowned looking at the guy.

“I will walk you home.” Ohno informed him. He felt like a girl with what Ohno did but he didn’t complain. So, they walked side by side until they arrived in front of his house.

“Okay, thank you.” He said awkwardly. “See…”

He didn’t get to finish his sentences as Ohno wrapped his arms around Nino’s waist before placing his lips on Nino’s. Nino was too surprised with the sudden kiss. But, the kiss felt good so he wrapped his arms around Ohno’s neck and started responded to the kiss. He let out a soft moan, loving the way Ohno’s lips moving against his.

However, the kiss ended abruptly when Ohno’s phone suddenly rang. Felt surprised with the interruption, Nino reluctantly let go of Ohno. However, his mind chose that moment to remember what happened in McDonald’s a year ago, the moment he realized Ohno had a girlfriend. So, without thinking properly, he opened the door to his house and shut the door with Ohno looking at him confusedly.

A/N: Once again, I'm sorry if this is lame. There will be another part but I'm not sure when I will write it. I have to find some ideas first. Thank you for reading and comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, me & him, fanfic

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