Help for my next fic

Jul 21, 2019 12:55

So, I have a news for people who read Magika. I finish writing the fic yesterday and I will post the next chapter soon. I'm still not sure if I was satisfied with what I wrote. But, it's the best I could think of and I hope it will be well received.

Anyway, now that I finished Magika, I have two ideas for my next fic. I already started writing them as I wrote Magika and I will give a little preview for both. I need help deciding which one I should write first and I really hope that you could help me.

So, this is the first one.

Title: Cutie and the Beast (I rewrite what I had wrote before for this fic)

"Hi, little one! You're here again!"

Nino smiled softly at the person who greeted him from the other side of the mirror. It was a strange mirror. Instead of seeing his face reflected by the mirror, what he saw was a beautiful forest. The person who greeted him earlier climbed one of the trees swiftly. He touched the mirror to see if he could go to the other side. However, the moment his hand touched the smooth surface of the mirror, he had a painful headache followed by a few blurry images running in his head. It took a while for the headache to go but when he looked back at the mirror, the beautiful forest was gone. The trees were dying and the person leaned against one of the trees. When he noticed Nino was looking at him, he smiled sadly.

"I was wrong, Little Kazunari. We are not meant to be together."

And this is the second one.

Title: Once Again... I'm in love with you (Tentative title - thanks to a dear friend of mine)


Ohno lifted his face to look at the person who called him as he packed his stuff.

"Bye bye." said the other person. Ohno didn't say anything.

"Satoshi kun, bye bye." the other person said again. Feeling annoyed, Ohno glared at him before saying the same thing to the person. He knew that if he didn't say goodbye, the person will keep bothering him.

The person was his teacher at the cram school. His name was Ninomiya Kazunari. He was an annoying person as he always tried to make Ohno talk. He was the most favorite teacher in the school. Ohno didn't share the same feeling because he didn't like the teacher. But, he had to admit that the teacher was the best teacher in his cram school.

Sometimes, Ohno felt lazy to go to his cram school. He didn't want to be bothered by the teacher. It was useless to hope that the teacher will be absent. He was always there, even when he was sick.

However, he was absent one day. Ohno couldn't help but feeling happy as he finally had a peaceful day.

And then he absent again on the next day.

And the next.

And the next.

Until Ohno finally realized that he won't see the teacher anymore. He cannot believe that he missed the teacher.

He cannot even believe that he will the teacher again 20 years later.

But... it seemed that Ninomiya sensei hadn't changed at all. He still looked the same as when Ohno met him 20 years before.

It's like... He didn't age at all.

I have this idea because I love to annoy one of the students in my previous workplace. He was too shy and it's hard to hear him speak. That's why I would make sure he at least said goodbye to me before he went home.

So, yes, these are the two ideas I have. I would appreciate if you would help me decide. I would be even more grateful if you could give me some ideas on the direction of the fic.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!


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