Let's Date

May 17, 2019 20:55

Pairing: OhMiya
Summary: Nino finally has the chance to be closed with his crush when he was selected as the secretary for student council.

Ninomiya Kazunari, or who was known better as Nino among his friends, stood nervously in front of the crowd. It was the beginning of the new semester. He was informed by his teacher at the end of last semester that he had been selected as the secretary for the student council. It was weird, he thought to himself when the teacher informed him. How could he become the secretary when he didn't even participate in the election?

"There is no election," the teacher informed him at the time. He was surprised. He thought that the student council was elected by the student. "The teachers selected the suitable student for the position,"

He glanced at the other members of the student council. To his right was Matsumoto Jun. He had been selected as the treasurer. Well, to be honest, Nino wanted the position for himself. After all, no one was better in managing money than him.

To his left was Aiba Masaki. He had been appointed as the vice president. There were two vice presidents. One of them would be responsible for sports activity for the students, which was Aiba's position. It definitely suited him because he was one of the most active students in the school. The other one would be responsible for academic. This position was filled by Sakurai Sho, who was the smartest student.

A loud applause brought Nino's attention back to the crowd. At first he wondered why the students were clapping. Then, he looked at the middle of the stage and noticed that the president of the student council were about to give a speech.

"Ohno Satoshi desu," the president introduced himself. Then he returned to his previous position, standing beside Sho. Usually, the president would give a long speech, telling the students how he would do his job properly. But, Ohno was known as being a quiet student. So, it was expected that he won't talk much. He was the most famous student in school, being talented in various things so of course no one would object having him as the president.

The teacher proceeded to introduce the other member of the council. Thankfully, Nino only had to nod his head as he was introduced. Then, they were asked to get back to their dorm.

"Nino chan!" He heard his name being called when he was about to climb the stairs of his dorm for the past two years. It was Aiba, waving excitedly at him before Jun smacked his head. They stood with Sho in front of a two storeys building. Nino knew the building had three large rooms in the first floor. As for the second floor, the administration office, a meeting room and a library were located there.

"Our room is on that building," he heard a soft voice behind him. Then, the person grabbed his hand and brought him to where Aiba, Sho and Jun stood. Though he has been brought to the correct building, the person still held his hand tightly.

"Ah," he found himself blushing when he looked at the person who was holding his hand. It was Ohno.

"Come, I will show you the room," Ohno said softly as he guided him to his room. There were two beds in the room and they had their own private bathroom. Nino was happy with that, knowing that he will not have to share bathroom with a lot of students like before. He wondered who's going to be his roommate. It couldn't be Ohno. As a president, he didn't have to share his room.

"Ohno kun, are you sure you want this room?" Asked Jun. He entered the room with Aiba and Sho when Nino was about to put his stuff on the bed closest to the door.

"Yes," answered Ohno sleepily. Nino was horrified to hear that. He didn't expect to be Ohno's roommate. Oh my, the information was too uncomfortable to hear.

"I'm glad that you took my advice," said Sho. "Sorry, Ninomiya kun. I've troubled you. It was difficult to wake our president from his sleep. If he's in the room all by himself, I think it will be harder to wake him up then,"

"Why don't you be his roommate, then?" He asked. He hoped his question wouldn't hurt Ohno's feeling. He didn't want Ohno to become his roommate for his own personal reason.

"I'm sorry," answered Sho. "I've been his roommate for the past two years. It's hard for me to do it. But, I heard from Aiba chan and Matsujun that you are a pro in waking up people,"

Nino cast a glance at Aiba and Jun. Jun was smirking while Aiba was grinning idiotically. He narrowed his eyes in annoyance, knowing fully well why they did this.

