The Boss & The Secretary - Marathon & Games

Sep 05, 2019 20:16

"Matsujun, could you please knock?" Ohno said angrily. He was furious to be rudely interrupted by Jun when he was having the time of his life. He and Nino had shared a kiss. The best kiss in his life.

He glared at the man on the door, who had a smug smile on his handsome face. He almost shouted once again at the guy, to chase him out of the room, when he felt Nino went rigid. He let out a surprised gasp, causing Ohno to focus his attention on the guy sitting on his lap.

"Do you remember me, Nino?" Jun asked.

Ohno frowned at first before he finally remembered how bad Jun had treated Nino in school. Jun was the person who bullied Nino the most. No wonder Nino was giving him a deadly glare. He must be hating Jun so much.

Much to Ohno's surprise, Nino suddenly buried his face into Ohno's chest. Then, he felt something wet on his shirt. It didn't take a genius to know that Nino was crying. Jun had bullied Nino because of his mother, at least that's what Nino thought. Seeing Jun again had reminded him of his mother and that's why he was crying.

"Jun, leave us alone. I'll talk to you in a minute." Ohno said. Both of them had been looking at each other awkwardly when they realized Nino was crying.

"Hmmm..." Jun said in response. He seemed reluctant to leave. "Okay... Nino, I'm really sorry for what I did to you before."

That's what he said before he left Ohno and Nino alone in the office. Nino continued to cry in silence and all Ohno could do was hugging him tighter. He knew it wasn't enough to comfort Nino but that's all he could do.

After a few minutes, the crying started to cease before Nino finally lifted his head from Ohno's chest. His eyes were red and puffy.

"I'm sorry for your shirt." Nino said, looking guilty. He tried to wriggle himself out of Ohno's embrace but Ohno refused to let him go. "I will replace it when I receive my salary."

"This..." Ohno looked down at his wet shirt. "You don't have to worry about it. How do you feel?"

"Fine. Would you let me go? It must be painful for your leg to hold me like this. I'm heavy, right?"

"Not at all." Ohno said. But, he complied with the request. Nino quickly stood up and looked outside through the glass window when both of them heard noises. Aiba entered the office with Sho and when he saw Jun, he shouted excitedly.

"Can I stay here for a while until my eyes aren't puffy anymore? I don't want Aiba chan to ask why I look ugly."

"Sure." Ohno nodded his head. "But, you don't look ugly, Cutie. You are cute." He complimented the guy. He loved how Nino's face went red whenever he called him Cutie.

"What is Matsumoto san doing here? Is he working here?" Nino asked as he looked at Aiba who was talking merrily to Jun. Sho stood there awkwardly, watching the two of them talking.

"Well.. He doesn't work here. He's a model. He rarely dropped by before. But, he frequently comes after he met Aiba. Are you okay with that?" Ohno asked. Nino nodded his head but he could see he wasn't truly happy with the news.

"If you want, I could..."

"You don't have to do that. I'm fine as long as he doesn't call me names anymore. Or tell Aiba about my..."

Ohno immediately went and hugged Nino when he noticed Nino almost had another breakdown. He was glad Nino didn't push him away.

"She's in a good place now, Nino." He told Nino.

"I know. At least, she doesn't have to do that job anymore." Nino uttered. "Ne, Ohchan, why didn't you close your window with the blinds? People can see what you're doing, you know."

An attempt to change the topic. Of course Nino wouldn't be comfortable to talk about his mother.

"So that I can look at you from my office." He said. He loved to see the shade of pink appeared once again on Nino's pale face. "But, next time you come, I will lock the door and pull down the blinds so that nobody will disturb our kiss again."

Nino's face went even redder, as if it was possible, when he mentioned the kiss. He knew Nino enjoyed the kiss as much as he did. So, he wanted Nino to know that the kiss wasn't just a one time thing. He was serious about his feelings for Nino.

"Don't give me hope." Nino said in a low voice. Ohno shook his head in return.

"I care for you, Nino." He began. He wanted to confess, to tell Nino how much he loves the guy. "I'm not good with words... I don't know how to tell you how much I care for you. That's why I decided to show, rather than tell. And I think you like me too."

"Isn't it too sudden?"

Once again Ohno shook his head.

"No, it isn't. I've liked you since school. You're the only person I love. I know we haven't met for a while but my feelings for you are still the same."

Nino looked at him in disbelief upon hearing what he had said. He lowered his head to avoid looking at Ohno with a shy smile that had started to form. Ohno chuckled to see how adorable Nino looked as he tried to hide how happy he was to hear the confession.

"If you don't like all the touches and kisses, I will try to minimize those things. But, you have to know how hard it is to resist touching and kissing you."

Nino blushed again. Maybe it was his intention for teasing Nino. He loved to see Nino's pale face decorated with another colour when he teased him.

