The Boss & The Secretary - Thank you, Ohchan

Sep 20, 2019 22:52

"Nino, wake up."

Nino opened his eyes reluctantly. Ohno smiled brightly at him. Too bright for the darkness surrounding them. He took his phone to look at the time. It was only 5AM. Why did Ohno wake him up so early in the morning on a weekend? He had been living with Ohno for two months now and Ohno always allowed him to sleep until 9AM.

"Ohchan, do you need anything?" He asked, still lying on the bed. Ohno stood a few feet from him. He wasn't wearing his pyjamas. Instead, he was wearing jogging attire.

"Where are you going?" Nino asked. Somehow, he already knew the answer. A memory  from yesterday reminded him of what Ohno had planned for today. As he was too busy with his games, he agreed without listening properly. And now, he had to face the consequence.

"We're going to watch the sunrise together and then go for a jog." Ohno announced happily. Nino stared at the guy, contemplating whether he wanted to refuse or not. Ohno waited in silence, staring at him with his puppy eyes and it made Nino feel guilty. So, with a heavy step, he stood up to get ready. However, when he saw Ohno's radiant smile, he felt that it's worth to sacrifice his sleep for a little outdoor date with Ohno.


"Where are we going to watch?" Nino asked when they entered the elevator. He was confused when Ohno pushed the button for topmost level instead of heading down. Ohno didn't answer him, instead he just gave him another killer smile. Nino narrowed his eyes playfully at his boyfriend. Well, if Ohno wanted to stay silent, let's just wait for the surprise then. But, he had a guess where they were heading to.

Once the door of the elevator opened at their intended level, Nino tried to hide his smile knowing he was correct. Ohno pulled him to a glass door before pushing a button to open the door. With a smile, Nino followed him outside.

It was freezing, that was his initial thought. Thank goodness Ohno had insisted for him to bring his sweater. He wore the sweater before casting a look around the roof. It was fairly empty except for a few benches. Nino pulled Ohno to sit on one of the benches.

"Sorry if it isn't romantic." Ohno suddenly apologized as they looked at the sky. It was still dark but it wouldn't be for long. "I want to choose a better spot but we have to wake up early to get there."

Nino gave him a smile before leaning closer to kiss his cheeks. For him, this was already romantic. Ohno had taken into consideration his habit of sleeping late during weekends when he chose this spot.

He stared into the sky, thinking of how different his life had been now. Sometimes, he was insecure and wary. He was scared and afraid that this life was just a dream. But, Ohno was always there with him, convincing him that this life was real. Thinking of all the good memories he made with Ohno since they met again, he snuggled closer to Ohno as the sun rose, filling the sky with shades of orange and pink.

"It's beautiful." He muttered watching the scenery. Both of them stood up from the bench and leaned against the railing to appreciate the view. A click sound made him turn to look at Ohno who was standing next to him.

"Yes. It's beautiful." Ohno was holding his phone and Nino realized he was taking a picture of Nino with the sunrise as the background. He wished that he could do the same but he didn't have a smartphone like Ohno. His phone was outdated. But, he shook the negative feelings away.

"It's cold. Come and warm me." He stretched his hand. Ohno chuckled before he came closer and hugged him.

"Okay, let's take a selfie." Ohno told him.

They took a few pictures together. Some were very silly but he was very happy.

"Ah, I should dress up. I look ugly in those pictures." Nino complained playfully. Ohno kissed his temple in return.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You're not ugly. You're my Cutie." His face went red to hear the compliment. Even though he had heard it too many times before, he couldn't control the blush that would form each time Ohno said it.

"Ughhh.. You just said that to make me blush." He tried to hide his embarrassment.

"No. I'm just stating the truth." Another killer smile. Nino didn't know how many times he had died seeing the smile. Ohno really knows how to flirt.

"I love you, Ohchan." He said. Once again, his cheeks turned red. This was the first time he said those words to Ohno. "I love you so much, Ohchan."

"And I love you too, my Cutie Kazunari." Ohno said before they leaned in for a kiss.


"Ohchan, wait up!" Nino shouted.

Ohno turned and realized that Nino was quite far from him. In the beginning, they had jogged together but Ohno had increased his pace and he didn't realize he had put a big distance between the two of them. Now, Nino had stopped running and was trying to catch his breath. Ohno smiled before he ran towards Nino, thinking that his cute boyfriend wouldn't move anytime sooner.

"Tired?" He asked even though he already knew the answer. Nino rolled his eyes in annoyance at him.

"I hate running." Nino complained. "Please don't make me run anymore."

Ohno hugged the guy before he slipped his hand under Nino's t-shirt, caressing the round belly owned by his boyfriend. Nino went still at first but he didn't push him away. Reluctantly, he retreated the hands from Nino's belly as he noticed a couple of ladies jogged behind them.

"You look like a pregnant lady with your belly." Ohno teased his boyfriend, causing the guy to pout.