"Okay okay, enough talking," said Ohno, joining the conversation. "All three of you, please go out and unpack your stuff. Don't bother Little Kazunari,"

What he did next surprised Nino. He pushed the three of them out of the room and then locked the door. Nino only stared at him. Automatically, his mind replayed the moment he first met Ohno in the school. It was during assembly on their first day in the school. Ohno stood next to him at that time. He was sobbing non-stop and it made Nino annoyed to hear it. So, he asked the boy why he was crying.

"I don't want to go to this school. I want to live with Mama," that was how Ohno answered him. He rolled his eyes in disbelief. At that moment, he wanted to scold the boy for being a crybaby. But, when Ohno lifted his face, he fell in love at first sight with Ohno's eyes. The eyes are so beautiful and sincere. He didn't know why but he decided at the moment, he wouldn't let the eyes shed any tears anymore.

"But Mama wants you to stay here, right? Don't you want to make Mama happy?"

Ohno nodded his head before he continued.

"But, I cannot do anything without Mama. How could I live here? I don't know anything,"

He started to sob even louder than before.

"Ne, your Mama sends you here because she knows you can do it. It's okay if you cannot do anything at first. This is the place for you to learn. Then, you can help Mama with what you learn here,"

Slowly, the sobbing started to stop. Nino took a Doraemon keychain from his pocket. The keychain had been a charm for him but he decided to give it to Ohno.

"Here," Ohno was startled with his gift. "If you miss Mama, you can talk with this Doraemon. Maybe it will make you feel better,"

Ohno took his gift with a wide smile. Nino was even more amazed to see the smile. Before he could ask for the boy's name, a teacher was heading towards his direction. As he didn't want to be scolded by the teacher, he immediately gave his attention to the principal who was giving a speech.

Nino smiled thinking of how different Ohno was when he first met the boy and how awesome he was now. He quickly climbed the ladder of fame and Nino was one of the students who had a crush on him. But, he knew he didn't stand a chance and could only admire Ohno silently. He bet Ohno wouldn't even remember him.

"Ohno san, wake up,"

Nino lightly touched the boy's hand to wake him up. But, it doesn't work. Instead, he was hugging his pillow more tightly.

Nino glanced at the clock on the wall. It was still early for dinner but he wanted to wake Ohno early in case he wanted to take a bath first. Nino had spent the whole evening unpacking his stuff. Ohno did the same too but after an hour, he went to sleep, leaving most of his stuff scattered.

"Ohno san, wake up. It's time to eat," he said louder this time. He also shook the boy's body harder than before. This time, there was a reaction from Ohno as he opened his eyes before sitting on his bed.

"Food," he said loudly. Then, he looked at the clock before his excited expression changed to a disappointment. Before Nino could stop him, he went lying down again on his bed. This time, he pulled Nino to lie down next to him, much to Nino's surprise.

"It's still early, Little Kazunari," Ohno closed his eyes then hugged Nino. "Let's sleep first. It's too cold,"

"Do you want me to switch off the air conditioner?" He almost squeaked as he asked. Ohno was too close to him and he could feel his face turned red.

"No need. You are warm enough," said Ohno, hugging him even tighter. Nino tried to break free from the hug but Ohno was stronger. Or, maybe it's because he enjoyed being this close to Ohno so he didn't fight him as strong as he should.

At first, he simply watched the other boy sleep. It calmed him to see the way Ohno's chest rise and fall as he slept. Without thinking, he put his head on the chest, listening to Ohno's heartbeat as he fell asleep.

"Little Kazunari,"

Nino opened his eyes when he heard a soft voice. He blinked for a while thinking of where he was until he remembered what happened before he fell asleep. Almost immediately, he rose from the bed.

"Sorry," he apologized to Ohno. But, why should he apologize? Ohno was the one who pulled him to sleep next to him. He became annoyed when Ohno simply chuckled at him.

"I think it's your phone ringing," said Ohno. Nino blushed as he just realized the sound of his phone and immediately went to answer it.

"Finally! Took you forever to answer the call," he heard Jun's voice once the line was connected. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, I slept," answered Nino. He glanced at the clock and noticed it was almost the time for dinner. They had about 15 minutes to get ready.