"I don't mind you touch and kiss me. I actually love them." Nino said shyly. "But, let's take things slowly, ne?"

Ohno nodded his head before hugging the guy once again. The urge to kiss Nino was getting stronger when Nino had stated he liked those kisses. He gave a quick peck, loving the way Nino responded cutely with the kiss before pulling his new boyfriend out of the room to have lunch.


"Yeah!" Nino turned around when he heard Ohno shouting loudly. His little boss went out of the room and dashed towards him. "Tomorrow is Saturday! We can sleep late tonight."

"You're noisy, Satoshi!" Sho scolded the guy lightly. However, Ohno ignored him and pressed a kiss to Nino's forehead. The boss really loved to kiss his forehead.

"What do you mean by sleeping late? Are you going to..." Aiba didn't finish the question but smiled knowingly at both of them. Nino couldn't fight the blush that had started to form as he knew what Aiba was implying. They didn't officially declare themselves as a couple but Aiba and Sho had known that they're dating.

"Well... If my little Cutie doesn't mind.. We're going to do some marathon tonight." Ohno said shamelessly, causing Nino to lightly slapped his shoulder.

"Pervert!" He uttered, trying to fight the embarrassment that he felt because of the conversation.

"Huh?" Ohno said, pretending to be clueless. "I think you're the pervert one for thinking of doing that. I genuinely think of doing marathon tonight."

Nino pouted to hear that. Ohno was sneaky, trying to shift the accusation of being a pervert to him. Before he could say anything as a retort, Sho spoke first.

"Okay... Stop talking about this. You can talk about what you want to do tonight in private. I'm not interested to know about your activity."

"Jealous." Ohno said, sticking his tongue out childishly. Sho simply dismissed him.

"Okay, guys. I have to leave now. Jun chan is waiting for me downstairs." Aiba said as he typed something on his phone. He left in a hurry before any of them can say goodbye. Nino glanced at Sho. He wasn't surprised to see how Sho had looked at Aiba longingly. He knew his boss was interested with Aiba. However, Aiba seemed oblivious to Sho's feelings.

Aiba seemed closed to Jun, something that Nino didn't really want to acknowledge. He loved being friends with Aiba. But, he felt uncomfortable whenever Aiba mentioned Jun. He kept on complimenting Jun and it wasn't something that Nino wanted to hear about his tormentor. He tried to keep a blank face each time Aiba talked about Jun because he didn't want Aiba to know about his relationship with Jun. He was afraid that Aiba will choose Jun over him, causing him to lose a good friend. He still remembered how awkward it was to be in the same room with Jun when they had lunch together in the pantry. He had avoided looking at the guy.

"But you said it's for a week." Ohno said in a loud voice, bringing his thoughts back to the guy standing near him. Ohno was looking at Sho with dissatisfaction, making him wonder what had happened.

"And it isn't a week yet. Ninomiya san starts working on Tuesday. After lunch. So, technically, he will be my secretary until Tuesday morning."

Oh, that. Nino shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't believe that his bosses were arguing because of him. It was obvious Sho was right.

"But..." Ohno sighed. Clearly, he couldn't think of anything to win the argument. "I need his help."

Sho rolled his eyes before he continued. "You have Aiba chan to help you."

Nino tried to stifle his laugh when Ohno appealed with his puppy eyes. Sho seemed firm, he didn't think the strategy will work on him.

"You're annoying, Satoshi." Sho uttered in defeat. Nino was completely surprised while Ohno started to grin idiotically, knowing he will win. "Fine. You can take him back."

"Yeah! Thank you, Sho chan." Ohno said, jumping happily like a little boy. Nino watched the action with admiration. Ohno was too adorable.

"Whatever. Let's go home before I change my mind. And if I see both of you spend more time kissing than working, I'm taking Ninomiya san back."

"That will be hard." Ohno pouted when he heard the condition. "You know I cannot resist..."

"Bla bla bla. I'm not interested to know. Bye." Sho narrowed his eyes at Ohno before taking his leave. Seeing Sho left, Ohno smiled sweetly at Nino.

"Let's go home!" Ohno shouted excitedly. He took Nino's hand and clasped them together before both of them started heading home.


After dinner, Ohno had dragged Nino into their bedroom, enthusiastically telling him that he wanted to start the marathon as soon as possible. Nino followed him reluctantly. He had no idea what kind of marathon Ohno wanted to do. From the smile and teasing, Ohno seemed to mean that he wanted to make love with Nino. But, Nino wasn't ready for that. Each time he imagined the two of them making love, he would think of his nightmare.

Once they entered the bedroom, Ohno had instructed him to lie on the bed before he switched off the light. Nino grew even more anxious especially when Ohno lay down next to him. He closed his eyes, ready for whatever Ohno was going to do until he heard noises. In confusion, he opened his eyes to see Ohno had switched on the television and grinned at him.

Ah, so this is the marathon Ohno wanted to do. A movie marathon. How stupid he was for not thinking of this.

