Me, McDonald's & Him

Sep 24, 2019 21:39

Title: Me, McDonald's & Him
Pairing: OhMiya
Summary: Nino went to eat McDonald's with Ohno

"Yes!" Nino smiled at the computer screen. He had finished his assignment. His code was compiled successfully and worked exactly like he wanted. Now he can spend his weekend without worrying about the assignment.

He glanced at the clock. It's already 7PM and the computer lab he worked in was already empty. Well, it's a Friday night. Of course, most of the students spent the night partying instead of doing their assignments. He himself would do the same thing. But, since one of his classes was cancelled, he decided to work on the assignment.

He packed his stuff and then headed to the bus stop. As he walked, he thought about what to eat for dinner. When he arrived at the bus stop, he noticed a familiar face. Ohno Satoshi. His heart started to beat faster to see the guy.

Should he go and greet him? They were friends but they're not really close. As he contemplated on what he should do, Ohno noticed him and walked towards him with a warm smile. His heart beat even faster to see the smile.

"Hi, Ohchan." He said when Ohno stood next to him. He hoped his voice sound normal.

"Hello." Ohno greeted him softly. "What are you doing in the campus on a Friday night?"

"Assignment. How about you?"

"Sho chan dragged me to one of his association meeting."

"Oh, where is Sho chan?" Nino asked, looking around. If Sho was here, he won't be alone with Ohno. He wondered if that would be good or bad for him.

"Library. He has a midterm tomorrow."

"Midterm on Saturday?" He said. He hated having midterm on weekends. "That sucks. If I were him, I will not attend the meeting."

"Well, it's Sho chan. He went to the meeting because he needs a break from studying."

Their conversation was interrupted when the bus arrived. Nino stepped in first, glad to see there were many empty seats. Ohno followed behind and sat next to him, causing him to be surprised. And a little happy too.

They stayed in silence. Nino wanted to talk with Ohno but he didn't know what to talk about. He didn't want this moment to end. It's hard to get a chance to be alone with Ohno.

"It's your stop soon. I should get up." Ohno informed him. Nino looked outside. Yes, it would be his stop next. He was too absorbed in his own thoughts to realize. But, he didn't want to go home yet.

"It's okay." Nino stopped Ohno from standing up. "I want to go to McD to buy my dinner."

He wanted to say more. He wanted to invite Ohno to go with him. But, he was too shy to ask.

"I haven't had my dinner yet. We can go together."

Nino tried to hide his excitement upon hearing the response from Ohno. The butterflies in his stomach was getting worse and he hoped he will be able to act normal around Ohno later.

Not long after that, they arrived at their destination. They entered the restaurant together. Ohno bought Big Mac for himself while Nino bought cheese burger. Then, they went to find a table to sit in the crowded place.

"I never thought you are a nerd." Ohno said, starting the conversation.


"You do an assignment on a Friday night. I thought you will go clubbing."

"Ah, I rather stay at home and play games than go clubbing."

They continued eating and talking about various stuff. He thought it would be awkward at first to be alone with Ohno. But, it was actually comfortable and pleasant to spend the night talking with him. They talked about hobbies and interests. Despite his sleepy look, Ohno had a lot of hobbies. He liked to paint, playing with RC car and fishing. Nino thought he will spend the time at home sleeping when he had no classes or assignments to do. He was surprised to know that beyond the charismatic and cool guy he often saw, Ohno was actually quite an airhead. He looked capable of taking care of himself. However, Ohno revealed that he actually depend too much on Sho.

"Uso!" Nino shouted in disbelief. "He even memorizes your class?"

"Hontou!" Ohno said. "I don't have to refer to my timetable. He will remind me what class I have and where the class will be."

Nino laughed hearing Ohno talking about Sho. He knew Sho was a freak with schedules. But, he didn't expect he will memorize someone else's schedule.

However, as they talked, Nino noticed Ohno's attention was with his phone. Someone had been texting him frequently and Ohno will always smile widely as he read and reply to the messages. He wondered who he was exchanging messages with. Hmm, it must be his girlfriend. Thinking of that made Nino felt a little sad. But, he didn't show it.

"Well, it's nice talking to you." Ohno said. They had finished eating their dinner.

"Me too." He said. "See you later, Ohno kun."

They parted ways in opposite direction. He decided to walk home, instead of taking a bus. He wondered if there will be another chance to spend time alone with Ohno again. Ah, but it’s better to give up on Ohno.

And, since that day, he never eats McDonald’s anymore. Because, it reminded him of that day with Ohno.

A/N: Sorry for the lame story. It's based on my memory with someone but I change a few parts to make it as a fanfic. Just to clarify, it had nothing to do with Ohchan's McDonalds' CM. It's just me trying to get rid of a bittersweet memory. The fact that it happened in McDonald's was just a coincidence.
I hope it's okay and comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, me & him, fanfic

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