"With him?" Said Jun, obviously teasing him. Both Jun and Aiba were aware of his feeling for Ohno even without him telling them. "Anyway, Sho kun asked you to make sure the sleepy president is awake and get ready to go for dinner in 5 minutes,"

"Okay," said Nino before ending the call. He wasn't close with neither Sho nor Ohno because they were not in the same class. But, Sho was friend with Aiba since they came from the same neighbourhood.

He turned his attention back to Ohno who was doodling in his book. He noticed the boy had changed his clothes and he wondered if he already took his bath.

"I took a bath while you were sleeping," said Ohno as if he could read his mind. "I guess the call is because Sho wants you to make sure I am ready,"

Nino nodded his head.

"Okay, let's go," said Ohno, putting his book on the bed. "Don't forget the key,"

Nino took the key of the room and put it in his pocket. He was surprised when he turned around and Ohno was very close to him. He blinked his eyes and though he knew he should distance themselves, he found it hard to move. He was even more shocked when Ohno leaned forward and put a kiss on his cheeks.

"Little Kazunari is so cute,"

Ohno pulled his hand and then they walked together to the door. It's more like he was being pulled by Ohno as he cannot think of anything at the moment. All he thought about was the feeling of having Ohno's lips on his cheeks.

"Little Kazunari,"

Nino continued to pack his stuff as he heard the soft voice calling him. He didn't need to see who it was. There's only one person who had been calling him that way. He was supposed to be annoyed with the nickname as the person who called him with the nickname wasn't really bigger than him to call him little. In fact, he was pretty sure that he was slightly taller than the boy. But, he found the nickname to be endearing so he let the boy kept calling him that.

"Let's eat. I'm starving," said Ohno when Nino finally finished with his packing.

All of the students in the classroom, except Jun and Aiba, looked at their direction. The one whom he knew had a crush on Ohno gave him a deadly glare, obviously jealous that Ohno gave his attention to him. Ever since the new semester started, Ohno had spent most of his time with Nino. Even though they were not in the same class, Ohno would send him to the class and wait for Nino when the class had finished. They would spend the break eating together. Not to forget, Ohno would also wait for him to finish his baseball practice if he wasn't busy with his own club. The students speculated that they were dating but Nino wasn't sure if that's what they are because neither of them had said anything about their relationship.

"You're always starving, Ohchan," Aiba interrupted them. "So, shall we eat together first before the meeting?"

They had arranged a meeting for the student council this afternoon after school. Nino was about to nod his head with Aiba's plan but Ohno shook his head.

"We will meet you after lunch. Let me keep Little Kazunari for myself for a while," Ohno objected the plan. Hearing that, Jun gave Ohno a sceptical look but he didn't say anything.

"You kept him all night everyday. Give us a chance to spend time with him too," said Sho as he walked into the classroom. He seemed to do it to tease Ohno.

"Not enough," Ohno mumbled with a pout. Nino smiled idiotically to hear that. Even though they spent all the time together, they don't really talk. They usually did their work in silent. They will only talk when Ohno asked for his help to do the homework, giving Nino a kiss on his cheeks as the payment. If they don't study, Nino will play his games while Ohno doodled in his drawing book.

"Come, let's eat lunch first. You're starving, right?" Said Nino, pulling Ohno to walk with him. The rest of his friends followed behind.

"Ne, did you see Ninomiya kun and Ohno kun yesterday?"

Nino was searching for a book in the library when he heard a group of female students talking about him. He knew he shouldn't listen to the conversation but he couldn't help but to feeling curious to know what they thought about him and Ohno. So, he stood there to listen.

"They're so cute together, ne?" Her friend responded. "I love seeing them. Ohno kun seems to like Ninomiya kun so much,"

Nino found himself smiling when he heard that. He was happy to hear that the students thought he was suitable for Ohno.