"Pervert." Ohno teased him as he pinched his nose. Then, he kissed Nino's nose. Nino giggled in response, feeling ticklish to be kissed there.

"What movie are we watching?" He asked as he snuggled closer to Ohno.

"Captain America. We're going to watch all MCU movies tonight."

"MCU?" Nino asked, tilting his head to look at Ohno. He had heard of Captain America before but MCU was totally foreign to him. Being poor, he had no money to spend on watching movies.

"Marvel Cinematic Universe." Answered Ohno before he started explaining what it actually meant. Then, they both started watching in silence. But, sometimes they talked when Nino had questions about the movie or Ohno randomly informed him any trivia about the movie.

Nino truly enjoyed watching the movie. Ohno had entrusted him with the remote so that he could press the button to watch the next movie once it's finished. He was too absorbed in watching the movies, he didn't realize it was already 3 AM until he heard a soft snore. He looked behind and noticed Ohno was sleeping. No wonder his boss had been quiet for a while. He himself was too sleepy so he decided to finish the remaining 15 minutes of the movie he was watching before going to sleep.


The sound of the alarm roused Ohno from his sleep. It's 6AM. It's the time Nino usually woke up. But, his little Cutie was sleeping soundly next to him. He didn't seem to be bothered by the noise made by the alarm.

Ohno switched off the alarm. Then he chuckled watching Nino's cute sleeping face, something he rarely saw in the morning because Nino usually woke up before him. What time did Nino sleep yesterday, he wondered. He himself had been sleepy by the time they were watching Iron Man. He didn't realize when sleep had claimed him.

Deciding to prepare breakfast for both of them, he gave a kiss on Nino's forehead before he left the bed. Nino stirred a bit after being kissed but only to roll his body before continue to sleep. Ohno laughed softly when he saw that and then he left the bedroom, thinking of what to eat for breakfast today.

To be honest, he wasn't fond of making food. For breakfast, he usually ate cereals or bread and bought take-away or order delivery for lunch and dinner. But, he wanted to make something special for Nino and decided on spinach and cheddar omelette with roast potatoes.

Without waiting any longer, he started preparing the ingredients. He sang happily as he cooked until he heard noise from his bedroom. Not long after that, Nino came out, still looking sleepy as he rubbed his eyes. Ohno approached him, gifting him with a kiss at the corner of his mouth before he resumed cooking.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked his boyfriend.

"Yes." Nino answered with a yawn. Gosh, he still looked cute even when he was yawning. "I'm sorry. I overslept."

"It's Saturday. You're allowed to do so."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Go to the living room and relax. I'll serve breakfast to you shortly."


Ohno stared at his cute boyfriend before kissing him again. "Once in a while, let me pamper you, okay."

Nino didn't seem like he wanted to comply easily. So, Ohno dragged him to the living room, switched on his old Nintendo wii that he hadn't played for a while and asked Nino to play with it. Nino looked reluctant at first but when he saw Mario among his game, he shouted excitedly. Ohno watched him play for a few minutes before going back to the kitchen.

It didn't take him long to finish cooking. Once he finished, he quickly prepared the table while eyeing Nino whose eyes were stuck on the screen. He called Nino a few times to eat, only to be ignored by his boyfriend. So, he went to the living room and sat next to him. Nino expertly played the game like a pro. He was even better than Ohno.

"Time to eat." He whispered once Nino had cleared a level.

"Eh?" Nino looked reluctant. He was still looking at the screen and when Ohno noticed he was about to play the next level, Ohno took the console from him.

"Eat first. Then you can continue." Ohno said firmly as he switched off the game. Nino pouted but he didn't object.

"Can I play again after I finish cleaning the house?" Nino asked.

Ohno frowned upon hearing. He thought of going out with Nino today even though he hadn't decided where to go yet.

"Don't you want to go out?" He asked. Nino shook his head.

"I want to play the game. Do you think it's possible for me to finish it by today?"

Ohno simply shrugged. But, he gave permission for Nino to continue playing. The console had been a decoration for his living room for a while. It was a birthday present from his sister and whenever his family gathered in his house, they will play wii bowling together.

Somehow, he slightly regretted letting Nino played the game earlier. It seemed like Nino preferred the game over him. But, he tried to shake the feeling away. Nino never had the chance to enjoy his life before. If he liked the games, Ohno had to be supportive.

He was surprised when Nino suddenly touched his hand and then clasped them together. His hand fit perfectly with Nino and he loved to see Nino's cute fingers laced with his.

"Play together with me?" Nino asked cutely and Ohno beamed in response. It was a simple thing but he was glad that Nino wanted to include him to do something he liked.

A/N: Ryo is leaving Johnny's and I'm sad. I hope for the best for him.
I hope you will enjoy this. Comments are very much appreciated.
Anyway, I have a little question. Poll

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ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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