"I thought you like my belly." Ohno grinned. That was the truth. He loved Nino's belly. Every night, before they went to sleep, he will caress and kiss the belly, as if Nino was pregnant with his baby.

"I do but I'm worried for your health. Let's do this every week, ne?"

Nino shook his head in fear. "Not every week, please. Maybe two.."

"Two times a week? That's even better." He took the chance to tease Nino again.

"Mou.. I don't want to run anymore." Nino said, clearly sulking because of his teasing.

"Cutie, let's do this every two weeks, okay?" He finally said. At first, he thought Nino was going to ignore him. But, Nino smiled at him before nodding his head.

"Okay, while we're at the subject.." He began, remembering what he had read a few days ago about male pregnancy. "Are you a bearer?"

Nino seemed surprised with the subject. He turned away but he didn't seem uncomfortable with the subject.

"I don't know." Nino answered. "I never do the test."

"It's okay. We can confirm it later."

"Do you want me to do the test?"

"Nah..." He grinned, ready to tease his cute boyfriend again. "We can use another way to test whether you're a bearer or not."

He gave him a knowing smile. Nino tilted his head in confusion at first, but once he understood what Ohno meant, his face turned red.

As Nino looked too cute and adorable with his red face, Ohno couldn't control himself. So, he leaned forward to give another kiss. Thankfully, no one was around. So, he had the chance to enjoy the kiss.

"Let's continue our jog for 10 minutes and then we can go to a nearby bakery for breakfast." Ohno suggested. Nino pouted and Ohno thought it was because he didn't want to run again. However, he took off before Ohno and then stuck his tongue out at Ohno. Ohno lightly chuckled with his boyfriend's childishness before he started running.


"Ah, Ohchan, Nino chan!" Jun was surprised when Aiba suddenly shouted excitedly. He turned to look at the door, noticing the reason for Aiba's excitement. His high school crush had entered the bakery. He wasn’t alone. His boyfriend was with him, as always. They looked adorable together and for a second, Jun felt jealous to see them. If only he made a different choice back then.

He shook the feeling away, glancing at Aiba who had beckoned for Ohno and Nino to come to them. Ohno looked happy to see Aiba and pushed Nino to move forward. However, Jun noticed the way Nino went still when he saw him. Of course he knew why Nino was terrified to see him. He had tormented and bullied Nino in school. He wouldn't blame Nino for hating him. But, he was thankful that Nino chose to move forward, smiling at them.

"Good morning." Aiba greeted them cheerfully. Nino and Ohno only smiled politely in return. "Did you go for a jog?"

"Yes." Ohno answered. "How about you?"

"We're having breakfast together." Aiba announced.

Jun rolled his eyes at Aiba. He wondered why he and Aiba were friends when Aiba often annoyed him and embarrassed him in public when he became overly excited. However, he cannot deny that his day was more fun whenever Aiba was around.

"Ah, Ohchan, follow me. I want to recommend delicious bread for you."

Aiba pulled Ohno away from Nino and brought him to the counter to look at the displayed bread. Both Jun and Nino automatically looked at each other. They tilted their head in confusion watching Aiba and Ohno before they realized what had happened. It wasn't a coincidence. Aiba and Ohno had planned for this. Geez, no wonder Aiba had disturbed him early in the morning.

"Those two idiots." Jun remarked, noticing how tense Nino was to be left alone with him. "Take a seat."

"Just sit. I won't eat you." He told the little guy. He didn't know how to make Nino feel comfortable with him.

"Okay." Nino said, sitting down. He chose the farthest seat from Jun. The two of them ignored each other. He pretended to look at his phone even though he was secretly stealing glances at Nino. The guy didn't change much. He still looked like a high school student, even though he was the same age as Jun.

He caught Ohno and Aiba staring at him. They gave him a look, telling him to talk to Nino. He narrowed his eyes in return, silently scolding them for being nosy. But, he appreciated their thoughtful action.

"You're right. They are idiots." Nino said. When Aiba and Ohno noticed Nino was looking at them, they pretended to be interested with the bread.

"Both of you look good together." Jun said. "Both you and Ohno kun."

"It still felt like a dream. Am I really dating Ohchan?" Nino asked him. Eyes still looking at the two idiots, especially Ohno.

"Maybe it's a nightmare because I'm part of the dream too." He joked. "But this is real. It's a surprise to see you again after so many years. And I owe you an apology."

This time, Nino shifted his attention to him.

"I'm sorry, Nino for being immature back then. I was jealous and angry."

"Jealous?" Nino looked at him in confusion. "I don't have anything that will make you jealous."

Jun scratched his head for the blunder he accidentally made. He should really plan what he wanted to say instead of just blurting out whatever was in his mind.

"You have Ohno kun." A white lie. Nino didn't have to know the truth.

"He wasn't my boyfriend back then." Nino tilted his head in confusion. He looked too cute that Jun had to look away.