"Urghh, I hate seeing them," said another voice and automatically Nino's smile died when he heard that.

"I think Ohno kun is using Ninomiya to stop other students from flirting with him. There's no way Ohno kun will like someone as plain as Ninomiya,"

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, Ohno kun didn't seem to like the attention we give him. So, if he pretends to be gay, everyone will stop bothering him. I think he's using Ninomiya because he knows Ninomiya loves him,"

Nino pondered on what the girl said. What she said seem to be logical. Why would someone as amazing as Ohno fell in love with him? Just like the girl said, he was just a plain person. There's nothing outstanding about him. He was just a mediocre baseball player. He wasn't as smart as Sho. He wasn't as handsome as Jun and Aiba. So, why would Ohno love him? He cursed himself for wanting to cry over small things like this.

"There you are," his heart stopped when he heard the familiar soft voice. "I've been waiting for you for ages,"

Nino tried to ignore the boy in front of him. He felt stupid for not realizing Ohno's true intention for being close with him. His feeling clouded his judgement.

However, as he tried to walk past Ohno, the boy held his hand tightly before pulling him to the direction of the girls. The girls were surprised to see both of them but Ohno simply smiled softly at them.

"Hi," Ohno greeted the girls softly. "I just want to tell all of you that I'm in love with Ninomiya Kazunari and I'm not using him to stop all of you from flirting with me. The only thing that I used is my position as the president of the student council to get close with him. Now that you have this news, you can go and spread the gossip as you always do,"

Once again, he was pulled by Ohno to get away from the group. He didn't know where Ohno was going to take him but noticing from the path they taken, he guessed they're going to the roof. Nino simply followed him without objection.

"I think I will change your nickname to silly Kazunari from now on," said Ohno once they were alone. "How could you believe that I'm using you to stop their flirting?"

"I'm sorry," said Nino. He couldn't look at the boy properly, feeling shy with the confession he just heard. He was also embarrassed for not trusting Ohno.

Ohno lifted his face and looked at him with his usual sleepy smile. Then, he took out something from his pocket before putting the thing in Nino's hand. Nino looked at his hand and was surprised to see the Doraemon keychain that he gave Ohno before in his hand.

"You remember me?" He asked Ohno, not wanting to get his hope up. He didn't think Ohno looked at him properly on that day. He remembered Ohno being too absorbed with his sadness for being away from his mother.

"Of course I remember you. My sweet little saviour,"

"But you don't even look at me properly on that day," he mumbled.

"To be honest, that was the first lie I made in this school. I love your face from the first day. I pretend to cry so that you will look at me,"

Nino was dumbfounded to hear the explanation. It was a lie to get his attention? He found it hard to believe.

"I am too egoistic to confess to you. Instead of confessing to you, I want you to confess to me. The achievement I get for school is because I want your attention. A lot of students confess to me but you never come. I was really happy to hear you're going to be my secretary. It will help me being closer to you but I think I hurt you accidentally. I made people think I'm using you. I'm sorry,"

"I'm not your secretary. I am the secretary for the student council," said Nino. Actually, he was too embarrassed with everything that happened and he didn't know how to react. Ohno laughed at his reaction.

"I love you, my sweet little Kazunari,"

"Iloveyoutoo," Nino mumbled.

"Sorry, I cannot hear you properly. Can you say it again?" Said Ohno, obviously teasing him.

"I love you too," he said again, blushing.

"Little Kazunari is so cute when he is shy," said Ohno and then he leaned forward to kiss Nino on his lips.

"Let's date properly, okay," said Ohno. Nino nodded happily.

A/N: Today is 17th May. So, it will be one month before Nino's birthday. I will start his birthday celebration by posting this fic first. I have another ready to be posted on his birthday. Maybe I will post a new chapter for Magika this weekend, depending on my mood. I hope this is okay. Comments are very much appreciated <3

ohmiya, fanfic

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