The Boss & The Secretary - Because I love you

Aug 25, 2019 17:17

"Good morning." Aiba cheerfully greeted his boss and new colleague. Both of them entered the office holding hands and he loved to see that. They were cute together and he really enjoyed watching the two of them together. That's why he wanted to join them for lunch yesterday. He wanted to see them being adorable to each other.

It was evident both Ohno and Nino loved each other. They acted like a couple but Aiba was convinced it wasn't officially declared between the two of them. And he guessed the reason lies with Nino.

Based on what he saw, Ohno didn't hide his feelings for Nino. He had clearly implied to Sho and Aiba that Nino was his and nobody should interfere with that. It was obvious since he insisted to make Nino his secretary and how possessive he was towards Nino. Aiba still remembered how he was frightened of Ohno's intense stare after he had squeezed Nino's cheeks. A mistake he will happily do one more time just to see Ohno being possessive again.

Nino, on the other hand, seemed to doubt Ohno's feelings for him. He didn't think that Ohno shared the same feeling he had. Aiba wondered why he felt that way when Ohno had shamelessly wrapped his arms around Nino's waist several times and had touched Nino whenever he had the chance. Not to mention, Ohno had looked at him fondly despite being expressionless most of the time. Ah, maybe it's because of their past. He could see that they both had known each other before Nino came for an interview. Maybe Ohno had hired Nino to be his boyfriend before and now when Ohno had been lovey dovey, he thought it was just an act. Who knows, right?

"Aiba san, what are you daydreaming about?" Aiba snapped back to reality upon hearing Sho's harsh voice. Sho had called him Aiba san, something he will only do when he wanted to scold him. He bowed at his boss, quickly apologizing for being absent minded earlier.

"I am sorry."

Accidentally, he glanced at the clock, noticing their working hours hadn't started yet. So, he wasn't at fault. As Sho noticed his glance, he turned to look at the clock and flushed when he realized his mistake. Aiba immediately grinned idiotically at him.

"I want you to teach Ninomiya san filing today." He informed Aiba. Aiba nodded his head. Sho then him alone with the lovebirds, who giggled at him.

"You're lucky it isn't office hour yet." Said Nino.

"Yes. But, it is funny to watch Sho talking to himself as you do not respond at all." Ohno continued. "What are you thinking about?"

Aiba only grinned at the two of them. They shouldn't know he was thinking about them. Ohno let out a sigh a few minutes later. It's time to start working so he excused himself. But, not before he kissed Nino's forehead causing Nino to blush. It's too adorable, Aiba couldn't help but grinning as he watched them.

"You look like a pervert, you know!" Said Nino, his face still red. He hit Aiba's head softly with his notebook.

"Awww, but both of you look cute." He said in return.

"You've to teach me, not to talk about this useless stuff." Nino dismissed him. Aiba glanced at Sho in his office. He better started working now. If Sho came and he hadn't taught Nino anything, it will be his fault then.

"You're good." Aiba remarked shortly after he started explaining how to do the filing. Nino was better than him. He was quick to learn. Since yesterday, Aiba didn't have to teach much. In fact, Nino actually learn everything just by analyzing what he saw. He had potential to do other stuff so it was a mystery why he didn't finish his high school and pursue his education.

Aiba continued to observe Nino. He was focused with his work. Yet, he could tell something was bothering him. He didn't make any mistakes but it was obvious he was thinking of something else.

"What happened?" He asked bluntly.

"Nothing." Nino frowned. He looked uneasy. "So, am I doing this correctly?"

An attempt to change the subject, Aiba realized. He inspected what Nino had done and nodded his head. Everything was done correctly.

"What's wrong?" He asked again. He decided not to drop the subject. He wanted to help Nino with the problem he had.

"Persistent, aren't you?" Nino said. "It's nothing, Aiba chan. I just had a nightmare yesterday and I cannot stop thinking about it."

"Do you get enough sleep?" He asked. Nino nodded his head.

"Yes. Thanks to Oh..." Nino stopped immediately when he realized what he was about to say. But, the damage was done. He had accidentally revealed he lived together with Ohno even though Aiba had already suspected that when they came to the office together.

"He really cares about you, ne?" Said Aiba, looking at his boss through the glass window. Ohno was talking with someone via the phone. He was smiling fondly. Nino followed his gaze. He smiled sadly looking at Ohno.

"He must be talking to his girlfriend, ne?"

"Nah... At this time, he usually calls his mother, updating her about his life."

"Ah.. I remember him being very close with his mother. Our classmates called him mama boy."

Oh, that's how Nino and Ohno knew each other. They were classmates.

"He must be telling his mother about you."

"Hah? Why?"

"Because he likes you. Isn't it obvious?" Aiba said, decided that by telling Nino about how Ohno felt for him may help to develop their relationship. However, Nino shook his head in disbelief.

"You said he has found his partner. Do you mean me?" Aiba nodded his head and Nino laughed in return. He repeatedly said Aiba was crazy for thinking Ohno liked Nino. Somehow, it annoyed Aiba that Nino didn't believe him.

"Listen." He said sternly causing Nino to stop laughing and looked at him warily. "I've known Ohchan for a while. This was the first time I see him truly care for someone. Most of the time, he will just comply to whatever Sho suggested. Whenever he refused to follow Sho's suggestion, it was because he didn't like the idea. This time, he is really persistent to have you as his secretary. There has to..."

