You're Beautiful - Part 4

Feb 10, 2019 12:02

Nino waited anxiously on the bed. He sat thinking of what he should do. Get ready for the prince to come in? Sleep without waiting for his prince? Hmm, maybe he should change his outfit to a comfortable one. Urgh, he really didn't know what he should do.

He's also confused with the situation he was in right now. Should he be happy that he was now married to the guy he loves? But, it wasn't exactly the same person. Was he sad? Of course! He was still young. Yet, he was married and expected to stay at home, serving his husband. Urggghhhh, what he hated the most about going to this period was being changed to a woman. Maybe if he was still a guy, things would be slightly different. Except that he won't have the chance to married Ohno because gay wouldn't be accepted during this time. At least, in his own time, people started to be open about gay.

"Konbawa," a soft voice greeted him. He immediately turned to the door to see Ohno, equally awkward like him. This is new. His Ohno never looks like timid. He was always confident of himself.

Ohno started to walk towards him. But, he didn't sit on the bed. Instead, he took a chair nearby and sat in front of him.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. Nino looked at him confusedly. Why did he apologize?

"I'm sorry that my father pushed you to marry me. I never told him about my feeling. It was Sakurai. My father was looking for the candidates to be my wife and he suggested you, telling my father all about my feeling for you,"

Nino didn't say anything. He didn't know how to respond. He remembered seeing Sakurai Sho among the crowd during the wedding. Well, things never changed. This Sho was also close to Ohno. Should he be angry at Sho for making him Ohno's wife right now?

"But, I shouldn't blame Sho. Maybe I am happy to be married to you that I didn't object to my father. I bet you know about my feeling. I noticed you always watch me from the corner of my eyes whenever I was looking at you. I want to talk with you. But, I'm too shy,"

Oh god, this is the first time they met. How would Nino know that Ohno has been watching him all the time like a stalker? It must be the real Kazumi he was stalking actually!

Speaking of the real Kazumi, where was she right now? Could it be that she was actually dead during the fall? Was Nino's soul somehow attached to her body? But how come his soul travelled to this period? He didn't think this kind of things exists as he always makes fun of Aiba for believing in it. However, right now, if there's anything he wished to do, he really wanted Aiba to call John Constantine and get his soul back to his own body. He cannot stand living in this period without technology.

"When I saw you looked back at me with a smile, I thought maybe you like me too. But, maybe I was wrong. Right now, you look like you want to be anywhere but here. It's okay, I won't force you,"

Of course, Nino didn't want to be here. He didn't belong to this period. Nino wanted to go home. But, his thought was suddenly interrupted when he saw Ohno taking a pillow and then lying down on the floor.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I will sleep on the floor. You can sleep on the bed,"

Nino paused for a while. Should he let the prince sleep on the floor? He is a prince. If someone came to their room the next morning and saw Ohno slept on the floor, what would happen? No no. No matter how much he wanted to sleep on the bed, he cannot let Ohno slept on the floor.

"You're a prince. You cannot sleep on the floor,"

"I cannot let a lady sleep on the floor,"

"It's okay. I'm used to it," said Nino, remembering those days when he played games until early morning and too lazy to get to his bed. He ended up sleeping on the floor. Great! Now he missed his game!

"You used to it?"

"Nothing. Just sleep on the bed, okay?"

"Do you mean your father abuse you to sleep on the floor?"

Crap! Now, this guy assumed something else.

"Of course not. I just love sleeping on the floor. It's cool!"

"Cool? What does that word mean?"

Nino shook his head, thinking that maybe he had to watch what he said. Perhaps some words weren't even invented yet at this time.

"My prince, let's go to sleep. You sleep on the bed and..."

"I cannot let a lady sleep on the floor,"

"Okay, we both share the bed. Put a pillow in the middle so we won't get to the other side,"

"Are you okay with that?"

"Of course! I trust you won't do anything without my permission,"

The prince smiled bashfully at him. Nino ignored the smile. Well, he may not know this prince yet. However, Nino believed that this prince was a nice person, just like Ohno. Nino closed his eyes, hoping that when he woke up, he would finally return to where he belonged.

Ohno turned away from his food. It's weird. He always enjoyed eating. However, since meeting someone two weeks ago, he kept thinking of him. Not even food, his work or hobbies can distract him from remembering the face. A face that he hadn't looked at for years. Damn, it had been haunting him for two weeks. It wasn't really different than the one he remembered since the guy didn't seem to age. But, he looked matured in his own way.

He was actually surprised to see him here. But he didn't show his surprise because he is the master of poker face. He thought the other guy was still in Canada as he didn't return when the rest of his family came back 5 years ago. That's why he agreed to send the cake to the house, not expecting to see the other person there. Now that he thought about it, maybe his sister planned the meeting because of the way she smiled before he left.

He called the waiter, decided to pack the food for dinner. There were still plenty left. It will be a waste, then, to simply throw it away.

Right on time, he received a phone call from one of his clients as he waited for the waiter to bring him the bill. He received news that his client, Matsuoka, had a heart attack a few hours ago. When he regained his consciousness, he had asked his secretary to call Ohno. Ohno then immediately left for the hospital once he paid the bill.

Once again, Nino paced back and forth in his room, not knowing what to do. He woke up quite late and, now, the prince was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Nino immediately yelled to the other person to come in. It was Sho. Behind him, there were also Jun and Aiba. Nino was happy to see his two friends. Without thinking, he went to hug them but was stopped by Sho.

"You are a married person now. You cannot hug anyone you want," said Sho sternly.