"Yes. But he likes you." He watched the way Nino's cheeks turned pink with what he said. "So, it makes me jealous. I thought if he knew about your mother, he will hate you. But, I was surprise. He already knew about that but he still loves you. I'm really sorry, Nino for bullying you. I understand if you hate me. I am not a good per.."

"It's okay. It's in the past." Nino interrupted him. "I forgive you. I'm mad at you but maybe I was at fault too. I am not good enough for Ohchan."

"No. Both of you look good together." He said. It was the truth.

"Have you move on from Ohchan then? Are you with Aiba chan now?"

"No." Jun quickly denied. It had been a few years but he hadn't moved on. Nino didn't have to know that. "We're just friends. He is too loud."

"He is a nice person."

"Yes. But he isn't my type. So, you can tell Sakurai san, he doesn't have to worry about me. I will not steal Aiba chan from him."

"Sakurai san is obviously in love with Aiba chan, ne?" Nino said, giggling.

"Why are you giggling like a hyena?"

"A hyena? I don't sound like a hyena!"

"Yes, you are. Hyenomiya."

"Hey, that's rude!" Nino said, laughing even more with the nickname he gave. Jun started to smile hearing the laugh. He couldn't believe he will be able to speak happily with Nino.

"Yeah!" Aiba said excitedly as he walked towards them, carrying a tray full of bread. "Both of you are okay now."

"Are we?" He asked Nino, sounded scared. Yes, Nino said he forgive him but were they friends now?"

"Of course, we're okay. We're friends, right?"

"And Jun, if you bully Nino again..." Ohno clenched his fist playfully.

"Both of us will make sure you suffer." Aiba continued.

"Uuuhhhh.... I'm so scared." He pretended to be scared, causing the other to laugh.

Then, they ate together. Being this close with Ohno and Nino, he watched how loving they were towards each other. They are really made for each other. He smiled happily watching the two of them.


“I have news for you.” Ohno announced as they walked home together, holding hands. Nino tilted his head, trying to guess if it’s going to be a good or bad news.

“Is it good?” He asked curiously.

“Good news for you but bad news for me.” Ohno answered. Nino frowned. He was still clueless on what kind of news Ohno will tell him.

“Ah, you buy a new game for me.” He guessed. “It's good news for me because I have a game to play but it’s bad for you because I will pay less attention to you.”

Ohno gave him a light chuckle to hear his guess before playfully pulled the bridge of his nose.

“Quite close.”

“Hmmm… what is it? Seriously, I have no idea.” He gave up.

“Remember those videos about coding that you always watch during lunch?” Ohno asked. Nino nodded. It’s true. He was interested with coding since he watched one of the technical staff wrote the code. “Sho chan wants to send you to a programming class. I’m not sure which software it is. You can ask Sho chan for the details. But, yes, you will go to the class for a week.”

“Eh, are you serious?” He asked for confirmation. He found it hard to believe. “How much is the class?”

“Of course I’m serious. And, don’t worry. Company will pay for your training.”


“Yes, Sho chan will be happy to have someone who can talk the same language as him. Both Aiba and I don’t understand anything about coding so you’re the perfect candidate. Maybe you can help the technical department if they don’t have enough staff, Sho said.”

“Ohchan, this is truly good news.” He said, hugging his boyfriend. But, his boyfriend pouted in return, making him confused.

“See, I know you will be happy. But, I will be sad and alone in the office, waiting for you to return while you enjoy yourself in the class.”

He laughed at his boyfriend. Ohno was too cute when he was childish like this.

“I’m sorry, my dear. But, I will miss you too. I will be as miserable as you, counting days for us to be reunited again.” He said dramatically.

“I know, honey. Let’s do our best, okay. Don’t worry about your job while you’re on training. Aiba chan will take care of it. So, you have to learn properly, okay?”

Nino nodded his head. He had always been interested in programming and he was grateful that Sho and Ohno had allowed him a chance to properly learn it even though they don’t really have to do it. He hoped that he could help the company with what he learned.

Seriously, he was truly grateful to meet Ohno again. Ohno had rescued him from his hellish life, giving him an opportunity to work and even mending the relationship between him and Jun. Now, he had given him a chance to learn something he was interested in.

“Thank you so much, Ohchan!”

A/N: I really hope this wasn't lame. For Jun's POV, I don't know if I was able to convey it properly but it wasn't Ohno that Jun likes. It was Nino. If it's confusing, please let me know.
The lovebirds will have to separate for a week. I hope they won't miss each other so much. Hehehe...
Before I forget, thank u so much for participating in the poll. Seems like Sakuraiba is the popular choice. And I already clarified who is the secondary pairing in this chapter. As the lovebirds will be separated for a while, maybe next part will be about the other pairing.
Btw, would it be okay to include mpreg in this fic?
I hope you enjoy reading this chapter and comments are very much appreciated.

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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