"He is just being nice to.."

"No. It isn't sympathy. He didn't do that because he felt sorry for you. Some of the things he did to you since yesterday weren't something someone did out of pity. Look at his smile as he talked to the phone. It was the smile he reserved for someone he loves. I never see him smiles like that before. But, he has been smiling that way since he met you. It's obvious he likes you."

Nino stayed silent.

"Ah.. I'm sorry if what I said hurt you." Aiba quickly said. He had enjoyed being friends with the small guy. He didn't want this to affect their friendship. "I am just a simpleton. I know Ohchan likes you and you also like him. So, I don't understand why both of you refuse to admit your feelings to each other. I just want you to be happy, Nino chan. And, happiness isn't something you can easily get. You have to work for it. If Ohchan is your happiness, don't let him go."

To his relief, Nino smiled at him. Ah, thank God he didn't screw their friendship with his blabbering mouth.

"I understand, Aiba chan. But, there are a few things you might not understand. That's why I didn't want to be hopeful."


"Sakurai san will be angry if he comes out and see we're talking, instead of working."

That was Nino's signal to stop talking about the topic. He glanced at Sho, noticing he was looking at them. With a pout, he resumed his work.


"Lunch time!" Aiba announced.

Nino glanced at the clock. It's already 1PM. Both of them had been working in silent, even though there were a few times Aiba initiated a short conversation. Fortunately, he didn't talk anymore about Ohno and Nino. He wasn't oblivious with the way Ohno treated him. But, he's too afraid to think of it as something more.

"I've a good restaurant I want to recommend. Better move fast before Ohchan snatch you again like yesterday." Aiba teased him. Both of them looked at Ohno through the glass window. He was staring intently at the computer.

"Gomen, Aiba chan. I've brought bento." He informed the guy.

"I will just order take-out then. Wait for me, okay." Aiba took out his wallet before Sho approached them.

"Where are you going, Aiba chan?" Sho asked.

"To buy lunch. Do you want to go with me?"

"Sure. How about you, Ninomiya san?"

"I bring bento." Nino answered. He realized Sho had treated him a little bit different than before. He was still solemn and serious but at least he had stopped glaring at him. He hoped the meeting yesterday had improved Sho's impression on him.

"We should buy a take out. Then all of us can eat together in the pantry." Aiba said as he and Sho started walking together towards the elevator.

Nino took a deep breath as he walked towards Ohno's room. He had told Ohno about the bento. Ohno had happily informed him that he would like to eat the bento he prepared. The guy hadn't come out from his office since this morning.

He knocked on the door. After Ohno had instructed him to enter, he opened the door.

"Ohchan, let's eat lunch together." He said.

"Okay." Ohno said. But, he didn't move at all. His eyes were still staring at the computer screen. "Come here, Cutie. I've something to ask you."

Nino walked towards Ohno. When he was near, Ohno pulled him to sit on his lap. Of course he was surprised but he tried not to blush. Ohno's attention wasn't on him but the computer screen. There were a variety of couch displayed on the screen, making Nino wondered what it was about.

"I want to buy a couch to put in our bedroom. Which one is nice?" Ohno said. Nino looked at the picture on the screen. All of them looked great so he didn't know which one to choose.

"Eh, I don't know. All of them look good."

"Ne? I've been staring at this for an hour or so but I cannot decide which one to buy." Nino laughed when he heard that. He thought Ohno was doing his work but he was actually surveying furniture for the house.

"Why do you want to buy a couch?" He asked.

"I will sleep on the couch. You can have the bed for yourself."

"Eh? Why?"

"Ah.." Ohno finally stopped looking at the screen and shifted his attention to him. "You're not comfortable sleeping on the bed with me, right? So, I decide to buy a couch. If you have another nightmare..."

Nino silent him with a finger on his lips, surprising Ohno. Then, he put his head on the guy's chest, listening to his heartbeat. It calmed him more when Ohno caressed him softly.

"Ohchan, why do you have to be nice to me?" He asked the guy, lifting his head from the chest to look at Ohno properly. He thought of what Aiba said earlier. Was Aiba right? Did Ohno really like him?

There was no answer from Ohno. Instead he wrapped his arms around Nino, pulling him closer. Being this close with Ohno made Nino anxious. He could feel his heart beat faster with every passing second. Both of them looked at each other with uncertainty. When Ohno leaned closer, he couldn't stop himself from doing the same thing. Nino closed his eyes before their lips finally met in a slow steady kiss. They'd kissed before but this kiss felt different. It wasn't because of lust. It's because of love.


Both of them let go of each other when a guy entered the office. Feeling embarrassed, Nino tried to stand up but Ohno held him tighter. He looked at the guy at the door. He had seen him before.

"Matsujun, could you please knock?" Ohno said angrily.

Matsujun? Nino had heard the name before. He stared at the guy, thinking of where and when he had seen him. The guy’s eyebrow caught his attention and slowly, the memory came to him and he gasped in surprise.

"Do you remember me, Nino?" The guy asked with a stupid grin. Nino glared at him. How could he forget the guy. He was Matsumoto Jun, his tormentor in high school.

A/N: Jun finally made his appearance. I wonder if he will be a good or bad character.
I hope this is okay. Comments are very much appreciated :)

ohmiya, fanfic, the boss & the secretary

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