Nino glared at him. Remembering what Ohno said yesterday about Sho made him stick his tongue out at him.

"What an immature lady. I don't understand why the prince is in love with you," As expected Sho was as uptight as Sho from his time.

"Bla Bla Bla... Sakurai san, if you are too serious, you will have a boring life,"

"I don't understand what you meant by boring," said Sho, still keeping his straight face. "The prince allowed you to go to the town today. These two will be your bodyguards. However, you still need to bring your servant girl as well,"

"I don't have a servant girl. And, I don't need a bodyguard to go to town,"

"You have to bring them. As for the other matter, I will assign a servant girl to go with you,"


"No objection! This is the prince's order,"

Nino pouted his lips. He didn't believe Sho. Ohno didn't seem like a person who would deny him his freedom. But, he didn't want to argue, afraid that Sho will not allow him to go to the town.

"Did you have fun in the town?" Asked Ohno later that night. Nino was combing his hair when the prince came in. Well, he was cursing as well, thinking of cutting his hair because it was troublesome to comb this long hair.

"I love your hair. It's so beautiful," Ohno came closer to him, taking the comb from his hand and did it on his behalf. He was doing it so delicately, unlike the way Nino was doing it before.

"Really? So you must be disappointed to know that I want to cut it short. It's too difficult to take care of this hair,"

Ohno chuckled to hear that. Nino gave him a smile, thinking of his other Ohno. Though they looked the same, they are quite different. This Ohno seemed to be more honest with his feeling. He knew the other Ohno likes him too. However, he was never straight forward, making Nino sometimes wondered if he wasn't serious with him. But, this Ohno, he seemed to be genuinely in love with him.

"Maybe you can get the servant girl to do for you,"

"It's my hair so I should do it myself," said Nino. Well, he wasn't the hardworking type and always had Aiba to do things for him. But, he wasn't that lazy to make people comb his hair.

He didn't expect his answer would make Ohno looked at him weirdly. He stared hard at Nino as if he was trying to figure out what was wrong with Nino.

"You are different," said Ohno.

Different? Nino thought of that. Of course, Nino was different. He wasn't from this time. Where he came from, things were done differently.

"So, how was your day?" Asked Nino, trying to change the subject. He was grateful when Ohno pretended to ignore what he was doing as he answered.

"Nothing much. Just go to the meeting and listened to what those ministers were saying,"

"Urgh... Boring. Maybe you can join me playing in the town tomorrow,"

There was a change in Ohno's expression. He looked sorry.

"I'm sorry. You cannot go to town tomorrow. You have to attend class,"


"Yes. The teacher is going to teach you ethics in the castle. Sho said that you may have to start from the basic since you are not..."

"Since I am not what?" Nino didn't mean to growl at his husband. But, he cannot help feeling angry because he knew what he was going to say.

"You are perfect, my dear. But Sho thinks that you are not behaving like an elegant lady. It will be a disgrace if you keep behaving this way,"

Nino glared at his husband. It wasn't Ohno's fault. However, Sho wasn't here to receive his scoldings for badmouthing him.

"Fine. I will go to class. How long is the class?"

"Depending on your behaviour,"

"So, if I do well, I can finish the class early?"


Nino sighed. He thought being a prince's wife meant that he can do whatever he wanted. Who knows that it would be this boring.

"Thank God, I have enough fun today,"

"Good for you. I'm happy that postponing the lesson today allows you to have fun,"


"You're supposed to start your class today. But, I pleaded that you start your class tomorrow since you just get married,"

"It was like today is my honeymoon. But, I spent it without my husband,"


Nino grimaced as he noticed how he had once again said the wrong word. But, thanks to his quick mind, he was able to think of a response.

"Maybe you're the one who should go to class because you don't know a lot of words. Yesterday, you didn't know cool. And, today, you didn't know honeymoon,"

Once again, Ohno smiled bashfully at him while scratching his head. He looked cute, Nino thought to himself. His Ohno would never allow him to make fun of him like this.

"I will ask Sho tomorrow," said Ohno and Nino smiled knowing that even Sho will not know the words. "We shall sleep. A long day is waiting for us tomorrow,"

Ohno wasn't far from the hospital and managed to get there in 20 minutes. Soon after he parked the car, he went to the lobby to ask for information regarding his client.

As he walked towards the room, he noticed a familiar figure walking towards the same direction he was heading. Thinking that he might have imagined the person, he dismissed the idea. Instead, he quickly walked towards his destination to check his client's condition.

"Ah, sensei, you finally here," Said Matsuoka when he saw him entered the room. "I need your help with my company.

"Matsuoka san, you're still unwell. You should not talk about work right now. You should rest," another voice interrupted them.

Ohno knew the voice too well. Hearing it made him feel afraid, thinking that maybe his imagination has been getting worse as he started to imagine seeing the guy everywhere.

However, that wasn't the case. As Ohno turned to look at the other person, he was equally surprised to see him. But, neither of them said anything and, he was thankful Matsuoka was there. His presence reminded him that he was here for work.

"I cannot rest. If I rest, what will happen to my company?"

"I'm pretty sure we can manage things, Matsuoka san," answered Ohno, trying to act cool. Only god knows how anxious he was to see Nino once again. Nino looked at him, giving him a smile before headed to Matsuoka to check his condition.

"Well, your vital is still weak so, I don't recommend you to stress yourself," said Nino after he finished his check-up. "You can talk business after you get enough rest,"

Nino left soon after. Ohno looked at his steps, wondering why fate made him meet the other guy again.


ohmiya, you're beautiful, fanfic

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